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  1. Nothing. Windows 10 cert didnt pass again.
  2. Is there any update on this? Should I expect the 13th to turn out to be a let down again or what?
  3. no one is surprised because no one has faith in this developers. Such a great concept but the people behind the wheel wouldnt know how to finish a product if it smacked them in the face. Literally, same bugs still exist since the beginning. A lot of terrible bugs that have never been fixed and are blatantly ignored. The great concept is the only thing keeping people. Otherwise this ship woulda sank long ago, like it probably deserves but they suck so much goddam money outta our pockets with more dlcs and addons without ever finished the first raptoring map.
  4. glad to see im not the only one disappointed. Why did they need a countdown for that? use that more wisely next time, ppl are gonna think its actually something big and cool
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