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Everything posted by Contingency

  1. By the sounds of it there are a lot of servers that have not been brought back up, your might be one of them? Also could have missed it on the list of servers to be removed? I didn't see one of my servers the first few times I looked at the list, it wasn't till a tribe mate pointed it out that I noticed it, it was out of order in the list.
  2. Maybe it wasn't very clear, here, let me clarify: Flaming is an adjective better suited to the few posts that left so far..... Many people understand what is going on, but few voice their opinion. Also, love how inaccurate and irrelevant your opinion is of me. Should you need further clarifications or need to get something off your chest about me, feel free to message me, since this thread is not about that.
  3. Take your Adderall, then read my comment again. Pause, let it sink it, like really sink in, let the words make sense to you before replying with such a useless and off the mark reply. Seriously..... The whole thing is about integrity. Do you often have trouble understanding what you read or is it just on forums where you are itching to put your two cents in? Don't worry though, you aren't the only one with vocal diarrhea that must rush to type something in response to negative comments.
  4. LOL, you can clearly read yet not comprihend. Speaking of defenitions you should look up integrity. Was it the part where you have not understood that anyone that is vocal on this site is a minority in ark player base no matter of stance? Or was it the fanboy/fanatic part that struck a cord? Either way, thanks for the laugh and honestly don't want to take up the space in this forum re explaining and educating you on what a fact is and what is fiction, and what I have reiterated post after post. But you may message me if you so wish to continue.
  5. Waaiittt, you mean everyone that is "complaining and moaning" cheated? Please tell me more...
  6. Awefully litigious replying to comments that were intended for WC.... Gotta commend your loyalty to WC, but fans that "accept and move on" are reffered to as fanatics.
  7. Re read what you quoted me on and try to figure out where that response of yours fits, not one thing I said has anything to do with what you said. Here is a spoiler thought, look for the word integrity and the whole comment might click for you. You are talking in circles friend and are just repearing facts that have 0 bearing on the comment. To address the whole vocal minority thing, hate to tell you, you are part of it. The minority of players are vocal for pro and con, but as it stands in these threads there have been far more cons than pros. Please write a relevant rebutle. Edit: Just to help you out to find this "agreement" that you speak of, look in this thread, you will see screenshots with time stamps that show exactly what was said when by the devs.
  8. They do to us, wish they did to the Devs Devs have made it clear they don't by and want them gone by no longer supporting them. It's just one of the beginning steps twoards phasing us out.
  9. You know how I know you didn't read previous comments? Because you wrote the ignorant statement above.
  10. Here is a reply from Jen to explain their rationale.... I understand wiping the slate clean of all existing tickets and people having to resubmit tickets as needed, WC STILL does not get how dishonest of a move to not accept future tickets is... that is the least they could do for legacy at this time after all the statements they have made in the past and the good will work they got from us in response. Any idea of how to get the message across? https://amp.reddit.com/r/playark/comments/6w6jsl/why_is_everyone_so_mad_that_wc_is_removing/
  11. Not gonna bother getting you a tissue to wipe up the brown substance from your nose, nor glasses to read what the main issue is all about, but I will help you by breaking it down for you in the simplest form possible.Bugs have always existed. A few months ago the "official" response was handed down by WC and many of its employees that nothing was going to change and that only a few servers were going to be repurposed, so please keep playing. Fast forward months later when players have held up their end of the bargain, WC backs out. Lack of integrity. Nothing more nothing less. They got the input they needed to make this game what it is today from the loyal players and they left us out to dry.
  12. Please read the previous posts as you have gallantly missed the point like so many others before you. The real issue is not the wipe, not the lack of service and not the cheating. It is WC conning everyone for the past few months into keep playing to test out the remainder of their game so they could make changes as needed in exchange for keeping current servers with content, support and trimming only 10% of the total based on active players. We did our part, when it came for them to do theirs they backed out at the very end. 0 integrity
  13. It was a combined effort. Devs created content, players gave feedback as to what was needed and where it needed to go. Without players Ark would have been the great game it has become, nor would have it garnished the attention it commands. Without the devs Ark would have not existed at all. The players that have funded and helped founding this game are betrayed by the devs actions that are now to transpire. Really low move.
  14. I respect what you are stating and the problem is not with what they stated they were going to do. It is with what they are going to end up doing once they got what they needed. It is dishonest and without integrity. Too many people supported them and played accordingly. You cannot make your make your investments into a product, be given partial of what you were promised and have it be an acceptably honest move. It just isn't. So its the disconnect of what was said they would do, the input they got from their audience, then pull the plug when the audience is about to get what they were promised. Support and running too many servers are 2 different things.
  15. Not condoning duping, that is not the problem here. WC changing stance and promises is. The 11th hour is not when you make changes like this where 1 party loses so much and the other gains. See my previous post on this page. Wish you good luck on the new servers.
  16. @ExcessEvil and any who support this decision. Sorry to say but there is no defending this change of plans at the last minute. Would you ever trade with someone that takes your trade and gives you something completely different than what you agreed upon? The biggest problem here is what everyone has been strung along with promises of preserving their time sunk into playing the game, and a few days before release it all changes. It seems like they said what they needed to keep enough people playing to try some things out then cut bait and switch. Their stance they took months ago on server wipes and restructuring is what kept people playing. Changing at the last minute is not about Early Access or not, it is about integrity. There is none here. This is exemplified further by the silence from the devs in this thread.
  17. Would much prefer having map wiped but be allowed to keep X amount of dinos rather than have no support at all on legacy. I would think that many/most of the duped items/creatures would then disappear? Granted some will still remain but with the new security measures being deployed at release, the same problems should not be incurred. Would just like a solution where dedicated players that have been here since the beginning and helped shape this game into a great seller that it is, be rewarded. There is no reward in getting to keep the stuff gathered over the years and receive 0 support for any issues, with the looming threat of getting wiped in the coming weeks regardless... Maybe get to keep what can fit into the ob for dinos? @Jen @Jat
  18. It would have been cool adding mating cycles for those that do not have them, but adding a touch of realism to the game is what helps sell the concept and allows players to connect better to it. You might be happy with a copy and paste mechanic as long as you can mate, but everyone might not be as you were eluding to with "We". I would be happy with either or, but definately can't speak for everyone that plays the game.
  19. I understand your point of view and yes that is the other side of the coin, the prettier side. But think about it, this is significantly different from increasing the level cap. With the level cap increase, taming a 120 before and after the update literally nothing changed. You could tame a 150 and still not end up with better stats than what you already have. With this update, literally any level equivalent tame to what you already have is going to have better stats guaranteed. Wyverns were a new introduction to the game after the level cap increase, which are not even remotely as easy to replace as creatures that can be tamed. I understand what you are saying that nothing really changed with the tames we already have. What changed is that our flyers are no where near comparable to what can be obtained with less effort as of this patch. Making the time sunk into hunting, taming, trading and raising worth far less than if the level cap were raised again. Obviously the only thing that we can do is tame more and move forward. If you like the change they made then I am happy for you. My opinion that seems to be shared by many others is stated above. By not speaking up about what you do not like "complaining" about the changes that were made then, it defeats the purpose of participating in the game development... I do not believe they thoroughly scoped all the impacts their changes would have on the existing players; just saying.
  20. Absolutely! Mine were hatching at 288 and took me that long too of taming and breeding to get that high.now I have 240-250's
  21. You do realise that this means any new max level tame is essentially going to be better than what you already have? By deleting instead of refunding the "wasted points" WC literally made it so any new wyvern egg that you hatch now is better than what you have now. 1 less attribute for the points to be allocated to randomly.
  22. So i thought that the points that went into speed were supposed to be refunded.... not the case. They were just deleted. Hope this is a bug, is that the case @Jat?
  23. ... In the background on the left side of the picture... sheep humping?
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