These TLC passes are looking gorgeous!! Are you implementing a fear mechanic with the Rex roar? Because that would be awesome!! Especially since it's the successor of the Yutyrannus. If I can make some suggestions. The Spino is definitely in need of love. It would satisfy the spino fan base all around if it could go back and forth between walking on two legs and four kinda like the way the Iguanadon does. If it walks on all four, it could be stronger and have harvest different meat like more fish meat from fish and more raw meat from land animals. If it were to walk on two, it could move faster, have a shorter turn radius and could harvest more hide from carcasses, It could also use a claw swipe attack as well while bipedal. A roar overhaul I think would also be benificial. The rex, yuty and giga both sound terrifying but the spino I feel has been left out. I would like to also suggest, at least all the carnivorous mounts (dinosaurs especially) should all be able to roar. The roars don't need a purpose, but it would be nice to show off those terrifying teeth and hear the voice of the thing that's about to kill ya, before it kills ya