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Everything posted by Lids

  1. Curious to see how everyone divides their stats up. Feel free to post your PvP builds as I’m a new player still and looking for any metas/tips from veterans. Currently I go 400 health 150 stam 400 weight 10 fortitude And pump the rest in melee
  2. Another reason I’ve always avoided scorched
  3. Sadly I don’t see the point of these forums because WC doesn’t even implement any of these suggestions
  4. Taming dinosaurs are supposed to be a chore imo
  5. Im not the first one to complain about this and I’m sure I won’t be the last so let’s talk about it. Ark has always not been just a “dino game” and has been heavily oriented around sci-fi elements. Letting players block the “tools” (aka artifacts, and obelisks) needed to progress to that sci-fi element not only handicaps the average player but also ruins the competitive aspect of online PVP multiplayer. Ive heard the argument “well it’s PVP, all is fair in war. You can just blow it up and soak turrets easily” but on small tribes for example these alpha tribes blocking the artifacts have alliances of 2-3, so not only am I at a disadvantage already without tek I’m also not just facing a max of 6 people im now facing 12-18. It’s like people are scared of actual competition so they keep the playing field at a huge disadvantage for everyone else. Let’s also talk about the fact that these people blocking the artifacts and or obelisks are also charging people real in life money or what they like to call “tax” in order to use said artifacts/obelisks, how is this not against EULA?? I understand ark is a sandbox game and sandbox is all about limitless creativity however, im a firm believer in there always needs to be a line that can’t be crossed. Remove the ability to build in caves and obelisks. WC I encourage you to poll your community and see how they feel about this, I think I’m with the majority on this opinion.
  6. Lids

    Need More Servers

    This is exactly why there should be a build area limit
  7. Ark pvp official is a prime example of what happens to a child when they grow up without a father in the household
  8. Lids

    Pillar Spam

    Yeah it’s honestly always been ridiculous
  9. Unofficial high rates is what you can do if you don’t like the speed you’re farming at. I love they removed all movement speed and hope they keep it like that
  10. Use console commands to help increase the performance
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