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Naked (1/5)



  1. posted in a server outage thread on the forums with an ETA.. threads already made just never updated.. 5-10 mins cool.. but when its longer than 30 mins just lie to us and give us a roundabout ETA on when it'll be back up....
  2. 22 NA PvP server, 16 NA PvE servers? thats all NA was allotted? feel like the demand was a bit higher.. anyone gonna acknowledge the servers that are down and post an ETA on when they'll be back up
  3. hopefully they can get a handle on standard play before worrying with crossplay... in a hurry to add more variables? 4 hours logged on the game already and 95% of that was refreshing server lists to see if the server i started on was back up
  4. have you attempted to play the game? I'm shocked they have any positive reviews...
  5. figure since server's can't maintain the traffic and keep going down maybe we could discuss better ways to soil one's self?
  6. <sarcasm> guys/gals, lets take it easy on them, its not like they've had to battle issues like this in the past, i mean if they've had 8+ years of dealing with the kind of traffic they have on release then i'd say berate them.. but its new ground for them...</sarcasm>
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