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About SasquatchJ07

  • Birthday September 26

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  1. So why is it that only the official servers get holiday events? That really messed up considering I've been with this game sense the beginning and it was great that first year when everyone got to participate in the events even the unofficial servers. It was great when my friends and I got to participate in hunting skeleton dinos and then chasing raptor claus, but i guess WC doesn't care about it's community anymore only about making money and expanding profits. Way to go WC, you officially sunk to every other game developers level, just when i thought you were different.
  2. You’d think after officially releasing the game they would actually try and meet their ETA, I have never had a problem like this with another game company after they officially released a game. Like fallout, when they said far harbor would be released in may, guess what it released in may. I’ve just never seen this with another company before,WC you need to get your act together quit extending yourself over dozens of projects and just focus on a few. I’m tired of seeing you guys say we are doing this and this and this. Focus on aberration and incorporating the mods you started sponsoring almost a year ago, is anything going to ever happen with those?
  3. So the console players that have been waiting for over a month for ragnarok because WC said they were singularly focusing on the release date were completely lied too because apparently you can't even release the game on the specified release date you told the world about at E3. So now two months later I will finally get ragnarok maybe but I'm not going to hold my breath and hopefully get that full release game I preordered. Also love how other things were pushed back but the stupid broken atv still made it through to the game. At this point I'll get to play the new battlefront before ark full releases or ragnarok comes to console.
  4. Amazing maps really hope they all make it into the game would love to play on all of them.
  5. has anyone who played the event yet know where you can find the mask like the clown and wolf also cant ever find the dodorex or wyvern it always says their summoned and then immediately despawn.
  6. figures also is anyone having problems where dodorex or wyvern spawn and then instantly is gone?
  7. i havent seen anywhere but did they get rid of taming the snakes too?
  8. so are the skelesaurs on the regular island and the center? obviously the wyvern and jerboa on scorched earth, but the others dont spawn there this trailer makes it very confusing. i'm taking it the skeleton costumes drop same as last year where you find them in wild and kill them. also with the dodrex return does this mean you can get that stupid achievement again?
  9. that is very true like the manta dossier not saying anything about how annoyingly aggressive it is when it says it is actually docile
  10. can anyone clear up when they say infinite generated maps does it mean like minecraft where it goes on forever or just where you can make thousands of maps?
  11. the dossier states this as well, if you couldn't I then wouldn't really see the point of this critter other than it's really cool.
  12. has anyone been able to find the Archaeopteryx, i wiped the dinosaurs off my server twice and have looked all over the island can't find them
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