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RaephClark last won the day on August 4 2024

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About RaephClark

  • Birthday 12/12/1995

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  1. For sure! I probably have a whole menagerie of creatures I could post if I was able to share them all haha. Some of which I'm planning on being modded, but you'll have to wait and see 😉
  2. Will we expect an announcement of when the Valguero votes will be by next week? I have a feeling they'll be in the first or second week of December.
  3. Also a fair point. But it's still a jumping spider nonetheless, just like Maevia. Why abandon an already popular submission creature and use 90% of its image for something else? Was WC not a fan of the name or vision everyone had for it? I wish they could at least give us a reason behind the decision...
  4. That is a fair point, but they at least used the official names that the creators used for their submissions. The spider on the other hand, they used a completely different species and gave it completely different abilities compared to what Maevia had. The accreditation is not necessarily towards the creators per se, its the creatures themselves. And to see the Maevia's popularity for a long time akin to the Carcharadontosaurus and not even use it's name but still its image is still a low blow. I probably can't recall all the specific abilities the submission creators gave all the other winning creatures, but I know for a fact the jumping spider WC made themselves does not honor Maevia at all.
  5. Yeah I’m torn between its abilities and the fact that it’s a Maevia rip-off 😩 like don’t get me wrong, they sound like fantastic abilities, but I’m still upset that they decided to “rebrand” the Jumper as their own.
  6. Though I initially thought “Cosmo” was amazingly cute, I realized that there was no recognition or accreditation whatsoever to the Maevia or its creator Sovira. The vision we all had for it has been diminished to nothing more than a shoulder pet, or worse a Chibi, hidden behind a paywall, that could have little to no use on Aberration or any of the other maps (that we know of). So far Cyrus’s Critter mod has fulfilled that vision more-so than what WC has shown. And what’s more appalling is that the design of Cosmo looks nearly identical to Sovira’s design for their Maevia. Without accreditation this is nothing short of plagiarism. No one should condone this, even if it seems harmless to use. I propose that WC send a public apology and show accreditation to all the artist and writers who submitted their creatures that made it into the game. My heart goes to Sovira and their Maevia. Stay safe out there Survivors.
  7. I actually have a better idea for you friend: what if we had THEMED votes? Like carnivore-only, herbivore-only, shoulder-pets-only, etc. Or Creepy Crawlies for Halloween to give snakes, spiders and others love! Thoughts?
  8. To be fair, Maevia did get to third once and second twice in these past votes, but your opinion is your own. Doesn't mean you should squander everyone else's hopes for it to be included. If you think Gorgonops should have been included instead, I would've been for that too. But everyone has their favorites, it's best to respect them.
  9. Absolutely! I think Maevia eureka deserves the Carchar treatment! We all love this jumping spider so much! ❤️
  10. We could talk about how the Extinction submissions are going? Not sure what else to talk about here ^_^'
  11. Congratulations to the Shastasaurus! Can't wait to see it come to life in ASA!
  12. You make a valid point haha. I guess you could equate it to looking through an art gallery at the Art Museum!
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