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RaephClark last won the day on September 23 2023

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About RaephClark

  • Birthday 12/12/1995

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  1. I actually have a better idea for you friend: what if we had THEMED votes? Like carnivore-only, herbivore-only, shoulder-pets-only, etc. Or Creepy Crawlies for Halloween to give snakes, spiders and others love! Thoughts?
  2. To be fair, Maevia did get to third once and second twice in these past votes, but your opinion is your own. Doesn't mean you should squander everyone else's hopes for it to be included. If you think Gorgonops should have been included instead, I would've been for that too. But everyone has their favorites, it's best to respect them.
  3. Absolutely! I think Maevia eureka deserves the Carchar treatment! We all love this jumping spider so much! ❤️
  4. I do like this system here. I think it gives the community hope for the creatures they came up with or voted for too. And even if it’s more work, more people would be inclined to buy the game if they see their favorite make it in!
  5. Creature niches and locations are good options to in terms of themed submissions, though I still believe creature groups as themes are still viable since it’ll still have a focus for everyone instead of everyone scrambling for a random creature. If we did an Invertebrate Theme for example, creatures like the Maevia, Yingi, Manipulator, the one roly-poly unicycle creature, and many more would have a better chance to shine and be recognized, and it could be for any of the maps really as the current submissions just focus on specific maps as a whole. Plus it could weed out the more toxic side of the community, or those who don’t really care or are afraid of certain invertebrates (I have nothing against those who have fears, just giving them a chance to not participate in something if they don’t want to). In terms of voting multiple times, I do agree that if the community likes it, then there should be no issue. On the other hand, it does put off another potential person from making it to the Top 10, especially if they worked hard on refining and making their submission as interesting as possible for the community. So in that case, it may make sense to allow the 11th place submitter to participate in the vote, as long as another person has actually submitted two or more creatures that have made it to the Top 10. To add to this, another thing that could be done if one submitter had two creatures make it to the Top 10 is that the two creatures could be placed as one candidate while allowing the 11th place submitter to participate as the 10th. And if the submitter with two creatures wins, another short vote should be held to decide which of the two should win. I don’t know how it fully works, but if a comment in a submission receives downvotes, does that affect the submission as a whole? Because part of the source of downvotes is the negative and sometimes even destructive comments towards a submission, to which supporters of the creature downvote those who make such comments on those submissions. It hurts to see others be massacred by comments such as these, and thus I think it needs to be addressed community-wide that destructive criticism and behavior is not okay. I know a few people who have tried to help defend the community from situations that either hurt submissions or throws off the balance of others. There were even cases where these people were wrongly punished by certain mods or whoever just because they stood up for something. A community is meant to build everyone up, not tear people down. I know everywhere on the internet is unfortunately that way, but everyone should be treated fairly, even those higher up in the pyramid. (Sorry I went rambling on about this topic, but I’m just saying how I feel). On a separate topic…I know for one particular vote, the Carcharodontosaurus was able to miraculously be added thanks to the community voting for it several times as it made it into the Top 10 (I think always in second?) I’ve seen numerous creatures make it to the Top 10 multiple times that people absolutely loved, especially the Maevia, Giagantophis, Acinonyx/Miracinonyx, Yingi, Gorgonops, Giant Bison, etc. I know it probably wouldn’t be possible to give every one of these creatures that same treatment as the Carchar, but could there be some sort of “Creature DLC” that could be added in the future to include these wonderful creatures? Heck it would be cool to even have Wildcard collaborate with the originators of these submissions so they can at least be rewarded somehow for their hard work making these creatures the best they could be! Wishful thinking I know, but with the Community Crunches not including much news except for the Creature Submissions, I think it’s worth trying at least once, right?
  6. This is definitely something we need. Visualization and information are key for submissions since not everyone knows what a Maevia or Gorgonops or the scientific name for a creature is. Unless people actually take the time to research what’s being voted on, voters will either just go with whoever asked them to vote and completely landslide the others, and/or voters will target specific creatures and put them at the bottom constantly, making it significantly harder for them to receive a higher vote. I wish there was a better system they could use, but ultimately I don’t know any other online voting systems that could be better.
  7. I think in terms of disadvantaged creatures, a possible solution could be to create Creature Submissions that focus on a certain group or theme. For example, a vote solely for invertebrates, or insects, or snakes, or in general creepy crawlies. Not only would it help these particular creatures shine, but also help reduce the number of submissions to feature the ones meant for that Creature Submission alone. Here are a few ideas I had in mind for themed submissions: -Invertebrates -Creepy Crawlies (Halloween themed!) -Flyers -Shoulder Pets -Aquatics -Fish -Birds -Mammals -Marsupials -Sauropods -Theropods -Raptors -Ceratopsians -Synapsids -Amphibians -Reptiles -Fantasy -Future Speculative Creatures The list could go on and on! What do you all think?
  8. I know we have a lot of wonderful creatures in ARK, but sometimes I feel like a lot of the smaller creatures get outshined by the much larger creatures from a population and usage standpoint. Plus there are considerably more medium and large-sized creatures than smaller shoulder pets. So I was thinking: what if we had “ambient” smaller creatures roaming around ARK that were in huge populations, but there are individuals that are still tamable. So imagine a flock of Dimorphodon flying through the swamps or Ichthyornis in the dozens invading the beaches, but out of the crowd only a few will be interactable and tamable (basically spawns will be the same, just a bunch of ambient wildlife would be added). I am curious about the ambient sounds around as well, such as the hooting owls and howling in the distance. Direwolves and other communicative creatures explain the howling, but I think including some sort of extinct owl species would be incredible to include as a shoulder pet (I know some have included Ornimegalonyx in the submissions, but still). As for additional small creatures, I’d love to include a plethora of them such as Leptictidium, Psittacosaurus, Tiktaalik, Rhamphorhynchus, etc (I’ve actually written up several dossiers for them already, as well as some of my friends!) And maybe to give the ambient creatures some “use”, they could be catchable with a net or something similar to how MHW does their ambient wildlife? And the could be placed in terrariums, aquariums or bird cages? What does everyone think? Should there be ambient wildlife throughout the entirety of ARK?
  9. We could talk about how the Extinction submissions are going? Not sure what else to talk about here ^_^'
  10. The tornado spin is a fun idea haha! I know with the Tether we thought of having that as the means to immobilize enemies or wild creatures like the Snowspeeders did to the AT-ATs in Star Wars! And the vision thing might be an interesting idea...I may look into it! Thanks for the feedback friend!
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