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  1. Then why did they do "The Great Migration"? Last year. I knew there was no support, but didn't think they'd wipe all of it. I've started from scratch EVERYTIME. Point is WC claims to give a poop about the player community that's made them rich, but in reality they're a one star gas station sushi shack. They don't care about their quality of service, only that they got your money.
  2. WC knows how important events like Winter Wonderland are to the player community. Three weeks of boosted rates and good times...thrown in the trash because these asshats couldn't give Legacy players ( must be a separate Ark community) a heads up. I would have restarted...AGAIN, on another server with boosted rates. "We understand you've invested A LOT of time" so we'll make the save files available for you immediately when those servers are shut down. The only thing WC understands is how to effectively and proficiently bend players of this community over the barrel. No grease...not even a kiss. Thanks WC... Happy 2020 to you all!
  3. @Cedric, got excited when I read this. I've been playing Ark since it was in Beta and have seen a lot. I feel the enforcement initiative should be applied to all servers. Why are Legacy servers excluded?
  4. @Jen, I saw the raptor hordes on Valguero last night and understand that the Dev team is trying to fix the problem. Legacy CrossArk4 is up but Valguero is still down. Would love to get back in to get my character off of Valguero, so I can enjoy Fear Evolved. At your mercy now.
  5. Hey Jat, anytime I access a beacon or obelisk on PC my ARK freezes on a 'Refreshing ARK Inventory' screen. Waiting it out the game crashes but there's no crash report. I've uninstalled and reinstalled both Steam and ARK and still getting the same thing. Impossible to play in a cluster; I host thru a service. Any help would be appreciated.

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