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Everything posted by CosmicSkeleton

  1. Accidentally killed my prized shadowmane with my god mode gun while clearing abandoned and/or rule breaking bases from my server, got salty, contemplated shooting the offending players highest level giga, began a new breeding project with the shadowmane's sire and primary mate instead because a destroyed base is already a massive set back and punishment, redid my servers welcome message to tell people that pillar/foundation spam will result in a flat out ban because its already against my rules, clearing foundations is what led to the mess, and I was still very, very salty.
  2. I'd actually like to see them as well as other boss chibis, or at the very least the remaining two of the original three. We have the broodmother, now it's just a matter of the megapithecus and dragon
  3. Having just shy of two years in game to make some attempt at appeal to authority doesn't make you the foremost expert on in game analytics. Mentioning something that silly in a forum where there are likely people that have been playing since day 1 does nothing. Furthermore you assume that because you see a trend one way it must be universal. You fail to factor in different platforms, unofficial vs official, PvE vs pvp, and the varying times in which people may get on in your assessment.
  4. The issue with that is that so many of those creatures have overlapping niches that you'd only really be taming them for a palette swap unless wildcard were willing to go whole hog with giving each one a unique ability. Sure there are cases where they make creatures of the same group unique (deinonychus v raptor, trike v pachyrhino, calico v megatherium) but overall they'd just be hitting the same notes after a point.
  5. You know going from the picture presented with the fjordhawk nest I'm kind of hoping that wildcard will take some inspiration from falconry in how they're acquired. In America at least only passage birds (I.e. Left the nest but still under a year old) are allowed to be trapped for use in falconry. Perhaps if they do a similar mechanic to dinopithecus by making them spawn in a variety of ages they could impliment a taming mechanic for all but the adults- egg/baby/juvenile theft to adolescent taming. Would help players get a leg up that way were imprinting allowed in that regard.
  6. Mod wise I believe their ice coat ability is supposed to work like a natural armor with a bit of a damage boost at the cost of speed. Whether or not that will make it to official remains to be seen, however it would be a nice way to further add to the thematicism. You've got the shadowmane: The venomously barbed lion that can close the gap between itself and its target in a blink or creep up on them without being spotted before it's too late, all the while being harder to pin down than a greased pig in an oil spill. Quick, silent, lethally elusive. Then there would be the fenrir: The ice wolf that stoickly bears down on the enemy like a collapsing glacier as it slowly trudges forward, weathering the hail of munitions until its enemies are close enough for it to get its jaws around them. Stalwart and unsubtle in its power, and near inevitable in its conclusion.
  7. Personally I'd prefer they didn't give the fenrir a saddle. Assuming they keep the abilities initially introduced in the mod creature the thig bit get a bit too tanky. By nice to see if they tweaked it a bit to act as a counter to the shadowmane. Would be pleasantly thematic; big tanky canine vs big tanky feline.
  8. Not entirely certain about how I feel about the desmodus having a full on cloak ability and how it'll effect the pvp meta but overall I'm fairly pleased by how the creature came out. Keeping the roosting is a nice touch, it'd have been a shame to have another bat that doesn't even hang in a rest state. To that end I honestly think more creatures could do with a sleep animation. It'd probably be a tall order to request that devs go through ALL of the creatures in the game and rig their models to sleep, but at the very least those with unique tranquilized animations (thylas, deinonychus) could use a sleep function akin to shadowmanes.
  9. I'd be genuinely surprised to find out that you can eat soup without floaties on if you actually believe that a niche forum or social media outlet is an indicator of player count.
  10. Unless you have the analytics of ark for steam, Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, and epic games that statement has absolutely nothing backing it to make it factual.
  11. Eh, my memory ain't the best so unless I'm actively going back to reread the ccs many of the details in them are pretty much forgotten within a day or two unless I receive notifications. Years of rum binges have really done a number on the gray matter. The only reason things like desmodus managed to remain in my mind is because I was an active participant in the vote. I just feel like these sorts of things could be done better. Rather than retread old ground in some attempt to dredge up hype better to just say "Hey, here's new art, here's a link to a previous thread detailing what the thing is". Elsewise it just feels like fluff. Then again maybe I'm just a touch biased in this instance since I believe the creature that players had an active stake in getting into the game should be prioritized in the having its in game model revealed department.
  12. Right, I've been pretty light handed in regards to how I approach the CCs but I kind of have to question the point of rehashing what was already said of desmodus rather than giving new information. The artwork is nice and gives us a decent idea of their scale but we've more or less been given nothing new in regards to actual information. Rather than fluff the post with preestablished information it would've been better to simply leave it at "hey, here's some new art of the fan voted creature". Call me paranoid but it just feels like something was thrown out to prevent people from wondering why it was kind of left to dry till the map reveal while andrewsarchus received a spotlight despite being less hyped. Beyond that kudos for moving the wiki from fandom. I always abhorred the layout that fandom rolled out after switching brands from wikia. Provided that players can still provide some input rather than leaving it a closed system that only the team put together can have a say in the act of making things a bit more "in house" might help the community feel a bit less insulated from the devs. If that won't be the case then there's a very good chance that players will still just defer to fandom, unofficial or not.
  13. The beautiful hilarity of the entire situation is that you don't need to be particularly intelligent to see that this is a bad idea from a buisiness standpoint. If mishandled, ark 2 could well end up being another atlas, only this time wildcard may not have the same goodwill built up to fall back on.
  14. Well that's unfortunate. I guess the breeders that tamed event colors ahead of time'll be excited to have more trade prospects, however I really feel the need to reiterate that I don't think they should be jumping the gun THIS hard unless they know with near absolute certainty that ark 2 will drop when they say it will. Can't run a hype train when the customer's interest is naught but coal dust.
  15. I'm inclined to agree that they're jumping the gun on that. Wildcard is infamous for postponing their projects for months at a time, best to leave events as is until they're dead certain that they're releasing ark 2 this year. As in, "we have this thing ready to pop and just need the go ahead from Sony, Microsoft, and steam to ship it" levels of certain. That said I more or less have no horse in the race where events on official is concerned. Chances are that unless they pull the codes for events altogether as long as nitrado and other server providers continue letting the unofficials stay up there will always be events there, even if they don't add new content. All it requires is that the server owners manually activate the events.
  16. Presumably if you're using a creature with ranged capability you're gonna be sensible and keep it well out of biting range of most things. Defeats the purpose of a gun mounted creature otherwise. That aside if you want realistic then the second that giga went out someone would whip out a shadowmane or mana in response to stunlock it into oblivion. As for the ark2 radio silence I'd actually prefer they keep their traps shut on it during development. Perhaps announce if they intend to delay it but otherwise stay quiet so as to avoid building expectations too high. I agree with you on the fact that it's release needs to be pushed back though; console availability is just too limited on 2/3rds of the player base and I doubt the pc would keep wildcard afloat seeing as they've got mod maps for days to explore long before they look at ark 2. They should use that time to further optimize their sequel.
  17. A bit odd in my opinion that we get a creature spotlight video of the andrewsarchus before desmodus considering the latter would theoretically dredge up more hype as a contest winning creature. I'm guessing they're just saving it's in game model reveal for the fjordur trailer along with the fenrir and fjordhawk.
  18. They still spawn beach side as well, albeit a bit closer to the jungles. Got dunked on by what I wanna say was a level 120-ish one when I first started trying to do things on island official. Kinda left a lasting impression seeing as it murdered my raptor pack and I in rapid succession.
  19. They do but require activation. You can activate the event via nitrado. Go there, click on "my services", click the little gears icon, that'll take you to the web interface. After that scroll to the event you wanna activate, select it, save changes, and restart the server.
  20. Monster hunter is a franchise owned by a significantly bigger and more successful company.
  21. Why a guinea pig or other cavimorph specifically? I'd argue something more aquatically inclined would be more viable than a guinea pig given its a heavily water themed map. Perhaps stupendemys or koolasuchus. Also a bit unfair of you to suggest another vote but still specifically add in the creature you want as the freebie ain't it? Better to give all creature an even chance flat out.
  22. I don't they'll they'll roll back an entire server for one person, sorry chief.
  23. I'm inclined to agree with the actual issues they display being a poison to the game, however I still can't quite call it toxic as much as I can call it them being generally incompetent. Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity and all that. The decision they've made to focus on dredging up hype via twitter and all that while not actually fixing problems however is pretty inexcusable. I'm still of the opinion that WC should back up and shut off the servers for a few days or weeks and just buckle down on fixing code. No twitter or StA interaction beyond a few updates on progress or whether or not they hit a snag that will delay the work. As angry as people would get it's the best option to extend the game's longevity long enough to ensure they at least consider buying ark2. Imagine thinking anyone that doesn't share your opinion is inherently a shill working for a group you're against. I believe the term the kids use today is "go touch grass"
  24. Because people have a deep seeded need to complain about things even when the things they complain about are pale shadows of the true problems inherent to an issue. It's like watching people get angry that the cut of steak they got isn't a porterhouse when the real issue is that the cow it came from had prion disease.
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