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  1. How Should Future Creature Votes Be Managed? Creature votes, a unique way of not just introducing more creatures into Ark Survival Evolved, but also promoting the community's ideas and suggestions. With Extinction's vote now over, will there be future creature votes for ASA in the meantime for Ark 2? If so, there are some benefits and negativities from each creature vote that should be noted for alterations or acknowledgment. Whether it be dealing with or finding a compromise to: the repeatability of certain creatures across multiple voting systems that impacts variability or block new entries, the discussion of certain abilities, influencer influence, blind posting, Apex and therapod stereotypes, PVE and PVP conflicting viewpoints, early votes receiving more attention, and the voting system being based on upvotes or bandwagons, rather than ideas, with some players suggesting that the voting counter should be hidden and the entire focus should be on the creature itself; rather than the votes. These are the main problems associated with the Ark creature votes that have impacted not just the community's views of the overall system, but also how people participate in them. Some players want fantasy creatures being added, which should these be part of their own submission system when compared to prehistoric animals, rather than being blocked? What about clone creatures, or multiple alternating renditions of the same species of animal? While there are rules currently in place for the Ark creature voting system, how should they be dealt with? Should future voting systems focus on not just one spotlight creature, how about the top three, kind of like with Lost Island back in 2021 (the Carcharodontosaurus, Dinopithecus and Sinomacrops were all added). Another detail would be influencers. Influencers have had their impacts on the creature submission system as well, impacting voting rates by some rigging votes with their "influence", this can be seen during the first creature vote with both Dinopithecus and Sinomacrops, causing lots of controversy in the process. Others on platforms like Youtube try to bribe or instigate viewers to vote for specific creatures, and downvote others. This happened with the Tanystropheus, Dire Otter, Sivatherium, Armadillosuchus, the Razanandrongobe, the Myotragus, Giant Bison, the Bastion Beetle and Gorgonopsis with upvotes and demands for inclusion, and others downvoting the Maevia Jumping Spider, Shastasaurus, Dinopithecus, Yi Qi and Rhyniognatha. Most of this comes down to the details mentioned above, with some influencers also go out of there way to vote for animals that might be considered the "worst" of the bunch. In my opinion, influencers should be allowed to participate, but with the voting counter taken into consideration, influencers should not be able to rig creature votes with their "influence", preventing not just the community from having a say in inclusion of creatures, but also creating more problems, criticism and hate within Ark's community. There are countless other topics to mention and describe, including the fantasy animals like golems, dragons, hydras, hippocampus, titans and elementals that could be added to Ark, or the stereotypes and the viewpoint of people upvoting for "Alpha" or food-chain dominate creatures. I personally have no say on the matter, rather if fantasy creatures could be added, how should these creatures be considered? In conclusion, this is from both my own experience observing and participating with the creature voting systems and my team's ideas on how this system should be considered for the future. I would like to hear your comments, suggestions and opinions on this topic. Thanks, MonstersHunters
  2. Originally planned for addition for the Center’s unique geography yet limited amount of diverse or unique fauna as of current. My team and I originally were going to select the Late Cretaceous fish Paravinciguerria, though with limited information. We instead selected another bizarre form of Stomiiformes fish that could experience deep-sea or abyssal gigantism, based on the Viperfish. Now while the Viperfish is a genus of deep-sea fish that exist today in the Holocene, they trace their evolution back to the Late Miocene of around 11 million years ago with extinct species. Common Name: Viperfish Species: Chauliodus stompagida Time: Late Miocene to Holocene Diet: Carnivore Temperament: Patient Tameable: Yes Rideable: Yes Breedable: Yes Torpidity Immune: No^2 2 = Only during the passive taming process can a viperfish be knocked out with narcotics (by hand in passive taming or with a projectile) Taming Method: Passive Preferred Kibble: Superior Preferred Food: Angler Egg Equipment: “Viperfish Saddle” (Level 60- Crafted at either a Smithy or on an Argentavis saddle) Rider Weaponry: Yes Humans Can Carry: No https://www.mbari.org/animal/pacific-viperfish/ Wild “With abyssal gigantism and experiencing mass niche dominance in the undersea depths, the Viperfish, Chauliodus stompagida feeds on small fish, arthropods and mollusks within the dark benthic zones of the ocean. Their bioluminescence is more elaborate than that of the Anglerfish Melanocetus angerlpescum, having a special spine on the frontal dorsal fin that acts as a lure, and multiple photophore organs on its sides. Counter-illuminating with surrounding light levels and the continuous dark environment, Chauliodus unhinge their jaws and sit in wait, watching with their large eyes as a small prey source is attracted to the motion of a small light. With shock absorbing vertebrae, the viperfish lunges forward in an instant, consuming the prey whole”. Domesticated “Being more than 12 times larger than their present day counterparts, C. stompagida is usually used by survivors towards traversing the depths without notice by larger predators, using camouflage and large eyes specialised for low light environments. The viperfish is also used for hunting, with large teeth that prevent the fish from closing its mouth completely, being able to swallow prey up to two thirds its own size and with its hypnotic lure. The viperfish is a perfect example of a deep-sea predator”. - Helena Walker Anatomy While the genus Chauliodus is present today, species such as Chauliodus eximus and Chauliodus testa have been uncovered from digsites, presenting that this genus originates with a presence in the fossil record from the Late Miocene. The first species, Chauliodus eximus was originally described in 1925 by American Ichthyologist David Starr Jordan from stratified material in Southern California, United States. The second species, Chauliodus testa was discovered and described in 2014 by Russian Ichthyologist Mikhail V. Nazarkin from the Kurasi Formation of western Sakhalin Island belonging to Russia. https://pterosaurheresies.wordpress.com/2019/10/17/chauliodus-the-viperfish-enters-the-lrt/ When describing the anatomy of these fish, the genus Chauliodus are bizarre in nature and appearance. Most viperfish feed primarily on lanternfish (myctophids), bristlemouths, krill and deep-sea copepods, but are also known to search surface waters for food during pelagic migrations. These migrations are influenced by temperature, with observations describing that the upper limit of distribution is restricted by temperatures around 12 to 15°C, this affecting vertical habitat and trophodynamics. In warmer or tropical climates, viperfish can exist full time in waters below 400 metres. This form of migratory behaviours is known as diel vertical migration. Viperfish are known to migrate to depths of 400 metres at night, these fish are able to withstand daily temperature changes of up to 7°C, even being able to withstand ranges of 4 to 14.5°C. These forms of migrations have been observed in the western Mediterranean Basin, the Adriatic Sea, the Aegean Sea, the Levant Sea and North African waters. The eyes of Chauliodus viperfish maintain a constant size and proportion throughout the fish’s lifespan, but inside of the eye. Seven specialised rod cells continue to grow and overlap upon one another in the retina, increasing in number with the size of the fish. Rod cells are the photoreceptor cells within the eye that are hypersensitive to light levels, allowing these fish to see more accurately in low light frequencies within the mesopelagic (where only 1% of the sun’s original light reaches below 200 metres) and bathypelagic zones. https://www.deepseawaters.com/sloanes-viperfish.html Unlike other fish, viperfish are not covered in scales, they are instead covered in a thick, slimy, transparent coating of an unknown substance that is layered upon hexagonal pigment patterns. This material on their skin most likely helps with their bioluminescence. Viperfish have photophore organs on their ventral, lateral and ventrolateral sides, designed to both emit light as a form of communication, towards luring prey and even as a form of camouflage in the surrounding depths in order to avoid predators. These bioluminescent organs emit light through adrenergic nervous control with synaptic transmission between the nervous system, but also connect to the fish’s endocrine system. Studies have found that the release of adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) trigger bioluminescence in Sloane’s viperfish. These fish have even evolved these bioluminescent organs to match the surrounding depths and distributions of light, in a form of camouflage known as counter-illumination. When describing breeding and reproduction, viperfish are gonochoristic (have separate male and female individuals in each species of this genus, when compared to other fish that are hermaphrodites) and breed through batch spawning and asynchronous oocyte development in females. Pacific viperfish (Chauliodus macouni) lack swim bladders and instead rely on the use of acidic glycosaminoglycans in their gelatinous tissue which is used as a form of buoyancy. Viperfish are prey to certain species of deep-sea organisms, primarily certain genera of dolphins and sharks. The paleoenvironment of the Middle to Upper Miocene Kurasi Formation that included Chauliodus testa contained a multitude of different fish species, including prehistoric Cetorhinidae basking sharks, Alepisauridae Lancetfish, Oneirodes Dreamer anglerfish, bristlemouths including Cyclothone mukhachevae from surrounding formations alongside Scomber Mackerel fish, Bathylagidae, Microstomatidae and Leuroglossus or Deep-sea smelts, Argentiniformes, ridgeheads such as Scopelogadus and Caridean shrimp. Design, Behaviour and AI https://sfbaymsi.tumblr.com/post/96105059407/the-viperfish-chauliodus-sloani-viperfish-can Chauliodus stompagida would be a species designed for a more opportunistic hunting method. Through the use of a bioluminescent lure at the tip of a spine on the first dorsal fin, the muscles in the spine swing the lure from side to side, simulating a moving prey item from the interpretation/perspectives of marine invertebrates and other deep-sea vertebrates. Dangling this lure usually in front of the fish’s mouth. Using their long, elongated sharp fangs (they are so long that the fish could puncture its own brain with misalignment) coupled with a protruding hinged lower jaw and skull adapted to a wide opening in the mouth, these fish grab and swallow their prey whole, snapping at quick instances that prevent prey from escaping. Their jaws are able to be unhinged and can open their mouths up to 90° and can catch prey that are up to 63% of their own body size. The stomachs of these fish are quite elastic and are designed to contain and digest prey that have been swallowed whole. These details will apply to the fictional species in Ark and its behavioural instincts towards hunting. Chauliodus similar to other deep-sea fish can experience deep-sea gigantism, which can alter their overall size or mass in certain depths in the ocean. In shallow environments, present day viperfish individuals are found to have lesser or smaller masses than those at depths of over 500 metres. This can play into gameplay with smaller individuals being found around the water’s surface, gradually getting larger the deeper the water progresses. With deep-sea specialisation and the principles of deep-sea gigantism, Chauliodus stompagida will be much larger than its present day counterparts, being over 6 feet in length. Their body plan and shape should resemble the below image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sloane%27s_viperfish#/media/File:Chauliodus_sloani_Gervais.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities and Advantages - With their unique jaws, viperfish can unhinge their jaws from alignment (with their teeth remaining in place) and can either swallow prey that are around 63% of the fish’s original size, or can use their long canine-like teeth to gouge and pierce the flesh of enemies or predators. This ability which can be activated on its behavioural menu or on command via riding, is known as “Unhinged”. The viperfish can not close its mouth, otherwise it could impale its own eyes or its brain due to the size and length of its teeth. - Viperfish such as Chauliodus macouni or the Pacific Viperfish have evolved specialised vertebrae located at the back of their heads, designed to act as shock absorbers (similar to air bags). This is due to high speed collisions and force in bites with prey items that have resulted in the viperfish adapting to high impacts. - The Chauliodus grants better nocturnal vision to riders and survivors within 3 metres of the fish, due to its rod cell adaptability and specialisation in deep sea habitats. - Animals that are too large to be swallowed whole and are just over the 63% body ratio can gain a debuff known as “Swallowed”. This can trap certain creatures and can cause both damage to the viperfish and the prey organism, until the viperfish lets go of the prey item. - The lure on the top of the Chauliodus can hypnotise aquatic animals as large as a kaprosuchus (includes cnidaria, electrophorus, coelacanths, parakeet fish swarms, anglerfish, sabertooth salmon, megapiranhas, eurypterids, humans and trilobites) but can stun animals such as mantas, ichthyosaurus, carbonemys and sarcosuchus for a limited amount of time (depends on the creature). The hypnosis ability lasts for 30 seconds to a minute depending on the size of the viperfish. - The most important detail and characteristic of the Chauliodus is its size. The deeper the ocean, the larger the viperfish. This means that larger viperfish have stronger bites, sizes, and can swallow large prey, when compared to smaller shallower viperfish that might instead be faster in manoeuvrability rather than in defence, size, health and melee damage. Weaknesses - Viperfish are gill-breathing fish and can not breathe on land as they lack lungs. - Chauliodus stompagida are obligated towards deeper deaths and can experience pressure and temperature problems if they swim past a limit of 250 metres, with larger individuals being limited to around 300 to 350 metres . - Chauliodus are weak against megalodons and basilosaurus. Taming Method: In order to tame a viperfish, a player needs to be hypnotised under its lure and similar to a bloodstalker. The player will be grabbed and held in its jaws, taking small amounts of damage in the process, but being able to consume food items, medical brews and Sanguine Elixir which boosts both taming efficiency and taming progression by 5 to 10%. During this time, the player will give the viperfish either Superior Kibble or Anglerfish Eggs, however. Unlike other passive tames, the Viperfish will hold onto the player as it swims through the water, having to be fed every 2 to 3 minutes depending on its level. During this taming process, the viperfish is no longer torpid immune and can be tranquilised if necessary. Spawning Location: Chauliodus stompagida are primarily found in deep depths of around 300 to 1000 metres below the surface and will hide in darker environments, using their camouflage and bioluminescence to aid in counter-illumination. To give perspective, this would include the Deep Ocean and Oceanic Cliffs on the Island, the Eastern Trench on the Center, the Dark Depths of Genesis Part 1’s Ocean Biome and the Midgard Fjordur oceans. Warmer climates would see Chauliodus spawn closer around 300 to 400 metres when compared to temperate and colder biomes, which would see the opposite effect. Any suggestions and comments please reply below. These are my team's suggestions, so all credit and reference goes to them for the idea (s). Thanks. - MonstersHunters References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chauliodus_eximus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_cell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viperfish https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_viperfish https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sloane%27s_viperfish https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lancetfish https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulbous_dreamer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microstomatidae https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep-sea_smelt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photophore https://www.mindat.org/taxon-P352793.html https://www.mindat.org/taxon-9528636.html https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0031030120020112 https://www.schweizerbart.de/papers/njgpa/detail/303/100854/A_new_caridean_shrimp_Crustacea_Decapoda_from_the_middle_late_Miocene_of_Sakhalin_Island_Russia https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Gill-rakers-of-basking-sharks-from-Sakhalin-Tertiary-Specimens-ZIN-306p-1-a-and-ZIN_fig1_273777115 https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Miocene-deep-sea-smelts-from-Far-East-Russia-unidentifiable-to-genus-a-Bathylagini_fig3_325533833 https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/adrenergic-system https://www.eopugetsound.org/content/pacific-viperfish
  3. Hello TheEnderBuilder445, Thanks for reading my suggestion and outlining my criticisms. I completely agree with each point you described, especially the shell's mass and weight, happy to read that you already have a balance system in consideration for this creature, which in my opinion is critical since a majority of suggestions for ASA are currently quite unbalanced. One last question I have would be, which exact or estimated locations on the Center map would the crab be considered to spawn at? I would probably consider this in my top three suggestions, hope Wildcard adds the three highest votes to the Center for some variety. Thanks, MonstersHunters
  4. Hello TheEnderBuilder445 I think the inclusion of a new crustacean species to Ark Survival Evolved is a great idea, especially a Hermit crab when compared to the Karkinos. While I have heard throughout the community with claims such as it being too powerful or that the crab could become an aquatic apex predator, I personally think that this crab should have some small yet significant weaknesses to balance out its abilities. This is a critical detail that a large majority of players overlook in creature submissions and towards game balancing. First off with some light suggestive criticism, I think that the crab should have a ecological weak to blunt bite forces, primarily that of Dunkleosteus. The large placoderm with an incredible bite force could work as a species based counter to the crab on both PVP and PVE servers. Able to curb or stop certain abilities such as the rolling ability when tamed. If the crab has immunity to the baryonyx tail swing, it can easily become a counter to the bary, however it should be weak to either the dunkleosteus which is quite underrated and possibly the basilosaurus, expanding its immunity capabilities. My last suggestion is towards it'd terrestrial background. In both the wild and in pet species, modern day marine Hermit crabs can survive on land for only a few minutes as they bare gills that depend on the movement of saltwater, including the classification Mesoparapylocheles. Though to adapt to changing climates and oceanic currents, aquatic Hermit crabs can survive for around two weeks out of water, primarily through storing water in their shells. This ecological principle could be implemented into this Giant Hermit Crab with the shell explosion ability. Inside its shell, the gills of the Hermit crab are damp and are able to collect and store water in order to breathe and avoid suffocation outside of the water. Once the shell is either broken down or is destroyed on land, the crab's water supply is gone and it could have a hydration or oxygen-like meter applied that affects its time out of water or until collecting a shell that has been in the water. This mechanic could play as a critical alteration in limiting the full capacity of the crab, making the usage of its shells more valuable. Otherwise the idea is great, especially for your first suggestion. Keep up the great work. For any further recommendations, my team and I have a suggestion for a fictional species of prehistoric mantis shrimp known as Aenigmacaris at: https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/forums/topic/693002-aenigmacaris-tromeronychus-the-obscured-shrimp-monstershunters/. Thanks, MonstersHunters
  5. Hi Gecko1611 In my honest opinion, I would say either the Bronotosaurus or the Quetzalcoatlus. The Bronto is currently disliked by most players on both PVP and PVE servers, primarily due to its slow, sluggish and limited mobility, it's weak points coupled with damage radiation, and damage multipliers that apply across the entirety of the animal rather than specifically for headshots. While it does have a platform saddle, it's become overlooked by other transportation based and resource collection tames, making it further limited in use. Also it's design could use an overhaul with certain behavioral, physical and ability-based changes, especially if differentiating this sauropod from the addition of diplodocus or brachiosaurus in Ark 2. Otherwise, these are just my opinions for Ark 2. Thanks, MonstersHunters
  6. While Ceratosaurus has been added to Ark Additions, rather than suggesting a concept on Ceratosaurus for its inclusion in Ark Survival Ascended on the Center map, my team and I have suggested the inclusion of a different yet once considered “controversial” species of Ceratosaurid from Argentina, known as Genyodectes. Common Name: Genyodectes Species: Genyodectes anoteros Time: Early Cretaceous Period Diet: Carnivore Temperament: Opportunistic Tameable: Yes Rideable: Yes Breedable: Yes Torpidity Immune: No Taming Method: Passive & Knockout Preferred Kibble: Superior Preferred Food: Raw Mutton Equipment: “Genyodectes Saddle” (Level 54- Crafted at either a Smithy or on an Argentavis saddle) Rider Weaponry: Yes Humans Can Carry: No Genyodectes artistic depiction designed by Deviantart user kingrexy at https://www.deviantart.com/kingrexy/art/Genyodectes-815452228 Wild "Across the plains, marshes, estuaries and transition zones of open woodlands throughout the Center, these habitats are the ideal hunting grounds for Genyodectes anoteros. This solitary hunter of small to medium-sized prey, this Ceratosaurid theropod is an adaptable ecological specialist, able to alter its diet depending on environmental conditions and thrive in semi-aquatic habitats”. "With its niche radiation across the Center, it is no wonder that its endurance and brute force are unmatched. Being able to stalk prey in the shadows without making a sound, combined with its agile nature, a robust skull design that is enforced by specialised jaw muscles and serrated teeth. Any prey that tries to escape from its grasp will experience a terrible fate, teeth designed to dig deeper into the flesh with every struggle. Causing mass haemorrhaging, and acting like a natural bear trap”. Domesticated "A sight to behold with its quick, keen and adept capabilities, in order to catch one or probably sneak up on the ambush expert are difficulties that most survivors consider not worth the challenge. However, rather than depending on a social hierarchy, nocturnal behaviour or sheer force, this flexible, smart, semi-aquatic and opportunistic predator appears more than just a perceived savage forager. Rather, a widespread top-predator at the top of its domain”. - Helena Walker Anatomy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genyodectes#/media/File:Genyodectes_saurus_jaws.jpg Discovered in 1901 by English Palaeontologist Sir Arthur Smith Woodward from the Cerro Barcino Formation also known as the Gorro Frigio Formation in the Chubut Province of Argentina. The holotype uncovered that belonged to Genyodectes consisted of an incomplete snout with the premaxilla, contents from both maxillas of the skull, the right and left dentary or the lower jawbone, numerous long, curved teeth, a fragment of the left splenial and bones above the dentary (the supradentaries). These were the only skeletal pieces known of this organism which was the second non-avian dinosaur excavated from South America. https://www.deviantart.com/jorobania/art/Genyodectes-skull-reconstruction-934358036 Genyodectes was not originally designated as a Ceratosaurus and rather as a nomen dubium or an “unknown application” of theropod, which over a span of a hundred years of argumentation over fragmented evidence. Genyodectes would be designated its own genus containing one type species known as Genyodectes serus. Genyodectes (which originates from the words "jaw" and "bite" in Greek) became a major significant specimen of dinosauria uncovered from South America, being the most complete known South American theropod species until the 1970s. However, from 2000 to 2010, Genyodectes would be argued towards its ecological placement in the taxonomic order, with some arguing it was a megalosaurid, a tyrannosaurid, a “incertae sedis” and an abelisaurid (a senior synonym of Abelisaurus). In 2004, Oliver W. M. Rauhut concluded its taxonomic placement, primarily with reevaluation of the specimen. Genyodectes serus lacked important abelisaurid and tyrannosaurid synapomorphies that were shared by two or more taxa, primarily those with neoceratosaurian traits. This implied that Genyodectes was closer to and possibly descended from theropods related to the Late Jurassic Ceratosaurus than other derived abelisaurids. Rauhut specified “that the premaxillary teeth are arranged in an overlapping en echelon pattern with the longest maxillary teeth crowns no longer apicobasally than the minimal dorsoventral depth of the mandible. Differing from Ceratosaurus in the presence of four, as opposed to three, premaxillary teeth”, according to https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235907356_Provenance_and_anatomy_of_Genyodectes_serus_a_large-toothed_Ceratosaur_Dinosauria_Theropoda_from_Patagonia. https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0895981116301341-gr1.jpg and https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0895981116301341 The paleoenvironment of Genyodectes from the Early to Late Cretaceous Cerro Barcino Formation within the Cerro Castaño stratigraphic member unit (the member is 113 to 100.5 million years old- Genyodectes is estimated to have existed from 112 million years ago) that contains evidence of humid flood-plain like conditions. This environment allowed for a wide array of fauna to thrive, including the Peirosaurid Barcinosuchus gradilis, the Gigantosaurin Carcharodontosaurid known as Tyrannotitan chubutensis, titanosaurids such as the lognkosaur Patagotitan mayorum (which existed 101.62 million years ago), Chubutisaurus insignis, abelisaurus remains, Lepidosaur reptiles like Kaikaifilusaurus minimus, and Testudinata turtles such as Chubutemys copelloi and Prochelidella cerrobarcinae. Design, Behaviour and AI The first way to make Genyodectes a unique dinosaur when compared to in-game and current therapods would be in both its wild and domesticated behaviour. This would make first encounters with Genyodectes unique and possibly memorable. The below concept art was created by myself (MonstersHunters) as a basic sketch on the suggested behaviours. A Genyodectes outmanoeuvring a Parasaurolophus - Illustrated by MonstersHunters The movement of Genyodectes should be different from other predators currently in Ark. Built for flat habitats such as estuaries, flood-meadows and marshes, a Genyodectes will lock onto prey and begin chasing it. However, it will bend and turn (serpentine) in a random ordeal to outmanoeuvre and confuse its prey, allowing it to ensnare or outpace its prey target given the environment (the Center has a large amount of cliffs, waterfalls and hillsides, which can be used as either ideal or avoidable recommendations for hunting depending on the individual Genyodectes). This behaviour I believe would work better than continuing with the simple biting and mauling its prey in a simple hitbox locked-on fashion like a majority of the creatures currently in Ark, while also making Genyodectes unique from other theropods in a single process. A Genyodectes grabbing and crushing a Pachycephalosaurus - Illustrated by MonstersHunters Similar to Kaprosuchus and Sarcosuchus, when Genyodectes grabs a prey item (ranging from a Compsognathus to a Human in size), both its teeth and specialised jaw muscles snap shut and lock the prey item in place. Immediately causing haemorrhaging and internal bleeding. Genyodectes would have fed on small ornithischians, mammals, possibly fish and fast-moving prey sources in its Early Cretaceous environment in the floodplains of South America. Using its robust head and jaw anatomy designed and specialised for biting and stopping prey in their tracks. The proximity based recognition of a Wild Genyodectes - Illustrated by MonstersHunters When wild Genyodectes are hunting or are preparing to ambush a target, its AI will lock onto the smallest, weakest or slowest target in a given range. To be realistic to an extent, Genyodectes like most therapods would probably take advantage of specific (slower, smaller, weaker or injured) prey sources (being opportunistic). In the above image, rather than targeting or locking onto an Iguanodon or a Gallimimus, a smaller prey item that can’t fight back or run away such as a Pegomastax would be a desired prey item. A Genyodectes scaring a pair of Utahraptors off a Stegosaurid Carcass - Illustrated by MonstersHunters The next key behavioural factor present in both wild and domesticated Genyodectes, would be its ability to kick smaller therapods off of caracesses and carrion. Applying to all non-avian theropods in nature, Ceratosaurus and Genyodectes were not full-time scavengers like vultures. Though In a majority of recent pop culture and TV-show depictions of this theropod family, Ceratosaurus itself is portrayed as either a weaker and more “useless” theropod in its paleoenvironment or as scavenger (in reality, pterosaurs would have most likely have filled scavenger-related roles) of the carcasses from larger theropods such as Saurophaganax, Torvosaurus, Lourinhanosaurus or Allosaurus (or Tyrannotitan and abelisaurids in the case of Genyodectes). When given the opportunity, Genyodectes will threaten and force smaller scavengers ranging from compys to ravagers off of non-harvested caresses or injured prey items (applying a temporary debuff somewhat similar to the Yutyrannus Terror/Fear ability). A Genyodectes fishing for a Coelacanth - Illustrated by MonstersHunters The final key behavioural factor is a behavioural ability, applied to Ceratosaurids in general. Proposals in 2004 by Robert Baker and Gary Bir, and challenged in 2019 by Chan-gyn Yun, the body of Ceratosaurus was long, flexible and low to the ground, coupled with tall vertical neural spines and deep chevron bones on the underside of its tail. Ceratosaurus would have had a crocodile-like tail that convergently would have been used towards swimming in times of ecological changes. When desired prey sources such as sauropods or stegosaurids were no longer abundant/absent in a surrounding habitat, Ceratosaurus could switch its niche or diet plan towards hunting aquatic prey items like lungfish (Ceratosaurus teeth are abundant in excavation points where prehistoric lungfish specimens have been recovered in the Morrison Formation) depending on the surrounding changes in available prey sources, or the environment the Ceratosaurus adapted to. While this is present in Ceratosaurus, Genyodectes has been uncovered from the Cerro Barcino Formation in the Chubut Province of Argentina. This formation contains member layers from different geographical positions that provide time estimates from the Early Cretaceous, specifically in this case, the Cerro Castaño that contains evidence of humid flood-plain like conditions that could have seen Genyodectes perform niche partitioning by having a wide-ecological collection of prey items. This means that Genyodectes could have possibly been semi-aquatic. Also in the scenario that future evidence proves these theories wrong, it is a unique speculative concept that could be incorporated into a fictional species of Genyodectes for Ark. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the design, Genyodectes should have the above behavioural traits adapted into its final design, but should also appear slightly larger in size (about 2 to 3 feet taller), mainly due its niche diversity in the Center ecosystem that resulted in a larger size, as well as having to compete with other fictional species of predators: https://everythingdinosaurs.weebly.com/genyodectes.html Genyodectes could also features present in other Ceratosaurids like the Italian ceratosaurid Saltriovenator and Ceratosaurus in its design: A Great Artistic Recreation of Saltriovenator by Brennan Stokkermans at https://brennanstokkermans.artstation.com/projects/w82zxL. and A detailed 3d sculpt model of Ceratosaurus by 3D Artist Jonathan Harris at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nQDPB4 Note that one key detail present in both illustrations or depictions of Ceratosaurid theropods is the inclusion of a layer of skin that covered the teeth, essentially a false “lip”. Another way to distinguish Genyodectes anoteros is through these small details. A large majority of Ark Survival Evolved’s current theropod dinosaurs either lack reptilian-like “lips” (not true lips like those in mammals) such as the Rex, Spinosaurus, Utahraptor, Giganotosaurus and Allosaurus, or are semi-lipped like the Megalosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus and Carnotaurus. To oversimplify, skin coverings would have been present on most theropods, birds (skin coverings are present in some birds like eagles, emus, rheas, secretary birds, crested caracara and puffins which do lack teeth, but have these forms of extra oral tissue) and reptiles (such as monitor lizards, tuatara, agamids, geckos and iguanas - excluding crocodilians) to protect the outer enamel and parts of the tooth from outside elements that could cause wear and tear or destroy the tooth. To constantly replace damaged teeth would be taxing on these dinosaurs, so after much debate in the paleontological community, skin coverings over the teeth have been speculated and specified to have existed in theropods ranging from Spinosaurids to Dromaeosaurids and Abelisaurids (including Ceratosaurids). Genyodectes anoteros males should have a unique or vibrant crest display as a form of sexual display. The tails in both males and females should also be muscular and large in relation to their adaptive radiation from a terrestrial to semi-aquatic swift/agility based lifestyle. Its legs and body plan should be designed or intended towards outrunning or outmanoeuvring prey, similar to its behavioural factors. This means a lower to the ground body posture with a long and flexible torso region coupled with proportionally yet muscular sized legs to carry its estimated 905 kilograms (1995.18 pounds) in weight (in 2016, Genyodectes serus was estimated to be 6.25 metres in length and 790 kilograms (1741.65 pounds/lb) in weight. Ceratosaurus’s weight was calculated at 980 kgs or 2160.53 lbs in maximum weight. The fictional species should be somewhere in between both estimates). A final detail would be that Genyodectes should have a randomly scattered osteoderm covered skin pattern/texture, similar to Abelisaurids like Carnotaurus. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities and Advantages - Genyodectes anoteros is designed and built for agility and brute force. Unlike other theropods, Genyodectes has a 50% stamina reduction characteristic. - When running and sprinting, Genyodectes receives an ability known as “Serration”. When in combat with larger opponents, the amount of energy built up as momentum collides with the target and can deal an increased percentage of damage depending on the amount of time sprinting or the amount of energy behind the attack (such as running downhill - ranging on a scale from 5 to 10 times more damage output). This ability still applies in shallow, knee-deep water for the Genyo, but can be disabled if in a lake or deeper water body. - With enough energy and correct timing, both tamed and wild Genyodectes anoteros can apply an attack known as “Dissection” when confronting smaller targets. Ranging from a compsognathus or noglin in size to a human, this ability is an alternative to Serration. The Genyo can grip a target based on its jaw and skeletal adaptations that are intended towards snapping its jaws shut and tearing away flesh. This means that the longer a small prey item is held in its jaws, the teeth dig deeper into the muscle tissue and cause a bleeding debuff similar to the “gnashed” condition. This will continue until either enough damage is applied on the Genyo, a torpor effect is applied or the prey item dies. - With its behaviours, wild Genyodectes movements are based on calculating or measuring the movement of its prey target, which allows it to quickly out-manoeuvre its prey. When riding a tamed Genyodectes, twisting and turning allows it to maintain a majority of its momentum and can allow it to maintain its stamina in a controlled fashion. If you run into a tree, rock or charge your target by applying "Serration” on a larger target, its momentum will be slowed or be stopped completely. - The Genyodectes has the ability to dismount players off of tames, including Phiomias, Parasaurolophus, Iguanodons, Equus, Dire Wolves, Terror Birds, Megaloceros, Kaprosuchus, Sabertooth, Mantas, Pteranodon, Pelagornis, Gallimimus and Pachycephalosaurus (Lymantria, Ravagers, Thorny Dragons, Mantis, Andrewsarchus, Shadowmanes and Velonasaurus for creatures outside of the Center Map). - The Genyo can switch its attacks from mauling and biting a target to clawing or slashing instead, both applying different melee-based damage amounts. Biting deals more damage to a single target, while slashing can deal around the same total approximation of damage, instead distributed in total (adding up to said total) across multiple targets in a swing cycle. - The Genyo has a weight/carrying reduction of 25% towards specific harvested items such as hide, keratin, fur, oil and chitin. - The Genyodectes prefers to hunt solitary and can receive a negative debuff when hunting alongside other pack members that are male or are outside of its specific mate (mateboosted) and/or its offspring. Ceratosaurids are speculated to have hunted less in packs, but rather in family units between mates and sub-adult offspring. This means that offspring can receive a boost in imprinting with hunting experience alongside their parents and a survivor. - Tamed and raised Genyodectes can be imprinted and taught to ambush targets if outside of a flat or plateau-based area, being able to walk in a crawl-like fashion that can be altered or is accessible via the behaviour panel. This gives off limited sound cues when hunting, primarily for enemy players. - The Genyo can escape net projectiles from a harpoon launcher and will after an encounter, a wild Genyodectes anoteros will try to outmanoeuvre a net. Weaknesses - The most major weakness to Genyodectes is long-ranged weaponry, primarily chain bolas and catapult turrets. While the net gun’s net can be torn apart by the Genyodectes, chain bolas can easily ensnare and stop a Genyodectes in its tracks, if a player recognises the direction it's running in. Another alternative is a chalicotherium, which can easily obstruct and kill a weak Genyo if it is not in flat terrain. - The Genyo can not dismount players off of tames including Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Argentavis, Procoptodon, Thylacoleo, large theropods taller than an Allosaurus and certain Aquatic mounts including Ichthyosaurus, megalodon, Basilosaurus, and Sarcosuchus (creatures on other maps include Griffins, Magmasaurus, Bloodstalkers and Astrocetus). - The last debuff to the Genyo is that at night when in combat with a Megalosaurus, the Genyo receives a 15% health regeneration debuff and a 10% movement speed decrease when in combat with both domesticated/tamed and wild Megalosaurus (making it a perfect counter in certain scenarios). - While the Genyo can swim and has a tail designed towards agility both on land and in the water, the Genyo can drown (has an oxygen metre) after an extended period of time. Taming Method: While a Genyo can be tamed with narcotics, kibble and raw mutton, the easiest method is to use a passive tame. Using Ghillie armour, a player can instead cooperate with a Genyodectes in a handful to a series of ambushes of a selected prey target. After participating in an ambush, a player can feed the Genyodectes its preferred food item (mutton or superior kibble which reduces the number of ambushes that have to be performed). Passive grants higher taming progression when compared to knockout taming. One key detail with Wid Genyodectes that can be critical in the taming process, comes down to trapping the animal. In open environments such as floodplains and the undergrowths of marshland, Genyodectes can easily out manoeuvre and overrun prey sources, though if someone was to trap it with a large bear trap or in a foundation-based cage with gates. The Genyo will have nowhere to run. A player can also use an Equus’s kicks to apply an increased amount of torpor on a Genyo. Spawning Locations: https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Resource_Map/The_Center With Genyodectes being specialised for various environments on the Center map. Genyodectes anoteros spawns in both the temperate regions in the Snowy Grasslands (Uncommon) and the Western Cliffs (Rare) on the Western Landmass of the Center, as well as the open woodlands and estuaries of the Southern Jungle (Rare), the Southern Tropical Island (Common), the Northern Tropical Island (Common), and the flat regions of the Bridge (Very Rare) Any suggestions and comments please reply below. These are my team's suggestions, so all credit and reference goes to them for the idea (s). Thanks. - MonstersHunters For those interested in Genyodectes outside of this suggestion, I would recommend checking out the Prehistoric Beasts mod for Ark on the Steam Workshop at https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2003934830 created by mod authour Crysta. References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerro_Barcino_Formation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genyodectes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceratosaurus https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/what-is-genyodectes-144686459/ https://dinopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Genyodectes https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235907356_Provenance_and_anatomy_of_Genyodectes_serus_a_large-toothed_Ceratosaur_Dinosauria_Theropoda_from_Patagonia https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1342937X19302886 https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/news/2023/march/dinosaurs-may-have-had-scaly-lips-protect-teeth-from-damage.html https://www.science.org/content/article/t-rex-lips-new-study-suggests https://www.deseret.com/2023/4/4/23664529/t-rex-dinos-had-lips-not-exposed-teeth
  7. It would be interesting if we got both a TLC and another creature vote as new designs (models) and special abilities towards specific animals are what I would like to see from either or both of these events. Also I have found more than 20 creatures that could have been added to Ark Survival Evolved in its expansion packs, so I really don't care if we get a TLC update for specific creatures such as the Kentrosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Carnotaurus, Araneo, Diplodocus, Giga, Quetz or Bronto, or some how get a new creature like Carcharodontosaurus, Arctodus, Onchopristis, Georgiacetus, Yanchungosaurus, Livyatan, Tanystropheous, Uintatherium, Helicoprion or Hybodus, Vulcanops, Astrapotherium or Pyrotherium, Ceratosaurus, Pannoniasaurus, Mesosaurus, Nothosaurus, Dakosaurus, Postosuchus or Dolichorhynchops. The list goes on. Also Wildcard could add in new prehistoric creatures that aren't that well known by the public such as Websteroprion, or completely add onto creatures such as the Brontosaurus and Quetzalcoatlus. Either way, a new creature or remodel is what I would like to see.
  8. All of these TLC ideas work and could be implemented into Ark. One creature I would like to see have a TLC I would really like to talk about the Araneomorphus or "Araneo" as this is a Creature I would like to have both its appearance and features edited, and have new abilities that appeal specifically to this creature. An idea that got my attention was this artwork (image below) of a TLC idea for the Araneo. This Image and Illustration was done by DjayMasi ARK TLCs - Araneomorphus by DjayMasi on ... deviantart.com
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