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Everything posted by doggolover98

  1. Nope, still can't join any. Tried redoing my ports and everything. Even installed a new connecter in my pc and still doesn't work.
  2. Same Tylernater, my ticket was automatically closed, not even an automated response. This is some god tier customer service.
  3. Same, I've done the smae thing recently. It seems that ark has an update that just dropped, so I'll elt you all know if it fixes it for me
  4. recently about two or three days ago my game crashed while I was logging off, which is no big deal since I was getting off. However, the next day I was unable to join ANY servers and they also showed a negative player count. So I just didn't play that day. However, the same thing happened the next day. So i uninstalled and re-installed the game. It still didn't work. And up until right now, it still shows negative player counts and I cant join any servers at all.
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