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About Seghs

  • Birthday 02/24/1998

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  1. So we had a two week countdown just for three skins..? Wow
  2. "we will be turning our focus more directly on to bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements for the core game in the weeks ahead." YAAAAAAAAAS
  3. Thank you for the giganto redesign, I'm no longer terrified of them!
  4. Spawning on the beach and immediately being killed for no reason? Seems pretty accurate
  5. "Although its compact size prevents the Phoenix from being ridden" Aaaaand there goes all my hype for the phoenix. Pretty sure that it had a saddle in the Devkit so not sure why you're making it too small to ride.
  6. I thought we were done with new creatures and content and you were going to start fixing your game? What about the people with random driver crashes and resets? GPU/CPU optimizations that you've been talking about for 2+ years? Fixing the memory leak issues? It's great you're finally fixing your awful building system and AI, but seriously, when can we expect bug fixes and optimizations?
  7. "there will be a lot of focus on PC Performance this month" Does that mean you're done ignoring the constant driver crashes and resets that people have been having for years? Fixing the memory leaks? Disappearing dinos?
  8. http://massivelyop.com/2017/06/06/developers-confirm-that-primal-survival-development-has-ceased-for-ark-survival-evolved/ Found with less than five seconds of Googling.
  9. ...Because they've already said that work on it is suspended indefinitely.
  10. I've been here since before they even added the snow and swamp biome to The Island, and have been playing it since it released on Xbox (I did buy it on Steam and try to play it on my Mac, but that didn't go very well). The devs have done a lot of things that annoy and frustrate me, and that I'm not too happy with. But they've also made an amazing, immersive game with incredible content, maps, and creatures and I don't regret buying this game twice at all. It's disappointing that the game isn't optimized yet, but I understand why. I can only imagine how hard it is to optimize and fix things and now that you're getting closer to a full release I can't wait to see how much it improves. Thank you for the great two years and here's to many more!
  11. I'm most likely going to completely forget about the stream but I can't wait to hear what you guys have planned! I can't wait to see what you guys are working on next
  12. Please for the love of all that is Holy add Structures+ to consoles
  13. "and introduce some slight QOL changes to the game, including an Ignore All Whistles option for Dinos,"
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