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Castlerock last won the day on November 9 2022

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  1. Mammoths alr have a ground stomp, just right click, it got decent aoe and knockback also.
  2. Just know that it hasnt been the same ever since the date when the second paid dlc for ark been released. Any engrams u learnt will stay, only disappears when u mindwipe. Once u are on ext u can learn the engrams exclusive to that map. If u mindwipe u need to go to the specific map to learn their exclusive engrams again.
  3. I noticed that it was no longer guaranteed 2 per kill ever since aber was released. I used to farm them as part of my meat runs regularly before and after aber release. Before aber it was dropping 2 each regularly. My guess was it had something related to nameless venom which is not supposed to drop regularly.
  4. Yes i read have read that before. It clearly says it is after Nerva lost his men and beasts to kill the overseer before Mei Yin got to him, otherwise she would have to fight his army as well. Mei Yin only fought Nerva, not the overseer.
  5. Pc never had times 4. It was times 2 for a long time before the recent rate change, where current 1x is same as the previous 2x so pc and console had same rates for CI.
  6. Im more curious as to where u got this from. Based on the island explorer notes, it was Nerva who defeated the overseer but he lost his men and beasts to defeat it, then Mei Yin shows up for her revenge.
  7. We never had 4x. The rates from the recent evo events were 2x of the old rates, which is 4x of the even older rates back in 2015. Now that the old 2x is the new permanent 1x, the rates are still the same like what@GP said.
  8. The x4 is with comparison to ark rates when it was released in 2015. At that time x1 rates are half of our current x1 rates, so when current x2 becomes default x1, it will be x4 of the original in 2015.
  9. I prefer raising multiple gigas at a time, like 10 at once, so i can see it in another way, each giga took 1.4 days instead.
  10. What's the issue? I tamed a 150 on rag desert with no issue on current 2x. Use a gas mask in fpv, can see very clearly. It doesnt stack, just refreshes the timer on the bleed with each secondary attack.
  11. U cant die from hunger or thirst while offline. I had my char hungry or thirsty before when i logged off, 1 week later when i logged on my hp is still the same as when i logged off.
  12. Now u are just mentioning stuff not relevant to my original post. And it still doesnt mean CI needs to be paid for in order to play, standalone or not.
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