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Everything posted by ArkTheoryApprentice

  1. Ok guys, I'm gonna make a different page for those of us who haven't gotten big spoilers so we can share what info we receive, our adventures in Genesis and stuff we notice.
  2. If I am correct, legacy servers are fully gone. Jade PG has the info.
  3. Yes! This looks amazing! The wait was definitely worth it. You guys rock! But uh, next time no delays! Good job!
  4. How's this for an ARK video idea? Ark Survival Evolved- But it's Bohemian Rhapsody. 10/10 Clickbait
  5. The extra quote thing is back to haunt me. You've played Gen, right? Are there engrams from other maps?
  6. Explain the ending in 1 word: Good or bad. Good = we accomplished some grand goal or Bad = Shtuffs gettin cray cray Feel free to use the spoilers section, but just use the words good or bad!
  7. If you're gonna spoil, make sure it's in a "Hide spoilers" section PLEASE lol.
  8. Prepare to be deleted bois MMM... That ending video is tempting. NO SPOILERS!!
  9. Good to know. Now I need to get my survivor's deformed midget fingers on a Tek Replicator. That's something to think about... Will we craft the new Tek armor in a Tek Replicator? Who knows!!
  10. I think it is, atleast on Extinction along with the Enforcer. I know you can get tiered Enforcers on The Island in event loot. Maybe it's the same with Enforcers? @Cedric Can you please clarify?
  11. I know that, but I just need to get a blueprint for them on the Island without going to other maps or cheating. Or is it just a default Tekgram??
  12. So yeah, anyone know how to get scouts on The Island? :3
  13. Well now i'm assuming we have items from other DLC now. I hope. My plan is to get max ascension on The Island, store my best blueprints in the obelisk, rinse and repeat until Genesis Part 2. That means i'm not starting any other save data besides The Island and Genesis, so I won't get any transferable items from other DLC until at least Scorched. But then again, they had gems and sand in Extinction without the Scorched/AB engrams...
  14. Thanks. Looks like you need to steal the Magmasaur eggies. Well, good luck with that.
  15. Twitters still not working... What's it say?
  16. I dunno, that looks like a helmet or a robot or... I just dunno. Maybe particle effects??
  17. 1. Not what I meant lol. The real-life version. 2. The Hover-Skiff is a water vehicle though? Confusion all around peeps. 3. Thanks! 4. I dunno, I'm 99% sure that they're in old the screenshot for the Moeder.
  18. 1. That bow looks like a longbow. 2. That's a Hover-Skiff. Look at the Genesis steam page. SUPER updated! 3. Images? Twitter isn't working. 4. Right to the right and left of her mouth. Zoom in for that one.
  19. Who knows. The simulation seems pretty glitchy.
  20. Cool stuff from pic- Corrupted Avatar holding a corrupted bow. Other "Corrupts" with corrupted pikes and spears. (Skins??) I also thing the guy right above the one holding the corrupted bow is holding a corrupt sword of sorts. ALSO let's called the corrupted dudes and weapons "Fractal" as to not get it mixed in with regular corruption. Lady on Raptor is holding a new type of bow. Maybe dyed? New Tek cluster-shot weapon held by new Tek-armor guy. Tek flying thingy? Looks like you might be able to walk around in it. Has the new orange and grey look. Man on Bloodstalker has strange orange armor and an orange gun. Maybe dyed? Wait no that's... Cloth? Why's he using Tek if he's still in cloth ar... Ugh. Gun's still orange though. Floating island near Raptor's head. That looks like either really raised land, or a floating island. I see 2 moons by the volcano. One's big and one's relatively small. Moeder's kids are Subnautica Bladderfish rejects. That Ferox is gigantic.
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