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Everything posted by ArkTheoryApprentice

  1. Also, back to the city OBs- Maybe these things had the functionality to teleport the remaining humans on Earth to a remote location we know NOTHING about? Another planet? Are they walking among us in the ARKs themselves? Have they all ascended? Genesis hype my guys and gals!
  2. Also I find it interesting that there are obelisks in Extinction. The main purpose of an obelisk is to teleport one thing, living or inanimate to another. SPECIFICALLY to a boss arena or another ARK, or Earth itself. The ones in the city and proto-ARKs were dismissed as prototypes by "Helena Dues"- but this doesn't mean that they don't have a functionality beyond our knowing. MY bet is that's how Rockwell got into the space station. One of the obelisks from AB were showed being powered up in the secret ending, and it wasn't subtle either- the devs specifically WANTED us to see that detail. Rockwell could've easily slipped out of his Overseer pit after his ARK crashed, and TP'd himself into the passing colony ship.
  3. Quick thing here- The credits said nothing about Diana at the end of Genesis Part 1. I think she's dead- or going to die in Part Two. Looking back to the AB notes, before Rockwell hulked, he mentioned how Diana was going to pay for killing one of his mutated light pet specimens. Most subtle mentioned things in the notes has, had or will happen in the future- and there are tons of little tidbits in them that would be interesting to see play out.
  4. The only problem is, we don't have much evidence of that- not at ALL saying that that theory couldn't be true, but I usually just stick with what I know. Maybe that's why I'm always late to the punch haha
  5. Slight edit: In extinction, while creatures are exaggerated, they are all real and have evolved on Earth with the help of element. (At least in the ARK universe) Also on AB, Helena states that all most creatures on AB are just a moshpit mixture of other creatures- specifically the seekers being part pteranadon and tuso. She didn't explicitly link the ptera and tuso to the seekers, but their internal name does. An interesting point she made was that the creatures might just be automatically put in there by the ARKs, sort of a wild guess kind of thing, instead of a physical human or someone carefully deciding which creatures go where. Back to my first point- ARKs are meant to Re-spread life back onto Earth. This includes all of our typical dinos- but also the super odd ones like the Roll rats and Reapers. This could hint at the fact that these creatures were once on Earth, but might have died out at some point. Proof? On Extinction, we can find some Corrupted Wyverns and Reapers- meaning that they were normal creatures on Earth at some point, but they just got corrupted. Same with the dinosaurs. This intrigues me.
  6. Reminds me of an element mutated Manticore/Super Evolved Rockwell.
  7. Scouring the internet for any info I can find. This was pretty interesting: https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/i4yyev/hey_i_have_theory_about_new_dino_on_genesis_part/
  8. I shall be with you all again soon, enjoy yourselves. Also, don't let Rockwell touch you with his tentacles, he hasn't bathed in anything other than liquid element since the release of AB.
  9. Ok hey doods, quik thing here: I was thinking of an idea for my game, but it just turned into a giant ark theory. In my idea we play in a giant spaceship filled with bio domes representing different areas of Earth. We escape ours and travel to the top of the ship to destroy the master AI and learn that we were supposed to be going to an alien planet similar to Earth, but the ship has an essential bio dome destroyed, (like AB) and we need to fix it to complete the process of flying the ship to the planet, as Earth was blown up by a meteor shower. BUT a bad guy comes along, messes with you, and comes with you to the planet to mess stuff up there too, not just in the bio domes. Boom bang pow, we land and end the journey on the planet by defeating the bad guy and we basically live the rest of our life on this planet with other cloned humans and animals. I can draw several similarities to this idea and the story of ARK Genesis. Don't have time to write them all down tho, so heres a few. -End of the world -Going to a new planet to spread life -Bad guys -Space ship -Potential broken part of ship -Master AI -Alien planets Hope this serves as theory-food for ya, and I cant wait to see what you extract from this. Dang I'll never be able to publish this, it's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
  10. Corrupted Master Controller fanart anyone? Meanwhile... Me grinding up to level 105 on The Island while being attacked by icthys and pegos...
  11. MIni theory: Lunar biome: Element origin Proof: Alien dinos, Reapers (literally called xenomorphs in the game files) and seekers. Dunno about the whales The moon that is shattered is leaking blue everywhere. Blue can be associated with tek tools, element dust, etc. Heck, there is even element gas and element vents all over the shattered moon, meaning that element definitely IS here. About the tek dinos: This is a simulation and not everything has to be 100% accurate. These tek dinos must be here to show the link between tek and this planet, which has a heavy element presence. And if this planet is really shattered, one or two of these moon rocks with element could've crashed down to earth, spreading itself to civilization. Also, ARKS are meant to preserve life and spread it back to earth, and on AB Reapers and seekers are definitely present. This doesn't necessarily mean that they needed to ORIGINATE on Earth.
  12. Eh, the element is a hive mind with one instinct- Spread like a weed. Helena would be part of that hive mind, and would instantly turn against us and become a major douche-canoe.
  13. That's just speculation at this point- but It may be likely. MMM... Tek Donut with Element Frosting
  14. OOOOOOOOOh ya got my ARK fingers twitchin'! Might go back to playing! But of course that means I'll start over.
  15. You need the base game too. It might be on sale, I forgot.
  16. There also is another page for Genesis theories, so go check that out too. This place is for all around theories, including Genesis.
  17. Don't think that's the same armor that we get in the ending. The end armor is patented by the feddies and looks very complete, official and has an overall feeling of protection. THAT suit has some of the components used to perform abilities not visible, or completely gone- leading me to believe that the armor that we see is just regular tek, because we aren't able to perform certain tek actions withing the sim. Maybe to stop the spread of element, as it puts a miniscule bit into the air every time a tek thing is used? That doesn't make sense... the whole sim runs on tek and element! Which confuses me, why did the humans try to stop the corruption by USING THE VERY STUFF THAT CREATED IT? The platform that the reseed protocol is activated on? Tek. The guardians of the ARKs are guarding what? Element. What is the overseer of every ARK besides AB made of? Element and TEK!!! It makes no sense! I'd like to think that the ARKs are made of tek too. The overseer chamber is, the pillars look like tek, and H**l, the only forcefields and barriers we've come to know in ARK are made of mother frickin' honest to goodness TEK!!!
  18. They were built on earth. U can see the hole one ARK left behind on south side of ext map when it was launched. The island, to be specific. It lands right down into the hole at the ending!
  19. It's really all speculation at this point, but it is possible.
  20. I'm going to do it. I'm gonna watch the ending for part one. Not gonna watch the ending for part 2 until I beat it though
  21. Noithing. I play on the weekends. But on Sunday I built a smeltery, opened a lootcrate, did some manta racing and tamed an Iguanadon. The Iggy then died to an X-raptor. My game then crashed. I rebooted it and he was safe and sound. The next thing I knew I was BEINGTARGETEDBYANINSECTSWARM.
  22. Boi I got like 5. Once I tame a bloodstalker I can find 'em all.
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