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Everything posted by d1nk

  1. Think of all the imprints you'd be ready for!!
  2. Didnt do much of anything last night. Was only on for a short bit, tried to log into Val and got kicked right after, server went down. Decided to.hop to Ab and raise a few drakes to go on Rockwell this weekend, popped 2 eggs and the first one had much higher hp, imprinted it then hopped off.
  3. Started the evening off crafting some stone structures to finish my base. Half way through got distracted and went on a run on some allos (scouting for a roo) then jumped over to my old base to make a few rex saddles and transport my Tek rex back to my new base. He had good weight so i used him to transport some metal I had at my place, brought my 2 breeder allos along too. Finished the holes in my base, didnt add a roof to my other side because I wanted somewhere safe to store my deino, figure the 7x7 upper area was a good spot. Went out to look for another Roo and happened across a 150 allo. Had my pen near so I kited it in, knocked it out. Fought off raptors the whole time, the downside of being no fliers. Once it tamed up (with some nice hp) I started breeding it with my current allos to try and get a breeding partner. Slow process and didnt get any breeders to use, imprinted a few for throwaways then went once again to look for a Roo. Ive been killing the local wild life trying to force a hlvl to spawn. For days ive been seeing 145/150 roos all over and of course when I finally have the mushrooms to tame it I cant find one over 90 lol. *Finally* managed to find a 135 and knock it out. After it tamed up I was back at my base adding some boxes, crafting stations and all that, Im not happy with the boring boxed base I made so next time I get on im going to add some depth to the inside. Still slow going. Everyone else is almost at Tek level and here we are just barely scraping together metal and materials to make mid tier items haha.. shows how much fliers have simplified ARK. Im enjoying myself so thats all that matters, right? Next order of buisness is to get a mating Roo and a thyla. My buddy stopped by and dropped me an egg from his 2x 150 rexs so ive got a 50% imprinted rex to play with and bring to redwoods now.
  4. Spent most of the night farming, crafting building pieces and killing tek dinos between runs to gather electronics. Its been slow going without a beaver but weve managed. Have been putting off the big jump to the new place for a few days and most of last night until late at night I decided eff it! Im going to start it. Boated over the materials and ran my allos over the white cliffs looking for more eggs, another 145 and 140 which i hatched later on. When I arrived I set up the first wall, this one only had a behemoth gate and the rest were large walls. The second way larger wall i needed to do was too uneven so after messing around with some funky fence foundation set ups, even with fence supports wasnt happy with it so I made it 30 dino gates instead with two behemoth gates along it. After I set the walls up I watched quite a few videos looking for inspiration and settled on this crafting building design that i worked my basis off. Set down the foundations, most of the walls and ceilings and ran out. Did a few runs but it was a lot I had to farm still. Instead of just logging off I went for a run on my Dein to near green obelisk. I wanted to collect some mushrooms and plant x seeds to get a Procoptodon for easier material transport. Got a bunch of mushrooms and seeds, went back to base and along the way stumbled upon the beaver dams! Score. Loaded up on paste, made a spawn shack there and on a whim lured a beaver to base. Got it knocked out and then it was server reset. After reboot it rolled back to before I set out to grab mushrooms and I went to bed anyways. Good night all in all. Loads of crafting and base progress.
  5. Finally got a good chunk of time into Valg. Started off breeding the allos to an acceptable mating pair, thanks to my neighbour's AC's. Spent awhile raising some breeders and turned the good stat rejects into imprinted (best i could do with no kibble) pack Allos. Finally got the chance to clear the major overspawn of Brontos, Stegos and Trikes around, getting levels on my pack allos in the process. Finally set up, two imprinted partly leveled Allos, bunch of extra taming mats, premade trap and bed hut in inventories I ventured off into White Cliffs in search of 3 things; Crystal / Obsidian, high level Deino eggs and some nice tames. Got lucky off the bat raiding nests going up. 145 egg. Saw a 145 red / grey allo up there, tried to tame it but it died. Damn primitive gear. After a long while exploring i reached the level the crystal and the two lakes are on. Found my friend's base in an awesome spot i was going to build before, then scouted out a few base spots up further. Got a few drops, got lucky. Premade jm chainsaw, mc whip bp, app whip bp and a few other goodies. Loaded up on Crystal, explored more before heading down. I ended up on the other side near the lake and found a real nice spot we might build our main base. I was up top in white cliffs for over 4 hours exploring, farming and scouting, took a short break and Saltire logged in. As i was heading back to base I saw a 168 blue tek rex! I had 45 arrows on me so I attempted to solo tranq it.. xbow broke and ran out of arrows shortly after. I met Saltire back at the base and we restocked to go take it out. Took forever to KO it but we finally did and spike walled it just incase. We went for a small trip up to the crystal spot, loaded up again and came back down. By then the rex was tamed, I loaded it up onto our raft then ran home via white cliffs. Got another 145 dei egg on the way and then logged Today if i get on later ill be starting to farm for the new base. Going to think.of some designs. Im thinking some sort of town-esque style build since we will still be no fliers even when transfers open. We will see how the build turns out!
  6. What? You like Pokemon? First ive heard of this
  7. I do usually log on a bed, but thanks I just happened to get preoccupied last night while cleaning and forgot my guy was sitting on a chair
  8. Still in the Bob stage, login to myself falling into the water through my house then got kicked & died. Oohh ARK how you never fail to remind us you're a cruel sob. Got my stuff so it was all good. Took my new 140 anky tame down to the metal nodes near our place. When I got back I had a hankering to try my hand at getting some Deino eggs. Loaded up a spare disposable Equus with some supplies, made some flak and went off to the White Cliffs. Got lucky on the first ridge and found a nest. Swarming with Deino of course. I lured em all up and quicky hopped off my horse to grab an egg. High tailed it out of there off a cliff to safety. Level 25 egg. I go back up to check again and got a level 55 egg. I decided to check one last time after killing some deino and sheep and got a 135 egg! Went home to try and incubate it. Around 15 torches later had it going and hatched my first Deino Got all the imprints on it and had to hop off. When I got on later I wanted to get a generator going and went off in my boat looking for crystal at a few spawn nodes on the map. Searched for over 2 hours across the lake at a few different spots and no luck. Ill keep looking next time im on, no fliers really makes it a lot harder for basic stuff like this hehe
  9. I have a thread going on Valg boards with points of intrest, would love some of those there
  10. @Chudz66 no it wont. Giga enrages based upon a certain amount of hp at a burst, doesnt enrage on X% hp
  11. Yesterday I logged in to get kicked a few times.. weird considering we live on a boat with like 6 tames.. then I realized.. oh crap! I left the horses breeding last night T_T ... Luckily there was only 4 horses extra (but all preggo) so I killed the extra females and kept an extra breeding higher level pair for tossaways. After that was sorted I ventured off to land to find the base spot Saltire marked out a few days ago. This map is full of wonderful flat spots! Love it. Finally found the spot, a little cliffside spot with its own land bridge going to it! Neat! I went about trying to clear off the: 4x stego, 2x bronto, 6x ankies that happened to be on a cliff spot that was less than 10x20.... lol. It was a chore! Took about an hour because a) I couldnt risk my only horse and b) the pathing into water fix a few years ago really works! They are reluctant to jump off cliff into water. I had to lure em all 1 by 1 with a crossbow over a land locked side. That all sorted I jumped back up there and threw down some foundations to block the same problem in the future then went to work. I needed wood so i made a trip to the redwoods and loaded up. After a few trips I had enough to (mostly) build my shack. Knocked out a 95 anky near my base for fun, did a bunch of puttering around and worked on my Wall for the bridge and then back to the house. Didnt get as much as id like done, its a lot longer without fliers Next order of buisness is getting a ramp up to here, make it a tad easier. Was getting bored of grinding so took off to explore. Found some sort of path and followed it up through these cliffs and ended up in the White Cliff biome! Instant danger. Got jumped by countless raptors, apparently they can pin your horse instead of you.. weird! Saved my life a few times though. Knocked out a few raptors via horse kick and farmed some of the abundant Ovis mostly for Hide but also tamed the raptors with em. Did a bit more exploring but pulled a big fat nope when I got jumped by a pack of 5+ Deins and ran out of there back to base with two Tek Raptors in tow. Didnt have much time left so i made some narcotic, did another Wood run and logged for the night
  12. Got back into Valg. I had arrows made from the night before and I wanted to get a tame going finally. Been taking it slow enioying Bob life. There was a nice red Trike near me, kited it into my makeshift trap. As i was tranqing it. 135 trike came over and got stuck in my trap walls - decided to KO it instead. It took chase away when low and i knocked it out on the shore line. Went around gathering berries like mad to keep it out and went to the bathroom right before it tamed. When i got back it got eaten by a shark .. mustve poked itsself onto the shore or something.. A little bummed I start making a raft. Made a mobile taming pen and went exploring a bit. Trying to find a server mates base I died a few times when I ventured into Redwoods then after a long body recovery got back to my raft and spotted a 135 Stego. Got it in my trap and knocked it out (after having to club.it ran out of arrows lol) This time I wasnt taking any chances and rammed my boat up to shore to watch it tame. Finally, Stego tamed and saddled, did a small berry run then packed up my.base (left the trap unlocked for future noob use) and went down the coast to where I thought Saltires base was. Ended up finding it like 5 minutes later, forced myself into tribe and checked out the boats. Nice home base boat, bred up an Equus and while waiting for imprints did a stone run, then just explored a bit. Got two imprints and logged for the night. Ill get up to the base today and start building
  13. Been a few weeks since ive posted! The whole TEK Cave mess up was weighing on me, I was still playing but mostly preparing for Valguero. Just couldnt muster the will to post my dailies since they were mostly just breeding colour lines, taming random things and just base tear down. Ill run down the few weeks randomly We had our plan, going totally no fliers, I had Ravagers I was combining to start with and we banged out our Thyla line. I caught a new 150 with higher melee so I had to combine it to all 3 of our colour lines. Saltire tamed quite a few event Ravagers so I was making lines of them with my good stats. Two of my real life buddies joined the cluster but were playing on other servers as their main. One came over to Rag to grab something from me and I just tribed him to make it easier. He was hanging out with me all week also preparing for Valg. I let him get some of our breeding lines and I figure he will probably stay in the tribe or join us on another server (Probably not Valg but we will see - he doesnt want to go no fliers and I dont want to risk cross contamination of our challenge playthrough) He's probably the most alike me for playstyle, more grind centric than I am and ive been tribed with him for years, he was also in my first tribes when I joined the cluster long ago. Anyways, the owner decided to put a 3 week no item/dino transfer so our main lines arent of any use yet - they will still be a good boost later though. We are still starting fresh and still going no fliers though! Spawned at the main lakes spawn. Spent awhile exploring the small area I was in and a lot more time than id like to admit trying to kill my first few phomia for some hide. Those tall bushes are a pain! I later figured out they have a whacky hitbox for farming and I was able to get my first shack / supplies going. Went exploring around trying to find signs of AngrySaltire but really didnt make it far. Set up a small shack once i got some hide going. Built a drop box taming pen out of wood close to my base and was trying to get this 102 Tek Steggo into it. Success! This will be a great starter tame. Started pelting it with rocks from the slingshot. Kept having to repair it, 120 rocks later a wild steggo was near and aggro'd to me, like a huge spikey ninja. I was dead in two hits. I respawned trying to lure it away and ended up getting killed, the steggo in the trap broke free and they tag teamed my shack, destroying my bed and boxes plus most of my house. Almost foundation wiped by some steggos, love it. Built back up, re-trapped the 102 tek steggo and went back to pelting with rocks. It was fleeing, almost knocked out aaannd... I killed it. Damn. Went to grind up a forge, mortar and made some sparkpowder to level up to 25. Got some narcotic and arrows, ill get my tame tonight.
  14. If the server is PvE you dont damage the vein. If its PvPvE (most unofficials) you do. If u did in SP did you have PvE checked?
  15. Was too busy to post my story from yesterday earlier..damn real life! Got a few sporadic hours in yesterday. Started off by hatching more owls, got everything combined now into mating pairs, hideous colours.. I dont like the wing-stripe colours, Id prefer a non-colour or something dark. Oh well can work that out later. Kept letting the gachas run, refilling all our high end crafting stuff. Did a few big mat runs, very large stone run, wood, then two metal runs to build up for the next project today; 4 more asc theriz saddles..because why not? Our Ovis farm is ridiculous and i wont need to farm anymore hide. 10k+ per sheep makes it easy. I always breed daily so I just let a few pop while im there and let them mature on their own then straight to the cryofridge. Have 15 in backup now. Made said saddles while hatching a pair of my new Theriz stat line for the Tek Cave this weekend (or just backups) I didnt even need the 4 saddles, had two in my vault already so I popped one into @AngrySaltire's vault and threw the rest into storage for future theriz. Also made some Fur (since were swimming in pelt) and a few other things. Basically imprinted my Theri then sat around Gacha'ing for an hour after. My new verb, like it?
  16. Didnt do much yesterday. Logged on for an hour or so. Hatched some owl eggs to combine our new muts then tried to hatch some of the mut eggs with fresh tamed owls to clean it up... half way through realized its pointless and am just going to combine our stats all together. No more mutations after this but oh well. Helped a friend get on to the server. Two of my real life friends are joining. Should be fun. They will probably make their own tribes and they dont want any help starting up (raised em right :,) )
  17. Good day yesterday. Got to catch up on a lot of smaller projects ive been meaning to do. Spent a lot of time sitting around gachas, have 2 pairs set up (crystal/obs, org poly - element dust, crystal/pearls) black pearl seperate. Did some minor base additions, fleshed out the breeding barn top, finished the greenhouse, then went over to The Center. Helped out an ally with a mana baby and in return he gave me a ridiculous amount of Fibre (212k) and my wonderful tribemate did a huge hide run so the name of the game is: Big Crafts! Grabbed some stuff from Center, 5 snails, Ovis pair, whole bunch of blueprints and some tames. Organized all my theriz into pods and stored away for rag future bosses then went back to Rag. Organized my crafting mats, went to the server mates place and gave him a rock drake egg, then back to base to craft. I made 14 mindwipes earlier and grabbed a few. I was a tad short from everything I wanted to make so I did a bit more gathering. These squid saddles alone are 38,000 fibre each! Nuts. Mindwiped and made in total: 2x asc tuso saddles, 1x asc rex saddle, 2x asc megalosaurus saddles, 1x apprentice Tek Rifle, 2x 500 dmg pike bps and a few random utility items. We have stacking .ini up to 1000 for hide, fibre, ingots etc and it was close to filling my replicator! After crafting I did a mad Adobe spree and put together a few buildings ive been putting off: Snail hut and a second Gacha/Owl tower. After enjoying my new builds i set about to make a Public trading area for offline trades / safe meeting spot. A server mate and I have been discussing it all day. Ive spent most of my resources by now so I did a bit of transferring around to gather up a tek genny, teleport, tek behe gate and some premade stone structures. I installed it all in one part of our Waterfall base, under the beaver dams on Rag canyon area. It will have an unlocked tek behe gate, teleporter, building with a few pincoded rooms assigned to tribes and a small crafting spot with a few AC and other helpful stuff,should a new person need it.
  18. The biggest thing to tame anything big or high level - Being prepared. Big help is a taming pen. You can make a really great one, many types: Drop pen (for argy or quetz/wyvern to drop tames into) just need 8x dino gates in a 2x4 square with a few fence foundations in 2 or 3 of the gate holes, fill with stone doorframes (empty) to shoot though. Same build but add a ramp up one side to lure tames if u cant flyer pickup into a box, works for alphas as a kill box too. Rex? Spino? Stone behemoth gate, 8-10 dino gates, place gate, ring in with dino gates. Open behe gate so it is open facing outwards. Optional: place a large bear trap in the center, armed. Lure rex or spino or theriz or w.e into the trap, exit the back and run around to gate, close then run back to the back. Voila. Same concept but build a ramp up non-behemoth gate side and safey trap any dino in the game. Always use atleast stone. Its most efficient and nothing damages it except gigas and other niche dinos.
  19. Spent the majority of last night breeding. Started off on Extinction, saw in discord the others were doing OSD so I hopped over. Couldnt find a red osd but we did a 50k vein, over 200 element each of the 4 people. Went back to Rag and hatched up some Quetzal and finished off imprinting my Giga (and one Quetz) Hatched a bunch of Theriz and combined our new HP mut. Between I ran the gachas, did a few hide / paste runs and hopped over to Aberration to grab 15k ingots or so. Prepped a whack of mats into the replicator, made: 2x asc theri saddles for our boss squad revival, 1x cheap apprentice giga saddle (77arm came out 102) some cheap jm rex saddle, a bunch of my good metal pick BP and flak pieces and finally the Tek legs blueprint ive been putting off for Rag. Did a bit more hatching then went to extinction to hunt snow owls and manas. Spent a good 3 hours killing stuff, finally spotted a good owl; 140 female. No good manas despite killing so many. I was waiting for the owl to tame up, landed to gain stam and killing some wildlife when my game crashed. When I got back in my 180 hatch lightning wyv had died. Gutted I made the long run back to our owl trap. Thank raptor jesus for the glide suit. The owl tamed out with high melee (396) and i went home then logged for the night. Been spending more metal mats today building a remodel of our underwater breeding spot while Saltire was doing his thing there. Plan to knock out some stuff ive been meaning to do for awhile today between plays. Got a dining room table im redoing, should look nice!
  20. Just unlucky I guess haha. I was on last night with 4 others doing stuff, half the server is UK too
  21. Thats actually happened to a few people the last few days on the server. Must be a new glitch introduced in last patch, a few of them have had bases on cliff / tree platforms for months with no issues prior
  22. Haha that was just a joke in discord. I did use like 20k ingots though! No guilt mate, I like crafting big stuff and it was fun! Started off last night by sorting my old beautiful quetz line from last Rag rotation. Had a few on the center but they were all females.. had two eggs in the fridge thankfully, brought it over to Rag and hatched them - got a male eith the good stats and my awesome all black with red wing membrane colours. Hatched a giga and imprinted a few times while waiting flr the eggs. A server member needs some good quetz, were going to focus more on Extinction bosses soon now that people on the server are finally catching up to us with Gigas and MEKs Did a bit of building at the rag base, installed a few dedi storages and cleaned up our bird parking. Started gathering mats into the cloud to send over to abb to make some rock drake saddles. Hopped over to Ab, brought 10k ingots into our production base from our metal spot, got a whack of hide and fibre then logged on my crafter alt made two asc rock drake saddles. If I get time this weekend ill finish my quetz line to breeding stage and sort out a few more imprints and tames. If i do get on at a decent time maybe ill get some people together for red osds or such.
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