You got this mixed up, and it changes the entire premise of the conversation on the pages afterwards. While LOG_TRANSMIT is indeed Helena, LOG_RECEIVE is not a person but an AI system, look at how the conversation proceeds. She starts an uplink to Arat Prime, she logs in and gets herself authorised with the command elevation, the AI runs through it's startup procedure with all the power core checks, and then Helena starts looking around in the system. *Helena* is the one that mentions the AI being a glorified patient monitor and proceeds to "teach it new tricks", note the way Helena speaks. She updates the AI's personality as seen in later messages when it responds to her more eloquently. Helena is not being changed, what she did here was begin the process to upgrade the Glorified Patient Monitor into an AI capable of creating the simulations that we're going to be playing through in Genesis.
You can see with the later updates, Helena found a genetic sample and has the AI integrate it, it complains about personality traits messing with it's neural core.
""Specimen Simulation Mode: Cooperative
Specimen Maintenance Protocol: Updated
Host System Directive: Updated
Resolution Schema: Updated
AP Secure Connection
Change Authorization 724EA9458ED40FBF Verified
Ecological Conditions: Predictive
Specimen Guardian Subsystem""
This is a breakdown of the simulation itself being created, the creatures they've spawned are cooperative, the directives of the simulations have been updated, the plan for what the simulation is suppose to train us for has been set, the environment is predictive to simulate what we might face in the 2nd coming DLC and the Guardian subsystem are the giant bosses we have to defeat.
Later again the AI is inside the simulation but doing much better than the 'patient specimens' it used to monitor trying to survive the simulation. It's reporting back to Helena, testing the simulation before we get there, it's talking to her like a person.. is it possible this whole thing was Helena creating the mini-HLNA that will guide us through Genesis?