Well, when the most people of a tribe decicede to commrnt here no gigas then your right xd. Atleast they could buff a bit spino, rex meele a bit to beat tanky dinos a bit faster.
The most people said how boring it was without gigas and how long it took to take down enemys golems etc. For me i dont care atleast the game is balanced and there is fun.
Nobody want Removed Gigas and Carchas i disagree with the comments before. Season 1 was without gigas and it went pretty fast boring and people quit early. It need take tons of time take out enemy dinos und ruin the gameplay running only with allos and tyhas to counter golems. Classic is good how it is. Or atleast when gigas removed the Rex etc must be damaged buffed.
What are u talking? Who said that nobody wants cave building, its still like over 60% where wants cave building but its okay they give it a try aslong no aimboter apears in mass...And thanks to Wildcard for quickly rule change
Now u saw what your community wants hopefully u tell snail games to change that 24 rule before conquest starts, else probably almost nobody want plays this and you loose your community trust.
Wildcard or snailgames who ever this decision now make. When u really take down on 2april the conquest servers u lose a tons of players for sure and most of them dont want even touch the classic servers how they are. So ply rethink and change your mind and leavy the conquest servers alone pls.