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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2017 in all areas

  1. I'm with the other guy. I don't want to sound like an entitled prick but out of respect for people such as myself who bought the season pass with little to no info on aberration could we please at least be given a closer estimate for when it is coming out than a thirty one day window? I'm on holidays right now and really want to play it before they end by the end of next week so it would at least be nice to know if I'll be able to do that.
    1 point
  2. I left my tribe today but forgot to unlock my stuff before doing so, so lost all my stuff. Got mad at myself and logged off.
    0 points
  3. logged in, something was a miss, and seconds later my doors were blasted in. Didn't have anything on me because I always log out with all my stuff hidden. Punched the guy, got killed, all my tames got killed. Re spawned, decided to go get some stone to rebuild my walls, ran into a 135 Purlovia. Change of plans, and now I have a broke base with multiple off site storage purlovia's. Got all my precious prim stuff hidden, at least there will be something for me next time I log on...probably.
    0 points
  4. Single Player - PS4 - Ragnarok Some things I did get done however, was breeding about 100 Lystro babies trying to get a color mutation. Thus far nothing. Also bred about 10 Doed babies, and 4 Anky babies. I finally did get the Wyvern trap re-built and after some tweaking, I got it working nearly perfect. My Argy and Pteras can enter/exit without problem, but my Griffins take a perfect lining up, and I came dangerously close to losing him when kiting in the 175 Lightening. I established a small base near the stone finger tips in the highlands, near the bridge. Knowing that I would be away from that base a lot, I actually built a landing pad way up on top of the finger tip, to keep my Quetz and other Flyers for that base. Safe and out of reach from bad dinos. Well my weekend was not as satisfying as I hoped. I blue screened and rolled back at least 7 times over the weekend. Grrrrr Including building an entire Wyvern trap, trapping ans milking 3 different Wyverns, taming a 145 blue female Doed. Killing a 175 male Lightening Wyvern, then collecting a 175 Lightening & 180 Poison egg. and finally Building a hatchery for the Wyvern eggs. So A LOT of wasted time, having to go back and re-build and re-do the same thing over again. In fact, yesterday afternoon, when it crashed after I had completely finished my Wyvern Hatching building, I just said oh raptor it, and logged off. Then I switched over to another character, and went to my S.E. map. I hadn't been on this map for at least 3 weeks, and it took me a bit to get re-acclimated. I tamed up a 100 pre-tame Thyla, and took out a 35 Alpha Fire Wyvern. By then I was kind of burned out. I watched the Packers make an amazing comeback, and just chilled the rest of the day.
    0 points
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