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Wildcard: I want to play the DLC and I want to give you money, but...


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I love Ark, it's my favorite game at the moment. Wildcard have made an amazing game and experience and I feel I have got so much enjoyment from my initial investment, made friends, enemies and had countless amazing adventures.
Until the last update/dlc Ark was a prime example of how to do Early Access right.

But this paid DLC is too far. We have been waiting patiently for a year to see some real optimisation to this game and some game breaking bug fixes. Terrible frame rate, broken collision physics, disappearing dinos, despawns, things falling through floors, terrible AI, these are all serious problems in the current base game that urgently need to be addressed if Ark wants to maintain its player base. There are known, old and reported problems but no real attempt has been made to address them. If the devs are too busy using our investment money working on paid dlc to sell back to us address these key issues I see no future for this game.
I just cannot bring myself to pay the €20 for this DLC, no matter how much I want to play it and how much I want to support the developers here and I don't think I'm alone. I would happily just give another €20 to the devs if I believed it would go towards optimising the base game but I have no faith that is the case.

Wildcard really need to rethink their business strategy here, your player base will not put up with this kind of chicanery, if you can't put out a working game after 1 year of open alpha, you will become irrelevant.

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I have seen this opinion an awful lot in the last 24 hours here and I have to say, I just don't get it. Not to say it's wrong or you're dumb, I just can't fathom this way of thinking. In June of 2015 I spent $30 for an early access game. I have since played for around 1000 hours which is 5-10 times more than most games that retail at $60. So now that same game wants $20 more that adds a new map? Done. No questions because with new stuf comes more investment and I pay based on how much time it will take of mine.

and please don't forget, the dlc is basically just the map. The Dino's can be moved to other player dedicated servers by the admins, the items are on all servers, and this is the second map released. Yes I know officials are sort of screwed because you have to play the scorched map to be able to transfer those Dino's but many people play dedicated and there is a good answer for it. 

And lastly, on top of all of that, in all that time of playing, I have come across maybe 3 bugs. I hear about it all the time I just haven't seen many. I've had only maybe 1 Dino disappear in general, fell through the chitin cave, 210 bred saber, rough day, but that's the worst of it, in 1000 hours. That's not bad. So am I just lucky? Or is it a "squeaky wheel gets the grease" sort of thing? I can't be sure but I have friends who play and been on a lot of servers and I haven't come across many with countless issues like so many on the forum like to say.

moral of the story, I pay for time investment. The island took a lot of time for only $30, not they want more, and to me, someone who prefers dragons to Rex's, take my money cz I'm here for a long haul.

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3 minutes ago, TheRealTFreezy said:

I have seen this opinion an awful lot in the last 24 hours here and I have to say, I just don't get it. Not to say it's wrong or you're dumb, I just can't fathom this way of thinking. In June of 2015 I spent $30 for an early access game. I have since played for around 1000 hours which is 5-10 times more than most games that retail at $60. So now that same game wants $20 more that adds a new map? Done. No questions because with new stuf comes more investment and I pay based on how much time it will take of mine.

and please don't forget, the dlc is basically just the map. The Dino's can be moved to other player dedicated servers by the admins, the items are on all servers, and this is the second map released. Yes I know officials are sort of screwed because you have to play the scorched map to be able to transfer those Dino's but many people play dedicated and there is a good answer for it. 

And lastly, on top of all of that, in all that time of playing, I have come across maybe 3 bugs. I hear about it all the time I just haven't seen many. I've had only maybe 1 Dino disappear in general, fell through the chitin cave, 210 bred saber, rough day, but that's the worst of it, in 1000 hours. That's not bad. So am I just lucky? Or is it a "squeaky wheel gets the grease" sort of thing? I can't be sure but I have friends who play and been on a lot of servers and I haven't come across many with countless issues like so many on the forum like to say.

moral of the story, I pay for time investment. The island took a lot of time for only $30, not they want more, and to me, someone who prefers dragons to Rex's, take my money cz I'm here for a long haul.

Its not about money or cost its about principle. What have they done is set a new low for the gaming industry. Charging for DLC while the game is still in alpha stage and on top of that neglecting the core game in order to do so.

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+1 @TheRealTFreezy

Out of rep though

I agree. This issue boils down to impacient people. I look at this way. I've been gaming for almost 20 years and I have to wait like 4 to 5 years between actually good games. Ark is unquestionably included in that list, and the devs actually communicate with us on top of it. And now there's a strange paradox where all these players are trying to kill the thing they love because they can't wait a whopping few months, a year, whatever. This game is worth the wait.


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4 minutes ago, vashshadow said:

its like putting on your shoes first then your socks this is very wrong how can people not see that this is wrong and they need to finish  theyre god damn game first before dlc. raptor its extra content for a game that doesn have all its content in it yet how does that make any sense to anyone

What content is not there that makes this a "finished" game by any other expectation but your own? Just because they said they want to add x, y, and z doesn't mean that not having it makes the game finished. Maybe they decided that this was more important for what they wanted the game to become, but the half price they gave you for an amazing game wasn't cutting it for them to add all they wanted,m so they need a little help. I'm not here to argue that they are good at communicating. Only that the player base tends to be full of entitled babies that think just because a creative idea was presented to us that makes it a must to be a full game. This could be near the end of the content they want to put.

look at the mods. Are people really wanting to add the Dino's that are in the dossier or are people making dragon packs because that is what the players seem to want. You can be mad, but wildcard has taken only $50 from me for three maps, tons of Dino's, tons of items to build, armor, weapons, and countless small things that I have personally asked for (others have as well obviusly). That is $10 less than cod or battlefield will take from people in just a few months, and while I like both those games, they have less content. End of story.

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ya so raptoring amazing people fall though the map all the time say what you will freezy but people can tell you nothing more then a corporate slave willing to bend over and take for you owners. the fact that the devs themselfs said the game is not finish tells everyone the game isnt finished and if the turn around and say its done now is the moment people can hop on can say the game is full of bugs which it is is highly unoptimized you cant stay ea and have a dlc its on or the other they raptored up and put themselfs in this corner

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The thing is: first optimize the game, then release a DLC. It's not about its cost or content, but the principle. You don't have 3 million players waiting for the game to be finished and then just release more and more content with minimal optimization and bugfixing to then out of the blue release a DLC with some more content. Ark is awesome but Wildcard just hit a new low with a DLC for an EA game. I understand the thirst for money, but you just betrayed everyone who thought you were busy optimizing and bugfixing.

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16 minutes ago, TheRealTFreezy said:

What content is not there that makes this a "finished" game by any other expectation but your own? Just because they said they want to add x, y, and z doesn't mean that not having it makes the game finished. Maybe they decided that this was more important for what they wanted the game to become, but the half price they gave you for an amazing game wasn't cutting it for them to add all they wanted,m so they need a little help. I'm not here to argue that they are good at communicating. Only that the player base tends to be full of entitled babies that think just because a creative idea was presented to us that makes it a must to be a full game. This could be near the end of the content they want to put.

look at the mods. Are people really wanting to add the Dino's that are in the dossier or are people making dragon packs because that is what the players seem to want. You can be mad, but wildcard has taken only $50 from me for three maps, tons of Dino's, tons of items to build, armor, weapons, and countless small things that I have personally asked for (others have as well obviusly). That is $10 less than cod or battlefield will take from people in just a few months, and while I like both those games, they have less content. End of story.

It's not about the content that makes a game finished or not it's about and I quote " We have been waiting patiently for a year to see some real optimisation to this game and some game breaking bug fixes. Terrible frame rate, broken collision physics, disappearing dinos, despawns, things falling through floors, terrible AI"

It's about principle, and no offensive but it's people like you that encourage this behavior and why we will continue to see it in the future.  

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17 minutes ago, vashshadow said:

ya so raptoring amazing people fall though the map all the time say what you will freezy but people can tell you nothing more then a corporate slave willing to bend over and take for you owners. the fact that the devs themselfs said the game is not finish tells everyone the game isnt finished and if the turn around and say its done now is the moment people can hop on can say the game is full of bugs which it is is highly unoptimized you cant stay ea and have a dlc its on or the other they raptored up and put themselfs in this corner

Falling through the map on the player side has actually been fixed but you can be mad. And what I'm asking is what is more of a corporate slave? $50 for one the best gaming experiences I have ever had over a substantial period of time, or wait till cod comes out and spend $60 for half the game? poop even fallout 4 didn't have the content. I played for a few months, saw lots of YouTube content for a few months and even that finished game is all but gone. 

You can be as frustrated as you want and call people names up down left and right but this is one of the best $50 I spent in my gaming life. 

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6 minutes ago, vashshadow said:

so spending money on bug filled game was the best spent money in your gaming life thats just sad and who the hell brought up cod that game is just as but with theyre horrid morals with dlc

This is the thing. The bugs aren't terrible. Sure they suck, and they happen, but they aren't game breaking, and the ones that are get fixed within days. I only brought up cod for another game. Let's go with fallout 4, I got around 40 hours out of that but let's just say the normal person gets 100, or 200, that still isn't half of what I got out of the main $30 game. 

My only point is that while you can be as angry as you want because this is "morally wrong" I disagree. I think of the worth of a game based on the time spent in it vs money spent. The time spent still outweighs the $50 including the dlc. I am more than happy to give a company more money when they are doing things I like. At least in this case the dlc money is going to more content. With a regular game the dlc is just a cash grab. 

Now don't get me wrong, I don't like dlc at its core, but I wouldn't be a gamer if I didn't get over it. At least in this case the money for dlc is for something I have been dying for since the game releases and it can help pay for the full game or more content. Do you at least follow that logic?

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I see both sides:

Side A: They should finish the base game (solid framerate, your items shouldn't fall through the map if you die from falling, the dino AI is horrible, and so on). The game also lacks an endgame, meaning objectives/items - a reason for people to play - once you get to about 70 something and higher (in PVE) there's really nothing to do other than collect more stuff. If they made SE a part of The Island or Center then there would be something for higher level players to do. Regardless of the DLC being only $20 those man hours should've gone toward fixing/completing what we paid for and were promised.

Side B: We've all probably put in at least 40 to a 100 hours in the game when you're lucky to pay $60 for a game nowadays and it have enough content for you to be playing 2 or 3 weeks later, so there's nothing to worry or complain about.

I lean towards side A. They don't necessarily need to add more content to the base game, even though I would like stuff for high-level play, but they should've had the base game nailed before asking us to buy more content and put so much work into something else. The only issues I run into on X1 are hits of lag and bad framerate, but I've heard of far worse stuff happening to others.

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Is pretty  hilarious  to see people calling other cheap because they have common  sense,  this is going to set a new layer of what other "Ea" games can ask before they deliver their " finish game". 

And to all people saying that this DLC won't  change nothing about how the manage the game are beyond naive and innocent,  just prepare in advance to shell out more money to see a finished game and real content for this guys again and I mean proper content no community  mods polish and deliver as wildcard work. 

 Right now there has been more than a year with the current bugs and they haven't  fixed anything of the core issues of this game. So in the end sure they are going to make money out of this for sure but in the end the game reputation  is going to sink as fast as their, because right now they are not even torrent material just a new tier of mass thievery and lack of professionalism. 

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fallout 4 was a flop and they even come out and said it was a flop so thats kinda a bad game to go with. now i can understand supporting devs you like but they have been slowing down more with updates the last update was 8 gigs for a door i can not stand by and see dlc for a ea whats to stop other campanies to do this bull too with the way the game industry has been going the last 10 years im waiting for another crash for games or some other very bad thing to happen at a game expo seeing how it seems games are not the new way to raptor people out of theyre money

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1 hour ago, TheRealTFreezy said:

I have seen this opinion an awful lot in the last 24 hours here and I have to say, I just don't get it. Not to say it's wrong or you're dumb, I just can't fathom this way of thinking. In June of 2015 I spent $30 for an early access game. I have since played for around 1000 hours which is 5-10 times more than most games that retail at $60. So now that same game wants $20 more that adds a new map? Done. No questions because with new stuf comes more investment and I pay based on how much time it will take of mine.

and please don't forget, the dlc is basically just the map. The Dino's can be moved to other player dedicated servers by the admins, the items are on all servers, and this is the second map released. Yes I know officials are sort of screwed because you have to play the scorched map to be able to transfer those Dino's but many people play dedicated and there is a good answer for it. 

And lastly, on top of all of that, in all that time of playing, I have come across maybe 3 bugs. I hear about it all the time I just haven't seen many. I've had only maybe 1 Dino disappear in general, fell through the chitin cave, 210 bred saber, rough day, but that's the worst of it, in 1000 hours. That's not bad. So am I just lucky? Or is it a "squeaky wheel gets the grease" sort of thing? I can't be sure but I have friends who play and been on a lot of servers and I haven't come across many with countless issues like so many on the forum like to say.

moral of the story, I pay for time investment. The island took a lot of time for only $30, not they want more, and to me, someone who prefers dragons to Rex's, take my money cz I'm here for a long haul.

You sire are a gentleman and a scholar, along with you I cannot comprehend the hate fire that is being fueled behind this. Also this 20$ DLC will probably have more updates done to it, with more creatures(maybe) or other things. That is something other developers never do to their DLC without adding more DLC for more $

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4 minutes ago, CaptainSalame said:

Is pretty  hilarious  to see people calling other cheap because they have common  sense,  this is going to set a new layer of what other "Ea" games can ask before they deliver their " finish game". 

And to all people saying that this DLC won't  change nothing about how the manage the game are beyond naive and innocent,  just prepare in advance to shell out more money to see a finished game and real content for this guys again and I mean proper content no community  mods polish and deliver as wildcard work. 

 Right now there has been more than a year with the current bugs and they haven't  fixed anything of the core issues of this game. So in the end sure they are going to make money out of this for sure but in the end the game reputation  is going to sink as fast as their, because right now they are not even torrent material just a new tier of mass thievery and lack of professionalism. 

Are you uneducated on how things work or what?

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7 minutes ago, RyderQ said:

I see both sides:

Side A: They should finish the base game (solid framerate, your items shouldn't fall through the map if you die from falling, the dino AI is horrible, and so on). The game also lacks an endgame, meaning objectives/items - a reason for people to play - once you get to about 70 something and higher (in PVE) there's really nothing to do other than collect more stuff. If they made SE a part of The Island or Center then there would be something for higher level players to do. Regardless of the DLC being only $20 those man hours should've gone toward fixing/completing what we paid for and were promised.

Side B: We've all probably put in at least 40 to a 100 hours in the game when you're lucky to pay $60 for a game nowadays and it have enough content for you to be playing 2 or 3 weeks later, so there's nothing to worry or complain about.

I lean towards side A. They don't necessarily need to add more content to the base game, even though I would like stuff for high-level play, but they should've had the base game nailed before asking us to buy more content and put so much work into something else. The only issues I run into on X1 are hits of lag and bad framerate, but I've heard of far worse stuff happening to others.

Side A needs to understand that even if they stopped adding content and fixed bugs, as soon as and I do mean as soon as they start adding content again BAM the game will have more bugs and so on. So why not get all the content out while the game is still under pre-release, which is what allows them to keep the game half price, then fix bugs?


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1 minute ago, vashshadow said:

are you nothing but a blind fanboi?

No sir, I just read the fine print when I made the conscious decision of buying a "pre-release" game that alerts you to the fact that it may or may not work properly always because the game is still being built. So I therefor have absolutely nothing to complain about because I have gotten more out of this incomplete/half price game then I have some AAA "fully complete on release" 60$ games, with 100$+ in DLC lol

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Just now, UDGxKnight said:

No sir, I just read the fine print when I made the conscious decision of buying a "pre-release" game that alerts you to the fact that it may or may not work properly always because the game is still being built. So I therefor have absolutely nothing to complain about because I have gotten more out of this incomplete/half price game then I have some AAA "fully complete on release" 60$ games, with 100$+ in DLC lol

doing this just opens the flood gate for more garbage companies to do the same more bull dlc just so they can milk every last drop from you but that being said this dlc does look good they should have moth balled this until the game is finished

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