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[Dev's] The island vs. scorched earth


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Hello everyone,

After the big update today I and I think a lot of other players are more or less surprised. You relesed a new Dlc, or better

a new Game (?). So far so good. This Dlc have a lot new gameplay mechanics like storms, new tools and builinds also new

creatures. Very impressive once.

But why ... why didn't have "the island", the 'normal Ark' this very nice features ? Tropical storms, tends, creatures like the vulture or

fire as weapon ? Will the island get this or similar features in the next time or was Ark: Envolved just a alpha alpha playground ?  If this

energy where put in the base game, wohoo ...but in the moment I feel the main Ark Envolved is just done as Test subject.




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41 minutes ago, NukeZX said:

You already paid for the Island, I guess.

"Work on 20 projects, finish none."

Very disappointed, will not be buying that SE dlc.

Agreed, it is time to make an informed customer decision and not buy SE.

 I played Ark for more than 6 months now, still get random Dino despawns regularily. The Quetz never stopped to stick itself vertically into the ground and you still die when dropping onto cables and irrigation pipes.

I cannot imagine SE will be any less bug infected. Shame it will draw more players off the old maps though.

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1 hour ago, GeoSeb said:

Hello everyone,

After the big update today I and I think a lot of other players are more or less surprised. You relesed a new Dlc, or better

a new Game (?). So far so good. This Dlc have a lot new gameplay mechanics like storms, new tools and builinds also new

creatures. Very impressive once.

But why ... why didn't have "the island", the 'normal Ark' this very nice features ? Tropical storms, tends, creatures like the vulture or

fire as weapon ? Will the island get this or similar features in the next time or was Ark: Envolved just a alpha alpha playground ?  If this

energy where put in the base game, wohoo ...but in the moment I feel the main Ark Envolved is just done as Test subject.





There are some technical and social considerations to take into account when adding things to the Ark map.


If you had been on the forums at all during the announcement of the Redwoods Update, then you would have noticed a lot of people either concerned or angry that all of their hard work into building a base might be wiped out in order to introduce new biomes.  And then afterwards you had major tribes blocking other people from having access.

So even if you were to add the desert somewhere on the original Island map, where would you place it?  Whose hard work would you demolish?  You'd have everything from players complaining about their stuff being gone, to other people being upset that one of their favorite spots has been wiped out.  What about storms?  Good idea, but there again, you have people who aren't prepared and would be upset.


And some of the things might be more technical in nature.  The size of the Island map as a whole is static.


Personally, I think that the situation is actually something of the opposite.  Scorched Earth is the testing ground for some of the more volatile ideas like dangerous weather.  If it works well there, they might consider putting it on the Island map.


As it is, I'm excited.  With all the new assets they've added and all the new designs, they've earned that 20 dollars.  Developers aren't air ferns, after all.  And by giving them my money, they'll keep supporting the game as a whole.  (Instead of having to close up shop.  Nobody can work for free, after all!)

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8 minutes ago, Scrysis said:

With all the new assets they've added and all the new designs, they've earned that 20 dollars.  Developers aren't air ferns, after all.  And by giving them my money, they'll keep supporting the game as a whole.  (Instead of having to close up shop.  Nobody can work for free, after all!)

That's the thing.


Ppl have been sitting in ' alpha' with the same gamebreaking bugs for over a year in a game we all love.

Yet there is no mention ever about any fix.

Independent modders on Steam workshop have been releasing mods and new content (non-cheating and non-immersive ones), yet official servers do not get those.

Sinking through ceilings bug, my main concern. Never fixed.

Build over water, your dinos-you-eggs- end up in the water.


Little to no feedback about these matters.


And then a Primitive version with tons of content gets released.

Then a paid DLC gets released with tons of content and landscape additions.

With a "play as dino"  version also on the way apparently.

I don't need Island modifications, I mod the Island myself on the unofficial server, but on official I just want to play a game without constant crashes because the game can't handle 2x 980TI and 2xultra wide screen apparently, dinos spawning inside bases, glitching through walls, despawning etc

More and more side projects, not finishing one to Release state. (at this moment)


THAT is my main concern with the dev's dedication to the current CORE game.



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My biggest concern is that you can bring things in from scorched earth to the island, but not from the island to scorched earth. So as I see it, sure, people on official may opt out and just play on the island, but those scorched earth players can come over on their dragons. You can't do a thing about it, and even if you do get the dlc, you can't cross over with your tames to fight back. I see some issues arising from this.

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