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Dino Stats, Max Dino Level?

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I've been looking around quite a bit and haven't found anything definitive yet about Dino stats and the maximum Dino level in ASA on Official servers.  Does anyone know if they made any actual changes to the broken dinosaur leveling system?

Do Dinosaurs disappear above level 450 like they did in ASE?  Or does it stop you from putting level-up points in at 450 like at the end of ASE?

Is a negative mutation still necessary to breed mutations beyond the regular 20 per side, or is that fixed and now we're stuck with 20 mutations per parent side like it appears it was originally intended? 

Do we still need to wipe useless stats in order to be able to maximize the effectiveness of our Dinos?


If there is an official post about this subject please point me in the right direction.

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1 hour ago, Tessderosa said:

oes anyone know if they made any actual changes to the broken dinosaur leveling system?

In principle it's almost everything like ASE with some important exceptions, I'll answer your questions before trying to explain the rest:

1 hour ago, Tessderosa said:

Do Dinosaurs disappear above level 450 like they did in ASE?  Or does it stop you from putting level-up points in at 450 like at the end of ASE?

The limit of the Wild Dinos has remained unchanged at 150 (at the moment we have no Tek creatures but they should remain with a maximum level of 180 as in ASE), I personally still don't have any creatures mutated enough to be able to tell you with certainty what happens at level 450 (even this limit should have remained the same, WC has not mentioned changes in this sense), ASA has all the Bugs of ASE 2015 so your doubt is justified but I have no certainties about it.

1 hour ago, Tessderosa said:

Is a negative mutation still necessary to breed mutations beyond the regular 20 per side, or is that fixed and now we're stuck with 20 mutations per parent side like it appears it was originally intended? 

no, WC has officially declared that the "problem" of negative mitations has not been solved, so as in ASE we will have a theoretical limit of 20 Mut but which can be broken by going negative exactly like ASE

1 hour ago, Tessderosa said:

Do we still need to wipe useless stats in order to be able to maximize the effectiveness of our Dinos?

here too in the Official Servers it remains exactly the same as ASE, however the possibility of changing the limit of 255 points has been included in the private servers, not in the Official.


THE TWO SIGNIFICANT CHANGES ARE: - in ASA the "speed" statistic (or rather the possibility of adding levels to the default statistic) has been eliminated from the assignments and this means that the animals will not obtain speed points after domestication, so there are no points lost and all post-tame points will be distributed across 6 stats instead of 7 (so more points on useful stats, and one less stat to reset in breeding).

- The mutation count has been separated from the specific stat, i.e. a baby will separately inherit the number of points on the stat and the number of mutations on that stat, so now it is possible to pass on the number of Mutations which directly affects the point count inherited from the baby 'other parent, I'll try to explain myself better with an example: if you have a Dino that has 10 points in HP and 10 Mutations in HP, you pair it with a dino that has 20 points in HP and 0 Mutations, it is possible that the child is born with 20 HP points + 10 Mutations (or even vice versa), this implies that if you already have a breeding line started but at a certain point you find a Dino that has the highest basic statistics of the "clean" parent, you will be able to transmit the mutations to the offspring of the new Dino without losing anything of the process already carried out and therefore obtaining a new stallion with the sum of the new statistics plus the old mutations.

1 hour ago, Tessderosa said:

If there is an official post about this subject please point me in the right direction.

some of the information is contained here:

  • Breeding Changes
    • This one sounds scary, we know. Our Product and QA teams were freaking out about it, but generally, our intention hasn’t been to change the strength of creatures but to make the implementation cleaner. Previously, mutations were based on a creature's wild stat multiplier, and now we’ve given it its multiplier. This has led to some creatures receiving some buffs/nerfs in particular stats, but we intend to rebalance this over time as we evaluate their roles in the meta. We’ll want your feedback on that :).
    • We have NOT FIXED getting more than 20 mutations, but we removed the 255 cap so that servers can specify a cap. We’ll leave it as is for our Officials (255), but it’s open to adjustments.
Edited by CervantesMor
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One thing that should be noted is that the actual limit for mutations in a stat will be 254 levels on official, since the mutation counter is separate and will almost always be starting at zero when you start mutating. (The exception would be if you started mutating with a wild baby that had a mutation, then you start with 2 levels) - odd numbers of mutation levels simply are not possible.

Also, since the mutation levels are separate, its going be possible to make creatures that are stronger than the ASE versions were; any of the single stat creatures, like stegos for health or gigas for melee will now be able to have 254 mutation levels + 50 or so base levels in their key stat, and still be under the level 362 hatch sweet spot.  Perhaps that will lead to devs rebalancing those creatures, making mutation levels give less of a boost to the stat. 

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