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What was your experience on launch day?

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How long after launch did it take for the new servers to come up?

How many new servers? 

Were you able to join an official server? 

Was it difficult to find an unclaimed base location?

Did you experience the log on bug?

If so, what happened?

Any other information youd like to share would be appreciated. 

Just trying to see what to expect. 



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It's going good so far. Had a few crashes as I loaded a new character into a server, crashed twice, and that is honestly it. 

The first server I joined ppl started pillaring me so I switched to another and all seems okay. I placed 3 pillars around my base so I can expand without the "you are too close to enemy" and I'm hoping when I log on today nobody else has built near me 🤞 lol

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On 11/29/2023 at 9:15 PM, TheHatedConsolePlayer said:

How long after launch did it take for the new servers to come up?
How many new servers? 
Were you able to join an official server? 
Was it difficult to find an unclaimed base location?
Did you experience the log on bug?
If so, what happened?
Any other information youd like to share would be appreciated. 

Just trying to see what to expect. 

I bought a brand new series x, 2 terrabyte SSD, and a new headset. Granted, I am obviousely useing it for more than just Ark ascended, however I can assure you, IT WAS A WASTE OF $900!!!!!


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