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Extra Life event BEFORE console release?

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How would the Extra Life event happening before console release impact the game and your decision to purchase or play on console? 

Would you be ok if console was released at the start of the Extra Life event? Even if the PC players who have already been playing get the increased rates as well?

What about postponing the event until a time when thing are more sorted out?

IF the event happens BEFORE console release, which would be crazy IMO and I hope it doesn't happen, I'm out. That would be it for me. 

Looking forward to reading your thoughts on the topic. Thanks everyone. 🙂 


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They've already said that there will be console only servers, plus there will be no cross play at the beginning between pc / console.

And on top of that when the cross play servers eventually do arrive they will be new to both PC and console - remember there are no transfers at all atm (until scorched) and there will be no transfers between the different modes like you can't transfer between PVE and PVP. So I'm not sure why PC only servers being up during extra life specifically would put anyone off, console players will never play there unless they are opened to them later and they want to.

(and btw Extra Life is a huge external charity, not sure they'd be keen on delaying their well establlshed event for this lol).

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I really hope they dont try to run an extra life event, as much as i support the charity event, server cannot handle boosted rates! Besides, have a low rate actually makes the game a little more fun for me, everyone start primitive and has to work for it, no tek bases day one, with extra life i already know i will start seeing tek everywhere.

I also realize this doesnt answer your question at all, so, as Luizza stated, console will have dedicated servers so it really isnt an issue, if you want to join a cross platform, then you have to go into it with full knowledge you will be starting behind.

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Fair points. Very true there will be new servers for console. I guess I meant more towards being excluded from the increased rates. After being excluded from launch. As a long time official server player I know that x8, x10, x12, rates on official is HUGE. Not worried about "catching up" on this one as much as just being able to benefit from the insane increased rates. Maybe delay the increased rates until console launch and still have the event for charity? 

To say missing out on that is disappointing is an understatement. 

At the end of the day, what will happen, will happen. Just feels like it would be another major letdown for console players. Just my opinion. Thanks for your thoughts. 🙂

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I completely understand your disappointment with not being able to play, but if its any compensation, the servers are a mess right now, granted they have improved a lot since launch, but the game does need some optimization and improvements, i think consoles would struggle in the current state which is ultimately the reason for the delay, once a few more performance passes happen (which i have full confidence will be soon based on current updates) you should see a console release.

As for rates, 1x roughly equivalent to 0.25x on ASE (if you played ark 1). I think the next rate boost will likely be winter wonderland, after a few patches and console release, that way everyone gets to enjoy higher rates.

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My only concern is for the charity itself. Extra life is a very good cause and helps a great many people, alot of the donations that they raise won't be getting made because of the lack of people getting the boosted rates. I want the game as much as anyone on console, but children's miracle network and the good that they do with the money raised is more important IMHO. 

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