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art by Cisiopurple on Deviantart!

Gojirasaurus radium

height: 3 meters (9.84 feet)

Length: 8 meters (26.25 feet)

Diet: Carnivore

Rideable: Using a Gojirasaurus saddle

Special Abilities: This Dino gets a buff from radiation in Movement Speed and Melee Damage

Dossier info:

Man, what I came across today was crazy. What I saw was a long slim dinosaur, it was vicious. It tore up anything it came across. When I spotted it it was running after a Raptor, this surprised me, Raptors will attack almost anything. After it had killed it, it turned its attention to me. I had my Hazard suit on and ran. Unfortunately for me I ran strength into an Iradjatex area, had choose. As if it wasn’t fast already, it became much faster. Fortunately for me, I met a tribe that took care of it for me. They called it a Gojirasaurus.

when they took me back to their base of operations they said they’ve tamed them before. Apparently they like the feel of a charge lantern, if you use it on one it’ll calm down long enough for you to feed it spoiled meat. Don’t imagine why they like the taste.

But when you take it, it is extremely well versed. It’s claws and long arms are great at collecting gems. On top of that they keep Raptors away, I have not seen a single rider be attacked by one yet. Add the fact that when they entered an area of radiation the rider wasn’t affected by it. Must be because the Gojirasaurus is able to absorb a small amount of radiation.


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1 hour ago, Cailean556 said:

I think a "breath beam" would be more appropriate than an explosion for a primary capability. I know you listed it as a "potential" ability, but I think it could work better if it was the other way around.

Or perhaps, once it has soaked up enough radiation, it needs to either release the radiation (in a breath beam - so it can't do it on command, needs to build uo) or it will, almost literally, go nuclear (like a Giga's rage only an explosive AOE that damages structures and dinos alike).

Or perhaps, if it soaks up enough radiation, it actually gets bigger and starts morphing into something akin to the "real" Godzilla (stopping at something akin to the Reaper in size), with abilities that are "definitely not meant to make it ARK's version of Godzilla" - and it stays this way until either the radiation fades (very, very slowly - once its outside the zone) or you feed it the anti-radiation mushrooms, or a Lamprey is attached to it to speed up the process. Potentially, outside of Aberration and the Radiation Zone, it could be fed an entire stack of element to trigger its "Godzilla mode" - or to maintain it. So if you want this Reaper-counter, it's going to cost you being in the radiation zone (or an entire stack of element) to maintain its radioactivity - requiring you balance it using its power (as it uses its store of radiation, it begins to get smaller and weaker) and maintaining it.

The only other creature (not including babies) we've had that changes size (albeit over a much shorter period of time) is the Ferox - so something that starts Raptor-sized, and can gradually increase in size (and power) until it's eye-to-eye with a Reaper and can maintain that size a lot longer (or indefinitely) would be truly unique.

All that said...I feel like ARK's all "theropodded" out and I'm not really feeling it. Not in its present format.

I have adjusted the post to include these things

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Gojirasaurus Ardens

Gojirasaurus is a dinosaur I would really like to see in ARK. Despite being named after God-Freaking-Zilla(!) it's not really represented that much in Media. And with how I've tweaked it around, I think it would suit Aberration amazingly!

The main idea for it is to be around Allosaurus size, maybe bigger, maybe smaller. It would spawn down down in the Red Zone as a solitary animal. This creature relies very heavily on radiation as it is the main source of it's power. In the wild it will be able to use all of it's abilities regardless of whether or not it's in the red zone, think like how a Rhyniognatha can use resin attacks in the wild. But tamed Gojirasaurus will need to be kept in Radiation for however long you want to charge them for. You can increase your Gojirasaurus' charge capacity by levelling up Oxygen. When it's not "charged" it will have 2 attacks; a basic Bite and a Claw Swipe (which hits twice) and attacking it will give Kentro-like recoil. But when it's Charged, you really start to reap it's rewards!

- It's Bite will induce radiation sickness on the target, stacking up to to 10 times for a maximum of 2 minutes.

- It's Claw Swipe will also induce radiation sickness, albeit for less time and it does not stack.

-Creatures and enemy players will be afflicted with radiation sickness unless wearing a Hazard suit, or having Mushroom Brew (or being immune to radiation altogether)

-The recoil damage will induce radiation sickness which while does not stack on it's own, does stack with radiation sickness caused by Claw Swiping or Biting.

-It will have a radiation breath which does immense damage and applies radiation sickness.

-It can act as a generator, powering all electronic devices around it like a Tek Generator (although does not power tek) Radius increases with charge capacity.

-It's saddle makes you immune to radiation and also makes you immune to Molten Element


My idea of taming the Gojirasaurus is that you must not be wearing Hazard armour, nor can you be on a tame. So go get those Lampreys! So, already, quite tough. But luckily, that's the worst of it. After you've got a Lamprey friend attached to you all you have to do is simply feed it mushroom brew to "subdue" it, after a while it will enter a docile state and you have to equip it with a saddle and.. you have a Gojirasaurus! Although, make sure there are no potential threats or things to distract the Gojirasaurus at that can reset it's docility meter.

There is one more thing about the Gojirasaurus. It has an Alpha variant! The Alpha Gojirasaurus can be found rarely and drops a Gojirasaurus plate. This plate can be used to make a Gojirasaurus hatchet, which inflicts radiation sickness on whatever it hits.

I hope you liked my submission for the Gojirasaurus! And, if you feel so inclined, please drop a vote! I'd really appreciate it!


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I never 

55 minutes ago, Thiranossauro said:

Gojirasaurus would be the size of a raptor and not a Tyrannosaurus, but I think it would be cool if they resembled Zilla's hatchlings from the 1998 movie 

images - 2023-07-08T162513.353.jpeg

I never said it would be the size of a Tyrannosaur, but yeah, maybe Allo size is a little big and it could be smaller. Also, fun fact; I tried to implement a little of every Godzilla design into my version of Gojirasaurus!

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Ok, just to get things out of the way, yes this is a real dinosaur. Isn't that crazy?!

Ok...here it goes

Dossier: Gojirasaurus


Species: Gojirasaurus dominus

Time: Triassic


Gojirasaurus dominus, named after its real-world counterpart, is a small, predatory creature that roams the perilous landscape of Aberration. Resembling a reptilian beast with rough, scaly skin emitting an eerie bioluminescence, this unique predator possesses adaptations that make it a formidable presence in its environment.

The Gojirasaurus has developed a remarkable resistance to radiation, allowing it to navigate highly radioactive areas unscathed. It can withstand exposure to hazardous levels of radiation, making it an ideal choice for explorers venturing into radioactive regions or engaging in battles involving other radioactive creatures.


Gojirasaurus dominus can be found throughout the cavernous regions of Aberration. It tends to inhabit areas with high radiation levels, often near molten element pools. Its adaptation to the extreme conditions of these pools combines with its agility in water environments, granting it the ability to swim through molten element without taking damage.


Despite its small size, survivors have found value in taming Gojirasaurus dominus due to its unique abilities. The Gojirasaurus possesses the ability to spray molten element, utilizing the scorching liquid as a potent weapon. It can unleash streams of molten element, engulfing its enemies and inflicting significant damage.

Survivors have also reported that the Gojirasaurus possesses an intimidating roar that can stun nearby creatures and cause them to flee in fear, reminiscent of the legendary creatures that have inspired stories and legends for generations. This ability grants a strategic advantage in combat or when attempting to escape dangerous situations.


Radiation Resistance: The Gojirasaurus can withstand high levels of radiation without suffering detrimental effects, a trait that sets it apart from its real-world counterpart and aligns it with the anomalies of Aberration.

Molten Element Adaptation and Agile Swimming: The Gojirasaurus displays exceptional agility both on land and in water. It can swim through molten element pools without taking damage, providing access to hazardous areas. This adaptation, combined with its streamlined body, allows for rapid and agile movement underwater, showcasing the fantastical nature of the Ark world.

Molten Element Spray: The Gojirasaurus has the ability to spray molten element from specialized glands, unleashing scorching streams of liquid that can engulf and harm its enemies. Survivors must exercise caution when facing this formidable attack.

Intimidating Roar: A powerful roar that stuns nearby creatures, reducing their combat effectiveness and causing them to flee, drawing upon the inspiration of legendary creatures and their awe-inspiring vocalizations.

Survivors are advised to exercise extreme caution when encountering the Gojirasaurus, as its unique abilities and resilience make it a formidable predator despite its smaller stature.



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I think a "breath beam" would be more appropriate than an explosion for a primary capability. I know you listed it as a "potential" ability, but I think it could work better if it was the other way around.

Or perhaps, once it has soaked up enough radiation, it needs to either release the radiation (in a breath beam - so it can't do it on command, needs to build uo) or it will, almost literally, go nuclear (like a Giga's rage only an explosive AOE that damages structures and dinos alike).

Or perhaps, if it soaks up enough radiation, it actually gets bigger and starts morphing into something akin to the "real" Godzilla (stopping at something akin to the Reaper in size), with abilities that are "definitely not meant to make it ARK's version of Godzilla" - and it stays this way until either the radiation fades (very, very slowly - once its outside the zone) or you feed it the anti-radiation mushrooms, or a Lamprey is attached to it to speed up the process. Potentially, outside of Aberration and the Radiation Zone, it could be fed an entire stack of element to trigger its "Godzilla mode" - or to maintain it. So if you want this Reaper-counter, it's going to cost you being in the radiation zone (or an entire stack of element) to maintain its radioactivity - requiring you balance it using its power (as it uses its store of radiation, it begins to get smaller and weaker) and maintaining it.

The only other creature (not including babies) we've had that changes size (albeit over a much shorter period of time) is the Ferox - so something that starts Raptor-sized, and can gradually increase in size (and power) until it's eye-to-eye with a Reaper and can maintain that size a lot longer (or indefinitely) would be truly unique.

All that said...I feel like ARK's all "theropodded" out and I'm not really feeling it. Not in its present format.

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18 hours ago, Sarahtosaurus said:

Gojirasaurus Ardens

Gojirasaurus é um dinossauro que eu realmente gostaria de ver no ARK. Apesar de ter o nome de God-Freaking-Zilla (!) Não é muito representado na mídia. E com a forma como eu o ajustei, acho que combinaria com a Aberração de maneira incrível!

A ideia principal é ter o tamanho do Allosaurus, talvez maior, talvez menor. Ele apareceria na Zona Vermelha como um animal solitário. Esta criatura depende muito da radiação, pois é a principal fonte de seu poder. Na natureza, ele será capaz de usar todas as suas habilidades, independentemente de estar ou não na zona vermelha, pense em como um Rhyniognatha pode usar ataques de resina na natureza. Mas o Gojirasaurus domesticado precisará ser mantido em Radiação por quanto tempo você quiser carregá-lo. Você pode aumentar a capacidade de carga do seu Gojirasaurus aumentando o nível de oxigênio. Quando não estiver "carregado" terá 2 ataques; uma mordida básica e um golpe de garra (que atinge duas vezes) e atacá-lo dará um recuo semelhante ao de Kentro. Mas quando é cobrado, você realmente começa a colher suas recompensas!

- Sua mordida induzirá doença de radiação no alvo, acumulando até 10 vezes por no máximo 2 minutos.

- É Claw Swipe também induzirá doença de radiação, embora por menos tempo e não se acumule.

-Criaturas e jogadores inimigos serão afligidos com doença de radiação, a menos que usem um traje Hazard ou tomem Mushroom Brew (ou sejam totalmente imunes à radiação)

-O dano de recuo induzirá enjoo de radiação que, embora não se acumule sozinho, acumula com enjoo de radiação causado por golpes ou mordidas com garras.

-Ele terá uma respiração de radiação que causa imenso dano e aplica doença de radiação.

-Ele pode atuar como um gerador, alimentando todos os dispositivos eletrônicos ao seu redor como um Tek Generator (embora não forneça energia ao tek) O raio aumenta com a capacidade de carga.

-Sua sela o torna imune à radiação e também o torna imune ao Elemento Derretido


Minha ideia de domar o Gojirasaurus é que você não deve estar vestindo uma armadura Hazard, nem pode ser domesticado. Então vá buscar essas lampreias! Então, já, bastante difícil. Mas, felizmente, isso é o pior. Depois de ter um amigo Lampreia ligado a você, tudo o que você precisa fazer é simplesmente alimentá-lo com uma poção de cogumelos para "subjugá-lo", depois de um tempo ele entrará em um estado dócil e você terá que equipá-lo com uma sela e.. você tenha um Gojirassauro! No entanto, certifique-se de que não há ameaças em potencial ou coisas para distrair o Gojirasaurus que possam redefinir seu medidor de docilidade.

Há mais uma coisa sobre o Gojirasaurus. Tem uma variante Alpha! O Alpha Gojirasaurus pode ser encontrado raramente e derruba uma placa de Gojirasaurus. Esta placa pode ser usada para fazer um machado Gojirasaurus, que inflige doença de radiação em tudo o que atinge.

Espero que tenham gostado da minha apresentação para o Gojirasaurus! E, se você se sentir inclinado, por favor, vote! Eu realmente aprecio isso!


Gojirasaurus would be the size of a raptor and not a Tyrannosaurus, but I think it would be cool if they resembled Zilla's hatchlings from the 1998 movie 

images - 2023-07-08T162513.353.jpeg

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Biology: Gojirasaurus quayi surprises me, and nothing on this derelect Ark should at this point. While I have seen how some creatures have evolved to be resistant to the leaking radiation close to the core of the Ark, Gojirasaurus has somehow evolved a way to weaponize radiation. You would also think them to be walking biohazards, constantly leaking radiation, but they surprisingly contain it well.

They do not have a constant supply of radiation, instead generating it with some sort of organ most likely. I cannot say for certain, as I have not been able to dissect one. They do, however, indicate their charge levels with small spines or osteoderms along their spine, which glow in response to their relative charge level.

Wild: Gojirasaurus isn't the largest predator, nor is it the most physically strong. Instead, its weaponization of radiation is its key to survival. It's ability to breathe-spit, spew?- radiation conjures imagery of a certain monster from movies, though I cannot quite remember what it is called. There seems to be two distinct varieties of radiation emission: a blob of radioactive goop and what I can only describe as a 'death laser'. The goop it spits sticks to any surface it impacts and the area around it. For a time, that area is highly radioactive, and cannot be navigated through without some sort of radiation protection. I am not sure what isotope it uses, but it does not have a long half life. The 'death laser', is a far more offensive utilization of radiation. Condensing the radiation to a focused point creates such potent heat and radiation it can pierce through even tek. This condensed beam of radiation even affects creatures normally immune to radiation, like reapers and rock drakes. They do not suffer radiation poisoning still though.

The sheer offensive power makes me wonder how it hasn't taken over the Ark. The answer is simple, the beast itself is quite frail. In up close engagements, Gojirasaurus would rather run and move to keep distance between itself and it's attacker. 

Tamed: After discovering this creature, I wondered if it could be tamed. While I did not have any survivor miraculously show up with one of the beasts tamed, I did, upon one expedition to the border of the radiation zone, discover these beasts do not predate upon humans. They seemed rather indifferent to humans, unless they were carrying Element of some kind. Gojirasaurus seems to enjoy Element and Element ore as sort of treats, eating it from the hands of whoever offers it. (Interestingly, the Gojirasaurus seemed to gain charge from eating it! Perhaps they can charge by digesting Element...)They appear large enough to ride, though only just. The issue of taming one then, comes down to aquiring the materials to tame one... And keeping yourself alive in the taming process.

Gojirasaurus by cisiopurple on DeviantArt

The concept with Gojirasaurus is to be living artillery with extreme power but little to no survivability. A glass canon in every sense. 


In PvP, Gojirasaurus is meant to be used to combat Tek as artillery, firing upon it from a distance to pierce the normally extremely tough building and bring it to heel. Once pierced, they can offer fire support with caution with both their beams and globs of aoe radiation, as its radiation weaponry is capable of friendly fire, and the globs of radiation do not descriminate friend from foe. When fighting against Gojirasaurus, it is important to target the Gojirasaurus and to bring hazard suits. Admittedly, hazard suits break extremely quickly under the death ray, which is advised to be avoided all together.

In PvE, Gojirasaurus becomes living artillery that, with enough protection, can deal massive damage to wild creatures and bosses alike. However, it is not meant to be an end all be all weapon, as it requires protection from other creatures, be it with good positioning or a meat shield between it and danger, as under any extended combat it will crumble. (Unlike Godzilla, which yes, it drew insperation from. No need to ask.)

When tamed, they generate Radiation passively at a slow rate, which can be accelerated by giving them Element to eat. Different forms give different amounts, with Unstable element giving the most radiation charge, and Element Dust giving the least. To tame them, you simply have to feed them any form of element passively. Of course, doing so will not get the Gojirasaurus to protect you, and while untamed Gojirasaurus don't get attacked by wildlife, you can and most likely will, given that they reside in areas consumed with radiation. They also absorb radiation from the Radiation Zone, charging quicker in such areas.


After taming, they eat meat, unless you want to charge them. Feeding them element, doesn't give them food. Just charge.

Controls while riding: 
Left Click: Bite. Nothing fancy
Right Click: Radiation bomb/Death Laser. Toggle between the modes by pressing R.

Space: Jump. 

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Gojirasaurus was a mid sized carnivore from the triassic. 

It's name basically translates to godzilla lizard. This is what I based some of its ideas around as godzilla is radiation focused and this creature would fit perfectly into aberration. 

Despite the abilities of this creature being based off godzilla it would be slightly smaller than a Carno in game.



The Gojirasaurus is an one of the more interesting of this ARK. This is because it spends its time hunting in the dangerous radioactive areas deep within the caves.

Despite its size not living up to the name intially Gojirasaurus  is able to survive in the radiation zones due to its natural protection to radiation and unique methods of hunting.

From what I have seen it seems that the spines on the Gojirasaurus are extra sensitive to radiation and the longer they are in radiation for the hotter they get. Allowing Gojirasaurus to literally breathe a radiation beam in order to release the heat and avoid going nuclear. "Radded up" Gojirasaurus can also increase in size making this radioactive even more threatening and capable of surviving in the most dangerous areas.



Gojirasaurus makes a great mount for traversing around the caves due to its quick speed and claws allowing it to scale the walls.

 few tribes I have seen have managed to tame this volatile predator. One of them claimed that Gojirasaurus' One tribe I knew used the Gojiro's flexible size and radiation breathe as their main battle mounts. That was until their Gojiro's overcharged on radiation and exploded leaving nothing but dust where their base was.

Gojirasaurus makes a great tame if you are aware of the risks.




Climbing- Gojirasaurus has claws that allow it to climb walls like a climbing pick.

Jump- Gojirasaurus can potentially charge up a jump similar to a reaper but with nowhere near the amount of distance coverable.

Radiation breathe-  Gojirasaurus can release some radiation through a powerful purple beam that burns enemies. This drains a meter that goes up when in radiation zones.

Radiation soaker- Gojirasaurus is capable of also soaking radiation to can transform it from smaller than a Carno to the size of a rex. This increases its damage and health. The more of the rad meter is full the bigger it is.

Nuclear- The Gojirasaurus radiation bar goes up when in radiation zones This also fills up the nuclear bar which depletes much slower. If the nuclear bar gets to full it causes a large explosion AOE around it doing super high damage this dismounts and kills the player and potentially all nearby creatures and structures.

The nuclear meter reduces when not in a rad zone. Lamprey and Auric mushrooms reduce it quicker whilst feeding element increase the radiation and nuclear meter.

Heater- Gojirasaurus warms up the area around it.

Reaper slayer- Gojirasaurus fire DPS does 15% more damage to reapers.

Radiation proof saddle- the saddle looks like a lighter version of the magmasaur saddle. It makes the player immune to radiation while riding it.


Potential abilities:


Radiation burst- Gojirasaurus can roar and cause a blast around it setting things on fire and dealing damage.

Pack boost- We don't know if the real Gojirasaurus was a pack hunter.

Swimming fast- If Godzilla is good at swimming Gojirasaurus could also be.

Rad bite- Gojirasaurus can set things on fire by biting at full size.

Regeneration- Gojirasaurus can use all its radiation bar for a large burst of health.





Stats (at level 1): 

Health: 350-1100 

Stamina:  400

Oxygen: 200-270

Food: medium

Weight: 300

Melee: 30-80       


I understand this is quite a wacky idea. Some of these images showcase what it's spines could look like. Let me know if I should do some art to better represent the idea.


Credit to Cailean556 for many ideas.





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