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The Fluffy Jumping-Spider Tranq Bola - Maevia Eureka!

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Love tis idea, and I have from the start! (When it first was shown) But I do have one suggestion, perhaps it would be able to make a portable zipline with its webbing and allowing it to climb on it. Perhaps a portable zipline could only be ridden on three or so times before it is destroyed.


Another idea, maybe due to its thick fur maybe it can't be affected with torpor? Just a thought.

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6 minutes ago, Romuluas said:

Love tis idea, and I have from the start! (When it first was shown) But I do have one suggestion, perhaps it would be able to make a portable zipline with its webbing and allowing it to climb on it. Perhaps a portable zipline could only be ridden on three or so times before it is destroyed.


Another idea, maybe due to its thick fur maybe it can't be affected with torpor? Just a thought.

These are both great ideas! I did mention the zipline ability in the dossier just with a little picture though so it's not obvious at all (my apologies for this!), I will add the thick fur torpor resistance to the suggestions, thank you for putting your thoughts out here! ❤️ 

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8 minutes ago, Sovira said:

These are both great ideas! I did mention the zipline ability in the dossier just with a little picture though so it's not obvious at all (my apologies for this!), I will add the thick fur torpor resistance to the suggestions, thank you for putting your thoughts out here! ❤️ 

Of course! I whole heartedly love the Maevia's design as it fits the actual creature so perfectly, and is a useful creature but isn't OP either. This is for sure my number 1 creature for this vote and definitely think it fits this map perfectly, really hope it wins!

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23 hours ago, Sovira said:

I wanted to say thank you SO MUCH to all of you for your kind words and support for Maevia! I cannot thank you enough, I actually ran out of reacts for the day so I can't even react to your posts! I'm so very grateful and humbled with all of your support and passion towards getting Maevia, OUR jumping spider to Ark! I feel like this may be her finale, and greatest chance to make it this time as so so many have told me she'd be so fit for Aberration specifically rather than the other maps! If any of you have any suggestions feel free to share I will slap them on the post itself with the others! I cannot believe how far she has come and it's literally because of YOU GUYS!!!

I've been in a very difficult spot in my life the past few weeks and may or may not not be able to continue posting her if she loses, so I want you all to know you absolutely can continue to support our Maevia and post for future events if there is any chance that I cannot! Just know that there is nothing short of endless appreciation for your help with getting her this far!!! I am beyond grateful. ❤️ 

I want her to win this time soooooooooo bad! I want her in the game and would LOVE her on Abberation!!!!! Holding out every hope for her! 


Going Jumper all the way! I don't even know what will end up in the top 10 but I know SHE will be my #1 no matter what! She's what Ark spiders SHOULD BE. 

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I see fluffy spider I vote.

Is it wrong that I liken tarantulas to cats because they're both fluffy.

Hope this guy gets a fair shot again. Plenty of maps, also, don't get discouraged if it loses Ab, there's plenty of other dlcs it could be in not counting the official ones, since they put in Rag maybe we can get them to do the same with the other maps like Valguero and the Center that didn't get much or anything in the Centers case in additional creatures.

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On 7/7/2023 at 19:01, Sovira said:



                                                                                                                  [Arte hecho por mí mismo.]


🕸️ ¡Hola aliados del Arca! Mi presentación aquí es una especie de araña saltadora que se dice que vivió una vez hace entre 23 y 15 millones de años, y la emoción de ese descubrimiento llevó a su apellido, ¡eureka! Realmente espero ver a Maevia eureka encontrar su camino hacia Ark algún día, cualquier apoyo para él es infinitamente apreciado, ¡tómese un momento para votarlo si desea verlo en Ark!



Estos son mis pensamientos sobre cómo Maevia eureka podría encajar en el mundo en el que jugamos, de una manera que refleje a las arañas saltadoras de la vida real combinadas con modificaciones genéticas de otras arañas, y cómo podrían encajar en Ark de una manera divertida y significativa que refleje otras criaturas de Ark y lo importante que es cada una de estas criaturas. Sentí que, dado que Maevia es más una compañera de domesticación, ¡esto nos brinda una forma diferente de domesticar criaturas usando un método no dañino! Como sucede en Aberration, hay muchos riesgos que corres mientras te enfrentas a tus objetivos debido al hecho de que la aberración puede ser bastante caótica, por lo que tener que estar cansado de tu entorno en todo momento es una cosa, pero cuanto más grande es la criatura, más débil. la bola...




🏞️ Hábitat

Esta es una criatura que se puede agregar a cualquier mapa del juego debido a su probabilidad de vivir en cuevas, pero también como las arañas saltadoras se pueden encontrar en tantos entornos diferentes, en particular, no hay límites en cuanto a dónde se pueden encontrar. !  


🕷️ Habilidad - Señuelo de presa

Estás deambulando con tus dos equus cuando uno de ellos comienza a captar un olor irresistible que proviene de la pared de una cueva cercana. Su equus está mordisqueando una gota suspendida cuando nota el débil destello que sale de la red a la que está unido, en un instante un saltador se ha abalanzado sobre su equus cubriéndolo con su bola y rápidamente lo envuelve en su red, pero en orden Para liberar a tu compañero, debes romper las correas, ya que algunos buenos golpes harán que ese saltador se escurra por la pared para esconderse.

🕷️ Habilidad - Bola tranquilizante

La idea es que los saltadores puedan tomar las gotas que almacenan y trabajarlas en sus redes para crear redes cubiertas de veneno que podrían lanzarse como una bola. Las telarañas tendrían un efecto tranquilizante cada vez que se tocaran, lo que provocaría que su objetivo acumulara letargo y eventualmente quedara inconsciente.

🕷️ Habilidad - Enganche

Como araña saltadora, tienen una agilidad excepcional y la capacidad de arrastrarse por las paredes, pero a un ritmo más rápido, ¡quizás incluso con el costo de la pérdida de resistencia para mantener el equilibrio! Una cosa opcional en la que había pensado era la capacidad de agarrarse por completo a presas más pequeñas para cubrir con precisión el objetivo con su red preparada.

🕷️ Habilidad - Bloqueo

Esta es la única característica que haría que esta criatura fuera tan invaluable, e incluso posiblemente haría que requiriera una hazaña muy difícil para domesticarla debido a ese poder, ya que con la precisión extrema de las arañas, podría 'fijarse' en un objetivo, y la red el lanzamiento sería inmediato, haciendo que incluso los managarmrs que saltan sean incapaces de saltar, ¡aunque creo que la resistencia podría ser una forma de equilibrar esto!

🕷️ Rasgo - Cara de miedo

Esta araña fue diseñada pensando en evolucionar para poder aterrorizar a los depredadores más grandes de lo normal, lo que la convierte en una domesticación increíblemente útil para las bases, manteniendo a tus criaturas mejor protegidas cuando tienes que moverlas por el mapa, imaginé que podría venir con una habilidad adicional. para levantar sus patas traseras con su abdomen para permanecer en esta postura en el suelo, o puede habilitar una opción dentro del menú radial que le permita encontrar y colgarse de un poste cercano, tal vez incluso un elemento nuevo para las arañas y los voladores por igual , similar a una percha?

🕷️ Rasgo/Habilidad - ¡Baile!

Las arañas saltadoras en el mundo real tienen muy poca diferenciación de tamaños entre machos y hembras. La idea era que los machos serían los que te permitieran acercarte lo suficiente para domesticarlos, mientras que las hembras intentarán matarte si haces esto, y cuando encuentres un compañero masculino, este tiene la habilidad de bailar cuando lo encuentras. una mujer, puedes participar en este baile, tal vez una combinación de botón izquierda/derecha/arriba/abajo que tienes que hacer bien para que ella encuentre a tu chico digno de su presencia, y mientras tanto puedes bañarla con obsequios de comida hasta que quiera que su chico vuelva a bailar para ella, ganándose poco a poco su confianza. Cuando un movimiento no se corrige lo suficientemente rápido, se vuelve hostil y ataca, ¡y es posible que tengas que esperar a que se calme antes de poder intentar este ritual nuevamente!


🕯️ ¡Dossier! 🕯️

Si hay algo que puedo decir sobre Maevia eureka, ¡no querrás quedar atrapado en su punto de mira! Una vez fui testigo de cómo un saltador se fijaba en su presa con la precisión más increíble, se abalanzaba sobre ella a la velocidad del rayo y, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, su presa estaba siendo guardada como un refrigerio para más tarde.

Parecen tener los genes de algunas otras arañas como la araña ogro, ya que puede juntar sus telarañas junto con una pequeña gota de la gota de veneno que guarda almacenada en su cabeza, trabajando eso en su telaraña para crear bolas paralizantes que parecen dejar inconsciente a su presa. Tengo razones para creer que los pelos que crecen en sus patas traseras provienen de la araña pavo real, pero debido a su necesidad de protección, también usa estas 'plumas' como una cara amenazante que puede asustar a los grandes depredadores, he visto algunos las tribus instalan postes de los que pueden colgar alrededor de los frentes de sus bases.

Diré que una cosa es segura, aunque son casi del tamaño de un oso terrible, son bastante lindos, especialmente por ser una araña, hay una cierta inteligencia que puedes ver cuando los miras a los ojos, simplemente puedo No lo ubicaré, pero realmente son compañeros notables con la capacidad de escalar rápidamente paredes, cuevas, acantilados y demás. De ninguna manera son una bestia de carga, sin embargo, lo compensan con sus habilidades para constreñir o asesinar a sus objetivos. Maevia eureka puede derribar presas mucho más grandes con su bola inductora de letargo, el lanzamiento de red, y esto los convierte en aliados notables para domesticar a otras criaturas. Aunque no he podido acercarme lo suficiente para hacerme amigo de una de las hembras, a los machos no parece importarles que esté en una vecindad remota con ellos.


¡Quería agregar algunas otras sugerencias en una forma simplificada, puntos clave de lo que los aliados de Ark han mencionado antes!

- Las gotas se pueden usar como una alternativa de veneno sin nombre, más lentas de producir pero útiles en situaciones o geniales cuando tienes una gran cantidad de saltadores.

- Alternativa donde el macho es pequeño, la hembra es enorme, el macho se usa como un compañero de hombro que tiene una gran utilidad, como hacer tirolesas, garfios y bolas grandes, donde la hembra es la domadora aunque lenta con algunas cosas para mantener el equilibrio.

- Gacha capullos, pequeñas criaturas podrían ser arrebatadas y convertidas en capullos, colgadas y podrían producir golosinas u otros materiales útiles.

- Menú radial donde se puede mejorar la producción, el letargo y otras cosas, así como el peso de las criaturas dependiendo del porcentaje de letargo, para ver qué tan pequeña/mediana/grande puede ser la capacidad de domesticación para los saltadores.

- Resistencia al letargo debido al pelaje/pelos gruesos.

Me gusta esta muy bien 

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On 7/8/2023 at 2:01 AM, Sovira said:



                                                                                                                  [Artwork done by myself.]


🕸️Hello allies of the Ark! My submission here is a jumping spider species that is said to have lived once between 23 and 15 million years ago, and the excitement of that discovery led to its last name, eureka! I genuinely hope to see Maevia eureka find its way to Ark some day, any support for it is infinitely appreciated, please take a moment to toss it a vote if you would like to see it around in Ark!



These are my thoughts on how Maevia eureka could fit into the world we play in, in a way that reflects real life jumping spiders combined with genetic modifications from other spiders, and how they might fit into Ark in a fun and meaningful way that reflects other creatures of Ark and how important each and every one of these creatures is. I felt that, as Maevia is more of a taming companion, this gives us a different way to tame creatures using a non-harmful method! As it is in Aberration, there are many risks you take while engaging with your targets due to the fact that aberration can be quite chaotic so having to be weary of your surroundings at all times is one thing, but the larger the creature, the weaker the bola... You may find yourself having to maneuver around an area and keep your targets attention while allowing for your jumper to gather enough venom to ensnare it once again.





This is a creature that is capable of being added to any map in the game due to its likeliness of living in caves, but also as jumping spiders can be found in so many different environments, there particularly are no limits to where they could be found!


🕷️Ability - Prey Lure

You're out roaming around on your two equus when one of them begins to pick up an irresistible scent coming from a nearby cave wall. Your equus is nibbling on a suspended droplet when you notice the faint glinting coming off the web it's attached to, within an instant a jumper has lunged at your equus covering it with its bola and is quickly wrapping it up in its webbing, but in order to free your companion you need to tear at the webbing, as a few good hits will send that jumper scurrying up the wall to hide!

🕷️Ability - Tranq Bola

The thought is that jumpers could take the droplets they store and work them into their webbing to create venom-coated webs that could be thrown like a bola. The webs would have a tranquilizing effect whenever touched, thus causing their target to build up torpor and eventually go unconscious.

🕷️Ability - Latching

As a jumping spider, they have outstanding agility and the ability to crawl on walls, but at a more rapid pace, maybe even with the cost of stamina drain for balance! An optional thing I had given thought to was the ability to fully latch onto smaller prey in order to accurately cover the target with their readied net.

🕷️Ability - Locking On

This is the single feature that would make this creature so invaluable, and even possibly make it require a very difficult feat for taming it due to that power, as with the spiders extreme accuracy, it could 'lock onto' a target, and the net cast would be immediate, rendering even jumping managarmrs unable to jump, though I do feel that stamina might be a way to balance this out!

🕷️Trait - Scary Face

This spider was designed in thought with evolving to be able to terrify larger than normal predators, making it an incredibly useful tame for bases, keeping your creatures better protected when having to move them around the map, I imagined it could come with an extra ability to raise its back legs with its abdomen to stay in this stance on the ground, or you could enable an option within the radial menu allowing it to find and hang down from a nearby pole, perhaps even a new item for the spiders and flyers alike, akin to a perch?

🕷️Trait/Ability - Dance!

Jumping spiders in the real world have very little differentiation on sizes between male and female. The idea was that the males would be the ones that allow you to get close enough to tame them, while females will try to kill you if you do this, and when you find a male companion, he has the ability to dance when you find a female, you can engage in this dance, maybe a left/right/up/down type of button combination you have to get right in order for her to find your boy worthy of her prescence, and in the meantime you can shower her with presents of food until she wants your boy to dance for her again, gradually gaining her trust. When a movement is not corrected quickly enough, she would become hostile and attack, and you may have to wait for her to cool off before you can attempt this ritual again!



If there's one thing I can say about Maevia eureka, you do not want to be caught in its sights! I once witnessed a jumper locking onto its prey with the most incredible accuracy, lunging at it with lightning speed and within the blink of an eye, its prey was being saved as a snack for later.

They seem to have the genes of a few other spiders like that of the ogre spider, as it can cast a gathering of its webbing along with a little dab of the venom droplet it keeps stored on its head, working that into its web to create paralytic bolas that seem to render its prey unconscious. I have reason to believe the hairs that grow on its back legs came from the peacock spider, but due to its need for protection, it also uses these 'feathers' as a menacing face that can scare off large predators, I've seen some tribes set up posts that they can hang from around the fronts of their bases.

I will say one thing is for certain, though they are nearly the size of a dire bear, they are quite the cuties, especially for being a spider, there is a certain intelligence you can see when you look into their eyes, I just can't place it, but they truly make remarkable companions with the ability to rapidly scale walls, caves, cliffsides and such. By no means are they a beast of burden, however they make up for this with their abilities to constrict or assassinate their targets. Maevia eureka can take down much larger prey with its torpor inducing bola, the net cast, and this makes them remarkable allies for taming other creatures. Though I haven't been able to get close enough to befriend one of the females, the males don't seem to mind me being in a remote vicinity with them as much.


I wanted to add some other suggestions in a simplified form, key points from what Ark allies have mentioned before!

- Droplets could be used as a nameless venom alternative, slower to produce but useful in situations or great when you have a plethora of jumpers.

- Alternative where the male is small, female is massive, male used as a shoulder buddy that has major utility such as making ziplines, grapple, and large bola, where female is the tamer albeit slow with a few things to keep the balance.

- Gacha coccoons, small creatures could be snatched and turned into coccoons, hung up and could produce goodies or other useful materials.

- Radial menu where production, torpor, and other things could be enhanced, as well as weight of creatures depending on torpor percentage, for how small/medium/large the taming capability could be for jumpers.

- Torpor resistance due to thick fur/hairs.

I vote it....but i hate the giant insect🤣

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Well, Maevia interested me again, and if I confirm with the others that the spider looks good on this cavernous and aberrant map, but I would agree more with the suggestion of the male as a shoulder companion and the female as a mount, to give it roles different from both, and although it is likely that the female will be used more for obvious minimal reasons and if or if the male should be domesticated beforehand, which would be his key to obtaining the impressive female, they are also very tender as a chibi shoulder

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18 hours ago, Kingofthepast said:

No veo cómo hará esta criatura en el mapa porque es una araña adorable. No supera el mapa que tiene cosas aterradoras como el segador o criaturas muy extrañas como karkinos, buscadores sin nombre. Sé que las mascotas ligeras son criaturas lindas de este mapa, pero son presas, esta araña es un depredador.

I think that with a sexual dimorphism this fact could be solved halfway, something like the male as a shoulder pet is half tender and the female for her part is a somewhat terrifying mount compared to its opposite sex.

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