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need help, I can't connect my 5 clustered servers.


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Hello everyone, I have a little problem, I hope you can help me. I am at a pterodactyl host under Linux. here is my concern I created 5 different maps that I connected in a cluster, when I am on Ragnarok and I decide to transfer myself via the blue obelisk to go to the island everything goes well but once on the island and I click on reappear it automatically asks me to create a new character I would like to know why it does that

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Yes I found that I stupidly shared my administrator password but it's not a problem I changed it. I want to specify in case that it is a pterodactyl host under Linux and that I am a beginner. -ClusterDirOverride=\pathname in this command line what should I complete? 

1 hour ago, Larkfields said:

Les guillemets (simples et doubles) dans le nom de la session peuvent poser problème.

Je ne sais pas quelles sont les valeurs par défaut, vous pourriez donc avoir besoin...
-clusterid=myCluster -ClusterDirOverride=\pathname

Notez également que vous avez indiqué à tout le monde votre mot de passe administrateur .


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./ShooterGameServer "Ragnarok?listen?MaxPlayers=50?SessionName=FR/ArkanArk/Starter/Shoprewards/Recoltex5/Matux20/Incux10/XPx10?AutoSavePeriodMinutes=120?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=27020?QueryPort=27015?ServerAdminPassword=Arkanacity2023?ServerPassword=123456?Port=7777?AltSaveDirectoryName=Save1" -clusterid=4852684752065 -ClusterDirOverride=pathname -NoTransferFromFiltering -NoBattlEye' -server -automanagedmods -EnableIdlePlayerKick -ForceAllowCaveFlyers -ForceRespawnDinos -AutoDestroyStructures -log

The ClusterDirOverride is a directory where you want the cluster files to be.

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it still doesn't work.... i'll explain my situation better, technically i managed to combine the 5 maps in clusters but there is a small problem, when i'm on Ragnarok and i decide to go to the ' blue obelisk to transfer me to the island the transfer works but once on the island when I press reappear it automatically asks me to create a new character

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https://pterodactyl.io says that game servers run in  docker.

I'm not familiar with Dockers, so I'd have to ask : Do your maps each have their own docker?
If they do, can all the dockers see a single shared directory?  They would all need r/w access to a shared directory that acts as the cluster directory.

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18 minutes ago, Larkfields said:

https://pterodactyl.io says that game servers run in  docker.

I'm not familiar with Dockers, so I'd have to ask : Do your maps each have their own docker?
If they do, can all the dockers see a single shared directory?  They would all need r/w access to a shared directory that acts as the cluster directory.

That just means their servers are running in containers using Docker. It's a bit like VMWare, but a lot different :)

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it's complicated for me to tell you since I don't know too much about it, but what I can tell you is that the 5 maps are in the same machine.

4 hours ago, Larkfields said:

https://pterodactyl.io  indique que les serveurs de jeu fonctionnent en docker.

Je ne suis pas familier avec les Dockers, donc je devrais demander : Est-ce que vos cartes ont chacune leur propre docker ?
Si c'est le cas, tous les dockers peuvent-ils voir un seul répertoire partagé ? Ils auraient tous besoin d'un accès r/w à un répertoire partagé qui agit comme répertoire du cluster.


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