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Did Breedable Acatina Kill My Paste Farm?


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So the patch dropped last night and PS4 now has breedable acatina. I found that out by looking in my pen to see like 30-50 snails instead of the normal 10 or so, lol. So made more cryos and saved most and cleaned up the mess. I disabled breeding (must have played with one or two prior to patch and left it on) and then transferred settings to all. I look back and they are all breeding again! 

I farm acatina by allowing wander in a pen. I collect 100 paste at a time from 10 acatina for 1000 paste several times a play session. I recently realized it is also productive to collect the poly from all and restack it...it adds up faster than expected. But...I can no longer allow wandering unless I want scores of dead baby acatina laying around. I can see how that would be great for farming chitin, but I am playing single player and would need to claim them all to harvest them I think. 

One could actually raise massive quantities of snails and collect the dropped paste from increased numbers, but I really liked collecting the stacks of 100. I really don't need the increased dino head count, lol. It seems like my game is getting ready to crash when I return to base as it is now. More dinos probably won't help, lol.

Curious to see if it works like the feeding trough. Maybe I need to switch them off and on a few times...

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On 10/28/2021 at 10:34 AM, RINat615 said:

A true achatina farm has a gacha picking up the AP "poop" with them on wander, yes. But also they should be weight capped with stone. And I believe overburdened dinos can't mate. That way the gacha gathers the pooped AP and you get the single AP stack plus organic poly.

Someday, I will ascend off this Island and not feel bad about using the gachas. Hopefully soon...if nothing crashes and whatnot. I do have bases on Rag and Crystal to spread my stock around for security, so maybe I will try it there. 

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