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Titan Fight Advice


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Need some advice please,

I have my own server and currently we are playing on Extinction and taking on the titans.

On the Desert titan first kill no credit was given as well as no loot. 2nd fight onwards kill credit only went to one player (random/ closest) and the same goes for the loot. (13 Argent Army)

Forest titan, no kill credit also the titan explodes leaving only a loot cache behind. Why does this happen? (5 Giga Army)

Ice titan, no kill credit and also body just disappears with loot in Giga who killed it. (7 Giga Army)

Am I missing something?

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Kill credits for Titans are currently bugged, I can confirm this. I killed Desert Titan twice and Forest Titan 5 or 6 times and I never got the holograms. Playing on vanilla dedicated server. One player on this server got Ice Titan hologram after killing it a dozen times, the only thing he remembers is that he was maybe closer this time.

As for loot, I see nothing weird : Titan bodies disappear because your dinos "eat" them instantly. The loot goes in one of your dinos. But for Forest Titan, it goes in a death bag because your dinos get encumbered with tons of wood during the fight.

For Desert Titan, I always found the loot in one of my wyverns (I'm killing it with Crystal Wyverns).

Another recent report of this credit issue : 


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