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Official ORP Rules clarification


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On official orp servers:

Is it or is it not against the rules to be a member of tribe 'A' to transfer off the server and log in to the server with another character and create tribe 'B' where the member places spam, defenses, etc to block resources and locations, then transfers that character off the server and brings his other character from tribe 'A' back to the server.  Then repeating the transfer in and out of the alternate characters to effectively prevent anybody from utilizing the resources or even the ability to contest. 

Any response would be great!

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From the Hacking and Exploiting section of https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/code-of-conduct/

"PVP (ORP specific rule) - Use of a Proxy tribe or an alternate account to place structures or buildings to hide behind in offline raid protection is considered an abuse of ORP build mechanics and will not be tolerated."

It is against the Code of Conduct on ORP PVP servers, and so, is indeed against the rules.  Report it if you see it.

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