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Bronto TLC (Ideas and suggestions)



If you play Ark for 5 minutes. you know what the bronto is! (or at least i hope you do)
And we all know that (aside from getting berries) they are kinda of useless for combat and other uses 

So Here are some Ideas (i am going to uses the Xbox consoles for the abilities so if you Play on windows, PC or Playstation and you give the Equal buttons ill update it) lets do it!

Model: new look is needed, he looks much more detailed and just looks better,  Still very big and very chunky! AND BETTER LEGS!
New animations!

Passive buffs:
No knock back! No matter what hits you you will not get knockback or stuned Due to there bulk! unless a Titan hits you!
Drops ALOT MORE Meat! and hide! 

Saddle: the base bronto saddle has 3 seats, the head (the rider), and the 2 passengers (the back) the Rider does not need to to bother with fog or bad weather on maps, (Fog in island, the Bog, Snow storms, sandstorms, duststorms, etc)
Platform saddle: The platform saddle Still has the saddle on the top of its head but it allows you to build on him.

When it is in body high water it will still not swim (even if the people on the back are drowning) it will only start to swim when water up by the neck! so they can walk in shallow reef and will walk normal! 


(A button): Back stomp: if something is bugging you on the back you can deal a back stomp (like a titanosaur but not as good)

(RT) Tail whip: same thing, Very large Range, highest Knockback!, Able to harvest berries, but looks better! (great for thatch and berries) 

(LT) Front stomp: if you don't want to knock back something and just do damage, do a front stomp! is just a Heavy Stomp and does a ok amount of damage (gets a ok amout of wood)

(Right joystick) Large Stomp: The attack that uses a ALOT Stamina but does a very nice amount of damage (almost as much as a Giant turtle bite but has a Cool down 1 minute 30 sec )

But if you fail you just do a small AOE attack! no dismount.

Taming: he is a Bit harder to tame, while if someone is skilled enough to Shoot a slingshot at a bronto and KO it, they can but do to there thick hide, rocks just kinda tickle. if you do it enough it can happen but you will be there for awhile. but arrows will work better. darts are the best!

Varirnets: A X-Version Spawns on Genesis in the Bog, they have a Camo tree like pattern with a Wave pattern on their belly!  Very colorful!

Rex Rival 
Combat tame
berry harvesting  
Mobel base.

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