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What are the new raid tactics


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So apparently my old raid tactics are deemed almost useless. I know turtles arent nomore and that its stegos now since last year. But apparently brontos arent that great anymore for draining bullets like they used to. Cause i was raiding with my friends and he said some of the things i wanted to do werent viable for raiding and that different dinos are being used for raiding now including trikes for certain things.

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9 hours ago, Vengecide said:

So apparently my old raid tactics are deemed almost useless. I know turtles arent nomore and that its stegos now since last year. But apparently brontos arent that great anymore for draining bullets like they used to. Cause i was raiding with my friends and he said some of the things i wanted to do werent viable for raiding and that different dinos are being used for raiding now including trikes for certain things.

There’s a pretty simple formula for how tanking works if the Dino protects the rider well it takes a lot of damage but if the Dino makes the rider vulnerable it takes little damage.

oh and just so you know the trike is extremely op for soaking with mateboost and a saddle a trike can soak an entire 100 heavy wall.

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There are allot of outdated tactics that know it all tribe members love to hate on. Trikes, stegos and pachys are  the current meta for soaking but if the base has some turrets set to tamed then even turtles still have a place in pvp. Honestly with the turret nerf the new meta i see for offline raiding is just high movement speed and good flak as most bases seem to have a a weak spot but if that dosent work then just one stego is usually enough.  If they are online then brontos can still play a big role as a soaker/tanker as long as you have other dino support. 

I would actually suggest ignoring the meta and come up with your own tactics. It will keep your tribe above the rest in terms of style ? and with the tlc updates I imagine that the meta is going to be changing frequently anyways.

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