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Selective Stat breeding


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8 hours ago, GrumpyBear said:

It only hurts to have too much in run speed when you get the animals over level  378 i think on official.  If your animals end up hitting 450 they will get deleted by the server when the server restarts.  I wouldn't worry about that until then.  After which you breed in a lvl 5 and move in the lvl 5's run speed.  DOing the moving in run speed early to me is a waste of time.  YOu end up having to filter out the run speed of every wild tame you merge into your bloodline over and over again, instead - just worry about it at the end of the line.

So I should breed 0 movement speed when I hit 378? I've seen that some people start with level one and they end up with very high stats, but this takes so much time.

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41 minutes ago, CNeo said:

So I should breed 0 movement speed when I hit 378? I've seen that some people start with level one and they end up with very high stats, but this takes so much time.

Well, to make things easier - just tame a lot low level females for breeding stock. That way as long as you stick to one mutated stat per breeding line there shouldnt be any issues with levels. Completely removing speed points and/or other "unneeded" stats only relevant when you combine your highest stats together into one specimen.

Also you can make babies up to level 449 as long as you dont manually level them up to and over the level cap.

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Okay. I heard when you tame one low level female and breed your baby with best stats (hp, stam and damage) into it and make a female and male with 0 movement speed that you have better chances to get mutation, when every stats exactly the same. Is this true?

EDIT: I mean I understand the breeding and I have a Dino with alot melee mutations, I am just looking fot an "easier" way. So I dont have to claim every baby. I would see on the level when a mutation happened.

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No not better chances.  That gives you more room for more mutations.  Best chances for mutations is when both parents have room to have further mutations.   


For example,  my ravagers are born 304 with no mutations.  That means say I get lucky and I mutate only hp on one blood line until I get to 20 mutations.  That’s 40 more levels.  If I ran a separate bloodline only stacking melee mutations until I get 20 ,  that’s 40 more levels.  Now the resulting babies could be level 384 if I merged the two bloodlines.  

Then if I were to level that resulting baby all the way,  it would reach over level 450.


That is where removing wasted points becomes necessary.

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Mutating a low level stat will lock that mutation to that low level, so even if u mate w/ a good stat later on, the animals will carry on the mutation point even if you upgrade the stat w/ a wild stat later on.  The mutation will not move to another stat value.  It's locked to the value it originally mutated.  If you mutated 450 to 470, then you can't move the 20 points over to a 500 that you catch later on. 


I watch for mutations only after I have all the stats the same on both male and female.  That makes finding the mutation childls play.  Mutations can occur on any stat that you can level up.  If you can't put any points in the movement like flyers , then that stat won't mutate.  But land animals where you can add points into it if you want to, that stat can mutate, and all you get out of it is the increased torpor - not the benefit of moving faster.

To get mutations, the more females you have to breed with  - the better the odds of catching one.  I have over 50 spino females that all have the same melee and hp of the male stud I work with.  My current female line has 16 breeders that exactly match my current best stud.  By mating these, it doesn't matter which parent supplies the stat or the mutation - That first mutation is guaranteed to be the same change no matter which parent supplies the stat and which parent supplies the mutation.

You basically have a 55% chance of getting the better of the two stats from the parents.  Each stat runs that independently.  That stays the same even when one parent has been maxed out on mutations 20/20.  Then, you have a 55% chance of getting that parents stat.  From when I read how it works, I believe it also boils down to that parent having the 55% chance of supplying the mutation.  Since it's maxed out, that mutation would be lost.  So then you are relying on the 45% chance of the lower stat parent supplying a mutation onto the higher stat from the other parent. 


From then on, it's really 7.5% chance of getting a mutation x 45% chance of the parent who can get another mutation.  Before that, It was 7.5% x (55+45=100)%. = 7.5% chance of a mutation, after one side is full it's 7.5%x45% =   3.38% chance of getting a mutation.  You end up needing more than double the amount of females to work with in order to ensure you get mutations quick enough to do something w/ them.

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