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where to find red gems?


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anyone know of a safeish was to get red gems? as far as i can figure out all the red gems are in the radiation area but you cant explore without dying to the radiation. big flaw here as you need red gems to make radiation gear. is there somthing im not seeing here? there has to be red gems in a non radiation area right?

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Roll rats are all over the map and the easier way to get them in the beginning.  Don't follow one go and find multiple.  The amount of time you spent following one in 2 hours you could have probably found 30 or so more and found at least 150-200 red gems.  The good thing about the roll rat drop is they usually drop more than one or two.  Usually the quantity is 5 or above in most cases but not all.  

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This is by far the worst way of doing it. Even drops during an earthquake in the lower levels drop more red gems than a roll rat. If you want a larger quantity of red gems you're going to have to go into the depths of the nine hells of the map to reach them and harvest them. If you see red crystal formations you're in the right area. You do not have to go to the very bottom to find red gem nodes, but if you want more than a  handful at a time this is the way to do it.

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2 hours ago, GLADONOS said:

Hazard suit takes Blue gems NOT Red gems......................................

How has not one person pointed this out...? :Jerbmad:

EDIT: Gas Collectors are only 20, so i don't see how you could be at the point where you wanna make a Hazard suit and still not have like ~30 Red gems.

Yeah that's what I was getting at with my post. Once you get a gas collector you can make hazard suits and farm red gems way easier. 

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