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Are you talking about the supply drops?
Floating......pyramids with a glow effect/light?

They usually give you free items, but when you give them the desired items, normally artifacts and tribute trophies, you can summon the relevant boss to fight it.
Not recommended though without a good army of dinosaurs and equipment :)

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Hello survivors, never though possible upload dinos from aberration, i was on rlly no rush to aberration cause of that, keeping him late game map. So all map almost pillared right now?? Sorry for the invasion of your topic Liam, but im looking for some opinions what its possible or will be possibe from Aberration map.. 



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3 hours ago, Liam1w2 said:

Can anyone help. Im just curious about what the green spinning things that are all over the aberration map are for and what happens if you put the items it wanrs in it. 

Pretty new to this so need some help. 

Do you mean charge nodes? If so you can recharge batteries and craft a rare resource called element in it for powerful tek armour which you get engram for from bosses

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