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Late Game


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What are the best late games dinos for PvP and PvE?

If you have the time please could you specify what it is good for?

As in (this might not be right) setup like this:

PvP - Giganotosaurus - Good for the damage output.

PvP - Titanosaurus - Good for the health.

Etc etc.

So setup like that for both PvP and PvE, thanks if you can!


You may also want to tell me the best late game dinos for flying, berry collecting, holding down my base etc etc.

Thanks for reading and I hope you can help me!

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Tbh I forget sometimes what some call late game. I'll base it off of the level you have to be to unlock each specific thing.  These are all based off of my experience which is pvp related.


Gigas - obviously in any case you want something that can counter heavy tanks coming at you without wasting all of your bullets you farmed for months

Rock Golems - Their only main threat other than getting the rider sniped is a giga coming after them. Explosives can be used as well, but even still they are great tanks that can take a hit and be costly to whatever tribe you hit them with. Also that rock throw is a good counter to plants.

Brontos - They are tanks, but with the added ability of the platform they are multi purpose as well

Paracer - Same as the bronto but mammals so its a pain to breed them some times

Quetz- Nothing like a sky tank equipped with turrets and chain bolas to take out the other tribes lovely ice wyvern they are using to dominate the skys 

Wyverns (specifically ice) - They are fast Quetz even if they don't have the platform. Having a lot of these in all levels work for dropping small tanks and if its ice they cripple griffins 

Griffins - Dont need to say anything more than the dive attack that is so over powered atm I can see the nerf storm a mile away on them

Troodons - Odd to see on a list like this huh? Well everyone seems to forget it. Every tribe thinks they are the first to hide purlovia and these bastards remind them that they aren't. 

Purlovia - Because not many remember to bring a troodon when wiping a base (lol) 

Daeodon - A few of these on the back of a tanking dino, or to the side where you group your dinos up after a few rounds keeps the raid from taking literally 3 days.

Stegos - These replace the old meta of turtles becasue of the lack of shooting ( I read somewhere that it has been patched but not sure yet)

Turtles - Good for dropping in a base now since you can't really ride them to raid anymore. Either way they only take like a few hours baby stage so you can get a million of them easy.

Doed - Again, drop them in. But you can also roll with c4 on them as well. Once they ball up they become a huge bullet sponge. 

Squid or Mossa - Ever want to get all of the pearls you will ever need? Or want to fight through underwater caves for artifacts? Or need black pearls but cba going to scorched for deathworms? Yea, these kinda help with that but most importantly you cant help but laugh as people try to run on a raft from one of these after trolling you for 30 minutes while you tried to tame something important. 

And I think that about sums up most of what we focus on. I could add titan to the list, but the amount of people actually taming these on official is so low I don't think I've actually ran into a tribe that has aside from ours. They are just to much of a headache to get down for most to even attempt. Plus a lot of people get angry when their 24 hours is up and they spent half of it sleeping instead of taking shifts during a raid. 

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