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You have to have the boss trophies, alongside Alpha creature trophies, to unlock the TEK Cave. Minimum level to access it is 60 for Gamma, 80 for Beta, and 100 for Alpha. As Anumis said, you don't have to personally beat the bosses, since you can get the trophies from other players.

The TEK Cave is long and very challenging. Prepare for it as you would a boss, and then double it because once you manage to work through the cave, you'll be teleported to the ARK control center where you'll fight the final boss of the game. If you can defeat the boss, you're shown a short cinematic, then you respawn. Your implant will change to reflect your Ascension level

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You ascend to gamma, beta or alpha by completing the tek cave located at the top of the volcano (42.8º Lat, 39.2º Lon). Each difficulty grants you extra levels above level 100 and it's represented by the specimen implant in your forearm changing to a different color depending on the ascension difficulty; green, yellow and red respectively.

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