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Shoulder sidekick


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Whats your favorite shoulder mount? And for what reason? 

Some can say they all have thier uses, some prefer the jerboas because of thier cute little adorable fluffy selfs as a weather forcaster.

I'm also curious what would be the best shoulder companion for defence? 

I'm thinking Vultures right? 

Anyway as a pet my favorite is jerboa, quick & easy to tame and its just awesome... And as for a shoulder sidekick i'd  have to say I havent explored my options yet...

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I play singleplayer and for the longest time I never had any shoulder mounts, I don't know why really. If I knew then what I know now, a dimorphodon would be my first tame. I finally tamed one a couple months ago and it's saved me more than a dozen times. Especially since there's microraptors and troodons etc...that knock you off your mount or stun lock you. 

If I was on scorched earth I would probably get a vulture but I play on the Island and my dimorphodon has 1100 melee. 

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