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pve Looking for a Group for Beta/Alpha Boss Fights [CLOSED]

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We have a 3 member tribe and all of us are 90+ with me being the highest level player at 101. 2 of us are very experienced with Ark (2k+ hours) and we are just looking for another group to run the beta and alpha boss fights with. Our preference would be a Beta+ Dragon or a Alpha Broodmother, but we currently do not have any of the 3 done on official PVE and would like to get some more tek stuff going.

We can provide our own armor (mastecraft+ flak), gear and rexes (30k+ 700%+ for any we bring). The only thing we do not have is access to a good Rex saddle blueprint, but we can give mats to craft them if you have one. The main thing we are looking to get are the tek grams since we are all missing most of them. The two that we are focusing the most on getting are the Tek Transmitter and Tek Turret. We mostly want the tekgrams, so we are willing to travel to other servers to do the fights.

EDIT: I am not planning on trying to do the dragon until the boss fights are rebalanced for multiplayer. It looks like we have enough people with interest, I will add all of you and message all of you once the boss fights seem possible again. 


We successfully figured out how to do dragon. Just need more people. Any of you that I have added on Steam, I will try to get into runs as we do more Alpha dragon. Or if you get people I will come and help you out. Basically you just need a lot of people for dragon. 


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