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Monument building.


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My base fits entirely in a 2x2 foot print so I was thinking for what next? And I think.....stacked foundations to build a giant metal pyamid. Where you have to crawl to move thru choke points guarded by turrets. Where the only way to access something is by climbing an extended rope ladder.

And inside this pyramid would be the snaking maze like halls leading to the generators...or the forge...or smithy....or fabricator.

This then got me to thinking of other monuments. Like what about building a labyrinth for anyone to explore. Big sign saying get to the center or something.

And would love otherideas too. Already tried a light house. Just a tall tower (like 70 floors) intended to be filled with artifacts lol.

But I think the pyramid would be the best so far.

Or if not a pyramid than just a solid cube of metal foundations with some snaking hallways either one or a couple foundations high...and a few rooms and that's it.

Pretty sure no one would care to try to raid that...lol.

Just turrets and a solid metal cube filled with wiring and generators. For the lolz.

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9 minutes ago, d1nk said:

Pyramids are cool! My friend built one on our last playthrough before the corrupt save haha

What's the corrupt save?

I want to do the pyramid but want to stack foundations. The math on it looks too intimidating for a solo player.

Just a 9x9 footprint for the cube would be 4050 metal per layer...and I think it's 3 stacked foundations = 1 floor.....

So at least 100k metal...and it wont even be close to a cube yet. That's like a 9x9x3.

Because of that Im more tempted to do a labyrinth.

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