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No help from Wildcard


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So a squid jumped me today while I was busy farming silica pearls. It grabbed onto my high level mosa while I was not on it, that had an asc mosasaur platform saddle, and threw it outside of the map, and then let go, and killed me. Sadly the Mosa is stuck horizontally outside of the map, not vertically. Sadly Customer Support is no longer helping with stuck dinosaurs on official maps.

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i stopped that underwater craziness long ago. everything aggroes onto tames from a mile away. and with the glitching eels and squids i don't plan on taking out my swimming trunks any time soon. 

but there is a slight chance, a glitchy way to get that mosa out. if you take another dino and whistle follow from it and then play on the edge of render, it might swim through the ground. word of warning though, anything below the mesh can despawn any time you exit render range. still your only hope though. GM clearly wont come to the rescue.

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