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Early Birds
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  1. Spitefulness. That is what drives her or him. He or she finds the problems of the people here funny, and can't stop showing it with comments again and again. So no, she or he wont stop trolling. Sadly...
  2. This is what I see every day when I want to join the 492 server, or after i got a timeout/kick from it. In one word: Unplayable
  3. Do you actually know what the purpose of the grinder is? I don't think so, when i read your post.
  4. Is this question serious? What the people are exactly think is, that if a server dont even hit the 70/70 playersmark (not even 60), then why on Earth is there a ping of 255 all the day and disconnects everywhere? Why are there server for 70 people then, when they barly can handly 30-40?
  5. What is going on WildCard? 255 ping all the day on Genesis. I had 14 disconnects today my dudes. Are you guys serious about this? Is this it? Is this the way its meant to be? The serverhardware cant handle this. That is no joke anymore. If you cant afford better hardware, then make a monthly payment system and give the people premium serveracces. Everything is better then this!
  6. The situation has not improved since then. Timeout - Timeout -Timeout Not to speak about the many crashes of the Genesis server ...
  7. The server performance is really disgusting on 492. Now i cant even walk one foundtaion long without rubberbanding back 8 times and a "timeout" kick follows. This happens every 2-3 Minutes. Have fun and play the event they said? Have not even done a thing on event, cause it is not possible on 492 Extinction!
  8. Please wildcard, have a look! This situation is unacceptable. I can hardly stay online for more than 5 minutes before the freeze / kick appears. Our main game is on this server (492) and I and my tribe member cannot play. We can not do anything. I don't know if the new Asian players have anything to do with it or if it has anything to do with the event system, but we really need help here. We were really looking forward to the Valentine's Day event, but we won't be able to play under these circumstances. I can only ask you to take some time and have a look on it. Thank you.
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