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Everything posted by ArkStationOfficial

  1. Has anyone heard anything else about Primitive survival? (I don't read every single ark digest)

  2. Just drew a painting type drawing for the release of Scorched Earth. It took me like 3 hours. I will upload it this Friday most likely.

  3. Yessssssssss I hope you will be able to ride it and use it as tools as well.
  4. If this is a hint to a new dessert biome hopefully this and this will be released as a package.
  5. I wander if you need to find one in the wild and sneak up to passive tame it... I hope it isn't passive though.
  6. Desmodus needs an official dossier!

  7. ArkStationOfficial


    This needs to be a thing... Get on it @Jen and @Jat!
  8. I'm not saying Xbox can't run SOTF I'm saying that Xbox SOTF may have been harder to program so they did ps4 first.
  9. lol why are we gonna have a dog fight about it, ps4 got it and xbox didn't. Xbox was probably harder to program.
  10. Yes, Xbox is struggling but the game is extremely fun. We need SOTF to keep us going and to bring on revenue for new players.
  11. Do you need a saddle to ride the Manta? In the dossier it says you can ride them bareback, but in the spotlight they have saddles?
  12. This doesn't necessarily mean that Ark takes place in the 1600's, Whoever Rockwell is he may have found a loophole in time. Thsi
  13. Pretty Neat, Does this mean we will have contact with the real world?
  14. Good gosh, I ended up getting restricted from creating content until today. All I wanted to do is check out the censor and got restricted.

  15. YES! I Love It! I really hope these guys will be tameable. This will be the first fantasy-ish type creature added into the game. Extra Brownie Points If They Are Rideable! They look like they may be immune to narcotics since it has "Thick" scales, but they may introduce a new way to tame this animal. Maybe it might be a passive tame! (Not likely considering it has long curved claws.) I would absolutely love this thing if you could use it's tail to "shoot" the spines along it. I think this will be the best addition to the game yet. (Might be a GAME Changer! Get it? cause the "game"... ok I'll go away now.)
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