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  1. LVl 105 would be better so people have to grind cause 100 can be gotten to in 2 days solo if your being lazy
  2. 80% of console want to quit . U have no love for console players even though we paid alot of money to play your messed up game. Ark is all about Manas,meshing,quetz jam method and so on. Maybe u should add new servers to console and fix your game before you make it crumble.
  3. I have put 5 of the same post but they ignore us. The y only do it for pc so content makers can have something to do new.
  4. This game is dying so wildcard how about pulling your finger out of your ass and fit your raptoring game. U add jack poop to xbox and the servers u add to pc console get nothing. Fix your raptoring game before you kill your game. WELCOME TO MESHING EVOLVED
  5. No surprise there for pc. How about xbox get new server ?u wonder you ppl quit on xbox and it because u have no new content for us. Add classic to xbox plz
  6. I have realised u have no care for console. Pc get so many more severs and 2 get nothing. Maybe u should give us new severs as we have had no new ones for 10 months. This had made thousands to quit and maybe u should add more to bring ppl back.
  7. Are u ever gonna release new servers?? Everything ur doing is good but everyone would like 10 man servers. This would give everything a new fun time with all the recent improvementso and would bring ppl back who quit because of the fresh servers
  8. U add so much poop to pc and Jack poop to xbox. This is bs andwe all want ark to last but u don'tlistento ur community. This is y ark is dying and u don't give a poop about it. BRING 25 man to xbox andstart taking to the community to say what we want andget advice. this is why aregister populationis droppingfix it before ark dies and ado these servers to xbox.
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