Hi, Yes I have a few MOD´s on my servers, it all worked fine for a long time and only started having this problems about 2 or 3 months ago. Here are the list of MOD´s I have on my servers, We have 3 servers, Ragnarok, Svartalfheim and Hope. Here is a copy of my Hope server backup. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HIencgWNGhV5zieb5dmbLzBUey9HKnm9?usp=drive_link
6 April 2023
1 Svartalfheim (Map) - 2869407478 2 TG Stacking Mod 1000-50 - ID: 2966909221 3 Super Structures - 1999447172 4 Castles, Keeps, and Forts Remastered - 1814953878 5 Immersive Taming - 1251632107 6 Shiny! Dinos - 2016338122 7 S-Dino Variants - 2869411055 8 Best Eggs! - 1931415003 9 Dino Storage v2 - 1609138312 10 MarniiMods: Hairstyles – 2357644511 11 eco's Hair Dyes - 2926464353 12 Awesome SpyGlass! – 1404697612 13 Awesome Teleporters - 889745138 14 MX-E Shopsystem - 2198615778 15 Crafting Skill Potion – 2307661303 16 Death Inventory Keeper - 1837445660 18 Rhynio Everywhere - 2984407853 19 eco's RP Decor - 741203089 20 eco's Stable Structures and Decor - 1091147617 21 Dwarven Builders Mod - 2965693361 22 Transferable Element - 1564926019 23 Swappable Stryder Rigs - 2555247351 24 Hope (Map) - 869946022 25 eco's Garden Decor - 880871931 (edited)