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Everything posted by UDGxKnight

  1. Cuz this thread is still relevant.... I am not "high" there are literally very few GAME BREAKING bugs i.e. bugs that crash the game and keep you from playing it at all. Dino's disappearing, babies dying, lost characters, etc etc are not inherently game breaking seeing as how you can continue to play wether or not those things happen. However, those bugs are annoying and they are being fixed in the massive amount of optimizations going on currently, or did you ignore the past few patch notes. Anyways, don't quote from something almost a month old its just kind of annoying as I have already defended my opinion and don't feel like doing it again. Especially with underhanded insults, not direct insults cause I don't care but still slight ones.
  2. I never said they weren't helping with the map but just like with the center, which they publicly said multiple times on Twitter and such, it is the responsibility of the person who made the map to fix it up. Im not stupid I know the map is only 50% done. I am being realistic, 2 months is ALOT of time when it comes to polishing. Also being realistic is that it is physically impossible to release a bug-free game, that is just an ignorant thought process to think otherwise. The problem with performance isn't even entirely their fault rather it is the systems fault also for not being able to handle the memory strain. So you have had bad experiences with the game, oh well literally everyone has experienced a bug at some point and personally I have never experienced a "major bug" just little silly things. My bred babies don't die, I have only had one dino disappear and that is cuz I lost it and have no clue were it is (prly died), no falling through the map unless on single player messing around with ghosting, etc etc. I understand people have experienced the bad bugs but the devs are non-stop at work trying to resolve them and you can't even have the courtesy to have some faith.
  3. Ragnarok is a community created modded map, not WC's content and its free the exact same as the Center so those aren't even fuel for a debate. Scorched Earth was planned to come out after release but thanks to the company that made Dungeon Defenders that Jeremy used to work for decided to sue him and Ark they needed some financial assistance for the game without directly admitting it, so SE came out early and it was perfectly fine. I don't understand the hatred about a DLC pre-release if it provides exactly what it promises
  4. I don't buy season passes, waste of time if you start playing the game and realize you don't like it so spending that extra $ was pointless. I am confident in the devs of this game just like YOU should be because if it wasn't for them the game wouldnt exist. Oh no the game that I was completely and 100% warned about being buggy before I bought it for half price is actually buggy who would have possibly guessed that would be the case. Take your unhappy attitude to a different game if you want to be a pessimist >.> game will be better off without sourpusses
  5. Ragnarok Exclusive to find and tame but can be transferred afterwards, I think it will require Scorched though since it has Scorched content
  6. There aren't even close to that many bugs, stop exaggerating to prove your point. They can do it since it is the major focus for the next two months
  7. No not naive just pessimistic because you choose to be that way for some reason
  8. The roof thing is caused by rendering I have noticed, easy enough to tell the roof to render before the creatures instead of vice versa. Hatchling deaths just requires some tweaking to make sure they eat
  9. You think that can't fix the actual few major bugs there are in 2 months? Really? In reality in the scope of the game there are few if not barely any game breaking bugs, its just little things that I'm sure they will easily fix now that basically all the pre-release content is in
  10. Are you serious? They are literally going to spend the next 2 months optimizing and you think the game is gonna release buggy lol
  11. Happy Birthday to one of the best games I have played!
  12. You do realize that everything in this game is getting ready to be re-worked basically right? Like your post isn't even necessary if you really thought about it. You want new mechanics? For what? You can't just preach " WHERE ARE THE NEW MECHANICS?!" and not give them any ideas when they always ask for them. The game already has basically what it is all about in it, other than maybe some fancier stuff down the line. All the old creatures are getting TLC passes to make them more relevant and give them slight redesigns. You can't complain about wanting new mechanics to entertain you and then say the new mechanic isn't new just cuz it isn't what you wanted. Breeding is a perfectly acceptable mechanic that I thoroughly enjoy, especially with the NEW color mutation mechanic. More dinos give people more options, and as for the map being overcrowded lol what cuz frankly there are still parts of the map that stay bare besides the fact that I would guess they could do a dino spawn TLC pass (not necessary but meh). The devs have their plan for how the game should finish I'm sure (this isn't the kind of game that "finishes" anyway) but I don't see why that is a concern. The game could literally release today and be fine but they have a vision for the content they want in the base game on release and with the fact that there are only 9 creatures with dossiers left to release, which is a minimum of two more updates(possibly 3) I would say its pretty freaking close on being done with content and focusing bug fixes and TLC. This sounds rude but meh its just how it is, you gotta understand. I also never said that content was limited to items or creatures (not sure where you got that from) and my entire argument is literally just about being tired of people complaining about nothing and not helping the devs out even though they claim the devs need to do this and this for them. What exactly compelled you to comment on a post that was not meant for you in any way unless you are one of these people?
  13. Yeah, but since the game is still pre-release and is still in the add content before major bug wipe phase it just gets old seeing people say, "STOP ADDING CONTENT AND FIX YOUR GAME," like its just annoying for everyone at this point because the game still has MUCH more content to be added and just saying stop adding content and fix bugs is literally going to help no-one. See if they stopped to fix bugs then yeah the bugs would be fixed for a little bit maybe, at least until they went back to finish adding the content they have intended for release and something they release somehow unravels and old patch and makes an old bug re-appear (which from what I hear happens quite a bit in development of games). So as it stands now they fix the MAJOR game breaking bugs and not the little silly bugs like dinos disappearing( I get that may not seem minor but since it in no way, shape, or form keeps you from playing the game it isn't game breaking) so that way they can get through the content faster without having to worry about unraveling hours and hours of work in one patch. Patience is in short supply in this community, which I in no way understand since we all knew the exact same thing about it being unfinished.
  14. Frankly every single person who plays this game loves new content. You and your "tribe" need to understand what a pre-release game is and that you signed up for playing during all the games ups and downs until release. These comments like yours are getting EXTREMELY OLD and I am pretty sure these exact words have been said so many times that y'all are all being collectively ignored by anyone important cuz all you are doing is complaining to complain without giving ANY kind of constructive feedback on how to fix the problems (just saying stop adding new content IS NOT constructive criticism). You and all the other people who post these almost exact messages are just wasting your time cuz I am sure y'all are just viewed as trolls at this point.
  15. Please Please let this creature replace the T-Rex in the Snow areas. Always seemed silly to have a T-Rex in the cold instead of a large feathered or furred carnivore. LOVE this idea though, was really hoping the Yutyrannus would make it in.
  16. I will admit they jumped the gun on that front, but at least now that its in they can fix the nerf to be exactly what it needs to be.
  17. I am not inherently happy about it, but I do know that it is 100% necessary for flyers to be nerfed. They are already talking about changing the base speeds possibly and the stamina regeneration possibly
  18. Are you really crying and quitting a game because of a nerf that isn't even set in stone? X D that is what is ridiculous to me is people like you
  19. Well the devs made an official statement about it and the Nerf is here to stay so get used to it, it may get changed but its staying
  20. I can hope so, but because of how the game usually renders in my experience creatures load in before the structures so if a wild creature in an cage is running against the wall and I leave the render distance for the structure then it gets set free. This may be just a Single player thing to save on memory and I get that but it makes getting snake eggs or now using the Leed kinda impossible almost. Im not complaining like its the end of the world, just want a solution to a trivial problem lol
  21. I am going to assume it is a once tamed then another may spawn, otherwise its gonna be a highly coveted tame lol
  22. The problem with that is that its really hard to keep wild creatures in pens without them eventually despawning or such. They really should have made it tamable so that way you don't have to worry about the despawning or it magically glitching through walls
  23. Assuming you can convince a Leed to stick around your area then its a great idea
  24. I guess my one question is how are we supposed to take advantage of the Leed if it can't be tamed. Kinda hard to keep wild creatures in pens and keep them from disappearing. Other than that I am beyond excited.
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