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Everything posted by Metalios

  1. Lets not forget the Thorny Dragon here, this thing needs some serious TLC. The torpor attack is useless....sure it harvests wood and gets reduct which is great and all but there are other dinos that do this better. Any suggestions on how to improve this would be nice... perhaps they will implement some of these great suggestions.
  2. Adjust sandstorms so the visual effects do not go through walls. We should not see the effects of the sandstorm when we are protected from it, unless you opened the door of course.
  3. All of Primitive+ is down.................................
  4. What is the status of Prim+ Servers? They are not showing in the list even after verifying files.
  5. Is Primitive Plus going to get Genesis? It did not get Extinction it seems nor did it get Scorched Earth would love for these to be added to the cluster or at least some of the dinos......GASBAGS especially since we don't get body bags.
  6. I personally do not think wiping the servers is the answer. There are many players that enjoy them as they are. With that being said a new game mode could be made for the casual gamer/pvp'r. Feel free to look at my post
  7. Nice typo ? 2st, lol.....should be 2nd, but we know what you meant.
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