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  1. Maybe this community crunch is so empty because they have something big in the works and might possibly be featured in next weeks crunch? I hope. I just can't wait till we get S+ on vanilla!
  2. Wildcard, LOVE the new Dino TLCs, can't wait for all the new improvements! Also really really really good job with Aberration, it's so hard, so challenging and sooooooooo goood! the new dinos in it are fantastic, love the glow and the lsd mushrooms too. Really fantastic job! The map looks incredible! Now I just had a question: @Jen Are we likely to hear news about S+ integration soon? Building cliff platforms without it isn't really ideal at the moment. Would be awesome to know when we can plan for it.
  3. lol true that! but you gotta admit, that did look like they would launch at the same time. but who knows, maybe it will be implemented at the same time as play anywhere, fingers crossed!
  4. I know they never specified a date for S+, but I would have assumed, since they were streaming the sneak peak of aberration with S+, that S+ was coming out with aberration. That sneak peak was kinda misleading if S+ is still missing.
  5. I am LOVING aberration! But did I miss S+ integration on all official servers? I thought that was happening at the same time?
  6. @GP @TranqRex Ok so since this seems to be going backwards and forwards, can we ask the assistance of the WC Devs @Jatheish @Jen for clarification on this matter? I assume this should be pretty straight forward for them to resolve this dispute. As I see where you are both coming from. Maybe the wording of some of the things WC have stated weren't worded correctly or plainly enough, or maybe they are 100% as stated, but on that note, again, we need some answers from Jen or Jatheish.
  7. @KrakenOverlord How about a BEE catapult, where the beehive is the projectile and would deal torpor damage? Like a tranq catapult bullet!
  8. I'm excited! I can't wait to get into the depths of Aberration! ______________ As for the toxicity and saltiness of some of the commenters on this and most of this forum's threads: There is no need to be so spiteful towards WC in your comments, if you were a customer service advisor and someone called you and started to shout down the phone in a rude and incoherent manner, you wouldn't feel so inclined to listen to their concern to the fullest, their attitude would make you not wanna help them. It's not cute, nor clever. Be constructive, not abusive. Gather your thoughts, reflect on what your writing down, read it before posting so you know it makes sense. Anyone can write a rant, but for people to listen make sure that what you are writing is on topic, in the correct thread and above all constructive. Not dismissing that you have some frustrations and concerns, just make sure they are placed in the correct thread and worded with human decency. ------------------------ Ok, so thats my salty rant over. On a lighter note, I can't wait for December!
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