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Everything posted by EvilChaosDX

  1. Looks like they have heard the community's voice and have listened which is brilliant. Another reason why I follow this game closely even though I don't have time to play at the moment. Great work from the devs and as they progress as a company we'll see even more fantastic features and work.
  2. You've just made a lot of people very happy. People seem to love the design of the hidden lake area. Does that mean you've reduced the size of the snow extention now then?
  3. All sounds quite good! Looking forward to when it's ready for xbox But no luck with the dragon arena this time round?
  4. The core game will be the best mode for splitscreen when that is released that's just my opinion though. There is somewhere on the wiki with all the upcoming features
  5. If it was ready I'm sure they would. Yes the map will be available on all servers types (single player, non dedicated and dedicated) as confirmed by Jeremy Stieglitz aka Drake.
  6. They have had to wait a long time! But I guess that's down to Sony mostly. I wonder if the Nintendo NX may be able to get it in the future.
  7. Both your points sound fair enough to me And sorry I actually have very little knowledge on the new map and im trying to keep it that way to make exploration a bit more fun. I do know that it is definitely a good amount larger than the current map though.
  8. Maybe a democratic vote? Or dictate it, either ones good. Why valhalla? Fair enough it's an alright map, but it's a bit ott in my opinion whilst the centre seems to be very well thought out.
  9. Completely agree with you. The change of map will be nice. I'm looking forward to seeing what else will be released onto xbox in the future.
  10. Does look like an amazing job, can't wait to play on it! And something tells me he may have a further role in the future.
  11. In my opinion that would be a really bad decision. It is coming to xbox, and xbox already has Survival evolved with a lot of content. But it's your choice of course. Also I can't stand the playstation controller. Don't understand how people can find it ergonomic. But I guess I did play with an n64 and that design was poor!
  12. First post first page of this thread.. It's given a specific month
  13. I don't believe this is part of the main game anymore. On pc it's now a standalone game and looks like the same on ps4. I can imagine this will also be the case for xbox once it's released.
  14. What about the pc players? Did they not fund it to be released onto xbox? I understand your point though, but we've gotta remember money doesn't just appear. That being said I would like to see it on xbox soon, but Jeremy aka Drake has said we will be getting an announcement about something over the weekend.
  15. The indicators can be hard to see when we don't have the game version to experience this
  16. That's understandable, maybe I'm too trusting of what wildcard say or maybe it's the best information we've got to go on. Yes we have been doing it since release onto xbox helping develop the game for full release as a community. How can they possibly do this for playstation? As Jeremy has explained this seems to be the most viable method to get the game ready for full release with wildcards current abilities.
  17. I wonder if that means that the xbox version will also be a standalone game. Now I have to retract my comments from earlier! As these were based on the assumption that Sony had exclusivity for a while due to other reasons, not because of needing to test the game before full release. I know I shouldn't trust everything I read, but kinda did point this direction.
  18. If you're a British user like myself we gave them nearly double that!
  19. Now that's what we call an overreaction. They've got your money already, you own and have played the game, but of course that's your decision. Did you only play this game to wait for sotf?
  20. Which they wouldn't of had if it wasn't for the xbox users. Kinda ironic. Of course they may of had a decent amount from pc but xbox really pushed their profits through the roof. For the first time I'm actually disappointed with Wildcard. I understand the whole alpha issues, the whole delayed patches, but this to me is very poor. At the same time I haven't played the game in weeks and probably will never play sotf anyways, just my views on the subjects these days as I support this game.
  21. Talk about biting the hand that feeds them.... I mean talk about tearing off the arms that carried them.
  22. That doesn't answer my question at all. But if that is true then I can imagine a lot of pissed off people.
  23. Where does it state this? No where. Stop making assumptions and acting like..... I bet ps4 users are just really glad to know they've got something ark related coming in the near future!
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