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Early Birds
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Everything posted by thecanadianjen

  1. Yep exactly! And it's lost revenue too. Because people who may have been willing to buy the 'season pass' may not trust reliability now. People who were already frustrated at having their EA stuff basically ruined but willing to restart today and get a head start by taking the day off, this may be their final straw. And word of mouth means SO much in games. But oh well! I'll cross my fingers this is a turning point for them. Enjoy Ragnarok when it's up! Looks amazing
  2. That's not likely their setup. If they're leasing the servers, they should have full admin control of the servers. If not, they will have had pre-release queues set up and they push the button to allow the updates to go live. Either way, it's like 95% chance that WC are the ones delaying. And having worked with servers of all types, setting them up fing sucks. It can be broken so easily and it can often be easier to do a reset than try to figure out your problem. So likely there's some issue which is preventing them deploying them all. The problem with this is the fact that they are a business. They should have had the new servers up and stable 2-3 days ago and simply not visible to the server lists. To ensure they are ok, can handle load, there's no unforeseen memory leaks, etc. Then they should have had a feature flag that turned them on at release time or a minor, minor patch to activate them on people's guis. This not being live, constant push back is really not the way to approach it.
  3. You mention legacy servers, but there's no real mention of crossarks specifically. Will cross arks currently up be classified in the legacy system? If they are, is there a plan in place for people migrating off of them like in the other officials?
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